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House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 90
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Chapter 90 - High-profile Funny Guy

Mo Fei’svacation soon came to an end. She only stayed in Yang Yi's house for two days.Although the two had a lot of embarrassing moments in these two days, theirrelationship didn't develop further. On the contrary, because of the disputeover whether or not to let Xixi go to kindergarten, Mo Fei’s words caused arift in their relationship.

It wasunknown how long it would take for this rift to be repaired.

However,what was known was that Yang Yi and Mo Fei wasn't able to reach an agreement onwhether Xixi will go to kindergarten or not.

About twodays after Mo Fei left, Yang Yi received a letter from Hong Kong City, whichwas personally written and sent by Chen Yijie.

The content of the letter was naturally him thanking Yang Yi for the support of the two songs, which made him attain the honor of platinum records early and also made him return to the ranks of super-first-class singers again.

“OnJuly 23, I'm going to hold a concert at the Hongrenfang Concert Hall inJiangcheng. I sincerely invite you and your family to watch it…” ChenYijie also sent him five admission tickets for the concert, all of which wereVIP seats in the front row.

It turnedout that after releasing his new album, Chen Yijie also launched a plan for anationwide concert tour that had been suspended for two years. Hong Kong Citywas naturally the first and last stop, but he unexpectedly listed Jiangcheng, acity that was not originally on the planned list, as the second stop.

Obviously, he came to repay Yang Yi!

Chen Yijie’s level[1] was originally no less than Mo Fei. Although he has reduced his activities in the past two years and devoted himself to preparing his new album, his fan's viscosity[2] was greater than many famous stars. In addition, his new album has been a great success, which made his popularity and limelight unparalleled for a while.

Before thetickets for the concert at Hong Kong City Station went on sale, there were longqueues outside several sales outlets, and within less than an hour, all thetickets at all sales outlets were sold out!

It was thesame in Jiangcheng. Not only his fans in Jiangcheng, but also his fans innearby cities such as Shanghai all run over to buy tickets. Even fans who couldn'tget tickets in Hong Kong City have come all the way by plane. The concerttickets at Jiangcheng Station were also sold out, but it took less than a day!

This was still the speed of an era where there was no online ticket sale. After watching the news, Yang Yi thought that if there were online ticket sales, it would have been sold out in less than a few minutes, right?

It wasprecisely because of its hot demand that Yang Yi felt that Chen Yijie’ssincerity was too excessive. The five VIP tickets were closer to the stage thanthe infield. Even if there was no scalper markup, the original price was tensof thousands of yuan! And some people, who were crazy about buying it, couldn'tbuy it even if they have the money!

But Yang Yi couldn't use so many tickets… In total, he and Xixi, there would be two people at most?

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He couldn't give Mo Fei another star's concert ticket, could he? Take her to the concert? Yang Yi wasn't so indifferent to this level. Wouldn't that just make Mo Fei repugnant if he did that?[3]

Yang Yi hadalready planned to send the remaining three tickets back to Chen Yijie. At thistime, Guo Ziyi called: “Brother Yang, watch TV, Jiangnan Satellite TV,don’t ask me why, watch it first, hehehe!”

In a burstof proud laughter, the little fatty hung up the phone.

Yang Yi wasa little baffled, so he turned on the TV. Xixi, who was playing with her toys,ran over quickly, snuggled up to his father and said sweetly, “Papa, areyou going to let Xixi watch cartoons?”

After Mo Feicame over, she corrected a lot of Yang Yi’s bad habits of taking care ofchildren, one of which was allowing Xixi to watch too much TV.

In the past,Yang Yi could be said to have assented to every Xixi's request. As long as thelittle girl didn’t sit so close to the TV screen, he allowed Xixi to turn onthe TV and use the remote control to watch by herself. It turned out that aslong as it was appealing to them, children would have a strong ability to learnit. Xixi remembered how to operate the remote control after watching it a fewtimes.

But now, Xixi'sgood days were gone!

According toMo Fei’s advice, Yang Yi could only let Xixi watch TV for no more than twohours a day. Moreover, these two hours have to be separated and divided intotwo uses, with a few hours of rest in between…

So, Xixilooked eagerly at her father all afternoon, looking forward to her fatherfinally turning on the TV!

