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Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 88 20.6 - Dungeon
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Chapter 88 Chapter 20.6 - Dungeon

As we entered the lair of the boss monster, an overpowering stench of decay assaulted our senses.

The massive tree-like creature, its twisted form writhing with corrupted branches and foul-looking foliage, stood at the heart of the chamber. Its hollow, empty eyes glared at us with malevolence.

'Putrid Embertree Spirit.'

A monster that is intermediate-high rank 4. A monster that can deal with everyone here on its own without batting an eye.

That being not enough, surrounding the Putrid Embertree Spirit were several Sylvans, their presence adding to the looming threat.

Then, there is a reason why this party was sure that we could defeat the boss monster even though it is individually stronger.

It is because we have the numbers advantage. Dealing with many people is something that has always been hard, no matter how strong a person is since it multiplies the possible scenarios that could happen in the fight.

However, then, what do you think is the most annoying type of boss monster?

The one that fights with other types of monsters under his command. This is because the resources that would be left to deal with the boss monster would be relatively lower than it was supposed to be, making it harder to deal with.

Because of this, Anya wasted no time, her command clear and precise.

"Astron, Ethan, Emily, cover for the weaker monsters. Keep the Sylvans off us while Fred will buff the party," she ordered, her shield and spear at the ready. The three of us nodded, positioning ourselves to defend against the approaching Sylvans.

Faye, Hari, and Anya stepped forward to confront the monstrous tree spirit. Faye hefted her claymore, her body-strengthening skill at its peak. Hari's dual blades danced with fiery energy, ready to strike. Anya's focus was on the boss monster itself; her shield raised protectively.


The Putrid Embertree Spirit, sensing our presence, let out an eerie, echoing roar that sent shivers down everyone's spines, making everyone feel dread.

It was the start of the fight where the boss monster would imbue everyone with the status effect [Fear].

"Fred, purification." Anya immediately instructed Fred, as she rushed to the monster readying itself for the attack.

"U-understood." And Fred did what was told.

The boss monster raised its massive, twisted limbs and, with a deafening roar, unleashed a barrage of corrupted branches imbued with dark nature magic.


"No, you are not passing me!"

As Anya raised her shield, she shouted, activating her skill.


And the branches reached to her shield. This was the start of the attack.


Anya, Faye, and Hari moved with a synchronicity that came from years of fighting together. Anya's shield deflected the Putrid Embertree Spirit's dark magic attacks, Faye's claymore cleaved through the corrupted branches, and Hari's fiery blades sliced into the creature's bark-like hide.

"Astron! Careful!"

Of course, they were not the only ones that were fighting.


The Sylvans attacked from the sides, their agility and strength making them more formidable opponents than before.

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'These are stronger. I guess this is the buff of Putrid Embertree Spirit.'

The reason why this monster was a formidable opponent was not because it was only strong on its own but because it also had the ability to buff its own creations.


I, Ethan, and Emily fought valiantly.

The two's coordination and teamwork improved with each encounter. Emily's swordsmanship was precise, and Ethan's spear thrusts deadly.

My dagger skills also continued to evolve without stopping since Sylvan's were faster than before.

Even though Ethan was a lot more talented in terms of combat, Emily was doing her part of the job. However, the effects of the fog and Fred's skills started taking a toll on their body, and this was showing now.

'It is about the time.'

The constant sounds and tremors of the boss fight was entering my senses, and this should be the same for Fred.


And because of those noises, nobody saw the small needle that was amplified with green-colored mana reaching Fred.

"Ethan, cover me," Emily shouted, attempting to create some distance between herself and the relentless Sylvans.

However, Ethan's response was disheartening. His body felt sluggish, and he struggled to maintain his usual agility. "I'm trying, but my body doesn't move as I want," he confessed, his frustration palpable.

And, at that moment, I could see Ethan's attention immediately turning to Fred.

'He realized.'

"This! It is your doing, isn't it?" As he mumbled to himself, I could see the scene that happened in the game. He was now probably seeing the flashbacks and putting everything together as it was in the game.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" And with a loud shout, he immediately gathered all the attention on himself.

"What is it, Ethan?" I could hear Emily as she also turned her head to Ethan.

"This guy betrayed us." And Ethan confirmed it, clearly looking at Fred.



Fred clicked his tongue; however, soon, his annoyance turned into a grin.

"I guess you really are a Hartley, huh? I was going to offer your head to the boss, but I guess this will be for later."

With a malevolent grin, Fred began to chant an incantation that was unmistakably forbidden Demonic Skill.

He was using his skill, [Volatility].

That skill was not only effective against the people but also against the monsters. No, it was a lot stronger against the monsters since they were rather more likely to be controlled by their instinct.


Just to prove that the Putrid Embertree Spirit, already weakened by our relentless assault, suddenly went into a frenzied rampage.


Its corrupted branches flailed wildly, striking both Sylvans and our party members indiscriminately.

I dodged one, two, three, four….The number increased as I tried to defend myself.

However, given my physical limitations, I found myself unable to defend against the monster's ferocious onslaught.



A massive branch struck me with brutal force, launching me through the air and leaving me disoriented and helpless.

I could feel the pain in every inch of my body; at least three of my bones were probably broken, and it was even hard to breathe.

"NO!" Anya's anguished cry was drowned out by the cacophony of battle. I felt myself spiraling uncontrollably through the air, away from the chaotic battleground.

"ASTRON!" I could also hear Ethan's voice and see his widened eyes.

And in the midst of the chaos, Fred seized his opportunity. With remarkable speed and stealth he had not shown before, he snatched the coveted dungeon fragments and vanished into the thick, obscuring fog.

As I descended toward the fog-shrouded ground, disoriented and nursing injuries, I could only watch as Fred was leaving the place with a smirk.

However, neither did he know that tiny little tendrils of green were connecting me and him….


As Astron disappeared into the thick fog, Ethan's heart ached with a mixture of anger and despair.

He desperately wanted to go after his fallen comrade, but the reality of their dire situation bore down on him like a crushing weight.

Ethan and other members of the party watched Astron fly and Fred leave; they were busy trying to fend off the attacks of the boss monster that was clearly in a frenzied state.


With each of its roars, the Putrid Embertree Spirit attacked, and the ground trembled.

"I will save him."


Ethan shouted as he fended off another attack from the monster, trying to make his way towards where Astron flew.


However, at that moment, someone blocked him. Before him stood Hari with her two blades.

"Ethan, I know you are upset, but right now, we can't afford to split ourselves."


She spoke as she dodged another branch spurting from the ground.

However, Ethan's mind was on the guy who just flew. He wanted to rush at him as his comrade.

As Astron disappeared into the thick fog, Ethan's heart ached with a mixture of anger and despair. He desperately wanted to go after his fallen comrade, but the reality of their dire situation bore down on him like a crushing weight.

"I have to save him," Ethan declared with determination, trying to push his way past Hari, who had positioned herself as a barrier between him and Astron's last known location.

Hari, her fiery blades gleaming in the dim light, stood firm. "Ethan, I get it, but rushing in alone will only get you killed. We can't afford to split our forces now."


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Another deafening roar from the Putrid Embertree Spirit punctuated her point, causing the very ground to quake. Sylvans closed in from all sides, their malevolent eyes fixed on the party, their movements unnaturally quick and coordinated.

Ethan's fists clenched in frustration. "But he's hurt! He's alone out there!"

Hari met Ethan's gaze, her own eyes filled with concern. "I know, but if you leave now, we'll be in the same situation as Astron, surrounded and outnumbered. We need to trust that he can take care of himself. Anya and the others are calling for help. We have to trust the team and regroup."

Ethan gritted his teeth, torn between his instinct to rescue Astron and the grim reality of their predicament.

'This….Why it has to be him?'

He still remembered the back he had shown at that time.

"There is no such person left."

The emotions in his words. The helplessness and loneliness.

And now, he was about to do the same thing just like others.

Leaving the weak link alone.

The weight of his decision pressed heavily on his shoulders, and he felt a burning sense of helplessness. He knew that leaving Astron behind was the right tactical choice, but it didn't make it any easier to accept.


He clenched his fists so hard that his nails dug into his palms, blood dripping from them. He threw a look into his spear as he remembered the words that his father spoke.

"When you understand that you can't save everyone, it is the time when you become a real hunter."

"Why? I want to be a hero."

"Hero, huh? You can be a hero if you want."


"But Ethan. One day, you will understand. Unless they have the power to back up their beliefs, no one will be able to stay as heroes in their lives."

'So this is what you meant by those words, father….'

Ethan realized the words his father spoke to him when he heard about his desire to be a hero.

Different from others, his father never went against his wishes to be a hero. He never ridiculed him, never said it was a foolish dream.

But he simply emphasized the importance of strength, and Ethan understood this fact a lot better now.

'It is because I am still weak.'

It was because he was weak that he was unable to save him all alone. If he was stronger and better...

'If I was a bit stronger...'

With a heavy heart, he nodded reluctantly. "Fine, let's regroup. But we better find him once this mess is over. We owe him that."

Hari's grip on her blades tightened, and she gave Ethan a solemn nod. "Agreed. We'll get through this together."

Together, they turned their attention back to the chaotic battlefield, where the Putrid Embertree Spirit's frenzied rampage showed no signs of slowing.

Just like that, Ethan took his first step into becoming the protagonist.


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