“Not towatch cartoons, Papa wants to watch Jiangnan Satellite TV.” Yang Yi wasn'tas proficient as the little girl, so he has to change the channel one by one tofind the local station.

“Okay.”Xixi pouted her mouth, but she didn’t choose to go away. Instead, she held herfather’s hand and squeezed into her father’s arms.

Her big eyes were sharp. She looked at the TV and at her father for a while. In her mind, she was thinking, “When Papa stops watching TV, will it be Xixi’s turn to watch cartoons?”

Finally, he found Jiangnan Satellite TV. The TV news anchor was introducing the results of the college entrance examination in Jiangnan Province: "…In the meantime, the liberal arts score line[4] is announced…”

The collegeentrance examination results were announced the day before yesterday, right? DidGuo Ziyi want to tell Yang Yi how he did in the exam? But what did he mean tellingYang Yi to watch the news? Would he know how he did in the exam if he watchesthe news?

Just whenYang Yi was confused, the news came to the section where the reporter interviewedthe top students in liberal arts and science, and the little fatty appeared onTV!

“Hey,isn’t that uncle?” Xixi reacted quickly, she exclaimed in surprise.

Yes! Yang Yialso saw him. He was shocked. This guy was the top scorer in science?

And he wasn'tjust the top scorer in science in Jiangcheng City. The title given to Guo Ziyion TV was "Top scorer in science in Jiangnan Province”!

“Papa, isn'tthat Uncle Ziyi?” Xixi shook her father’s hand and asked.

“Yes,it’s him.” Yang Yi wanted to say that it was a coincidence, but when hethought of the proud look of the little fatty just now, he was speechless.“If that wasn’t him, who else could it be?”

On TV, thereporter was asking Guo Ziyi about his study techniques. The little fatty said,“I don’t have any study techniques. The most important thing is that Ihave a lot of motivation to study. I work very hard before the exam. So Isuggest to those examinees watching in front of the TV to find the goal you arestriving for, and then go all out. I believe you can get your idealresult!”

So far, GuoZiyi’s answer was quite good.

But thereporter asked one more question: “Then can you share your goal witheveryone? Is it to be admitted to Tsinghua University or BeihuaUniversity?”

Yang Yi sawthe excitement flashing in Guo Ziyi’s eyes. Sure enough, Guo Ziyi opened hismouth and said, “No, my goal is to be admitted to Jiangcheng MediaUniversity!”

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What? YangYi added a sentence to the confused-looking reporter.

AlthoughJiangcheng Communication University could be regarded as a college, the scoreline was not high. As the top scorer, he didn't want to be admitted to TsinghuaUniversity or Beihua University but wanted to be admitted to this school. Wasn'tthis killing a chicken with a cow slaughter knife?

“Twomonths ago, I took the art examination at Jiangcheng Media University, butunfortunately, the examiners thought I was fat and young, so they didn’t passme.” Guo Ziyi said solemnly, “but I am not discouraged. I amdetermined to be admitted to Jiangcheng Media University.”

At the end,he raised his arms to the camera and shouted, “Jiangcheng MediaUniversity, I’m coming!”

Yang Yicovered his forehead and was completely speechless about this funny guy. Why didhe have to trouble with others when he was so talented? Besides, did he have tobe so high-profile?

Xixi didn’treally care much about what the uncle said on TV!

Seeing thather father was no longer watching TV, she looked around and secretly took theremote control from her father’s arms.

Changed thechannel and watched cartoons!


[1] I'm not sure if I got the translation right. The character was (卡司) – a Chinese transliteration of English cast, meaning cast, is a common noun in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Cantonese onomatopoeia of English “CLASS” (similar to “taxi”, “cheese”, etc.), meaning “level, grade, style”. The author likes to use this kind of words instead of using the layman words of it. Or I'm not good enough in translating.

[2] Viscosity here means attachment or loyalty. Or as defined in a dictionary, being sticky.

[3] To clarify. "he couldn’t give her the ticket because it would just provoke/annoy her if he gave her another star's concert ticket". In Yang Yi's mind, just because Mo Fei was a singer, he assumed that she wouldn't like to watch other singer's concerts. - for me, this reason was a little dumb.

[4] Score line - grade cut-off point

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