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I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 111 Layla⇒Alfred⇒Milleia
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"Don't worry?" Jayden seemed confused by my calm words. Milleia wasn't the only one who became close to me and Lyra. Jayden also felt close to us so his worry was justified. The only hiccup is that I didn't care about Lyra's problem and I might have inadvertently shown it in the tone I used.

"Yeah, don't worry," I plastered a smile on my face and continued. "With Milleia, there is no way, she will remain mute like that."

"Yeah, you're right." Jayden nodded with a smile as he looked at Milleia.

"By the way, are you ready for the exams next week? Until now you have only received passable marks." Jayden asked.

Is that an insult?!

I am not even trying and still getting better marks than the other bums of my class!

"Yeah, I am ready," I lied through my teeth.

Honestly I had my fair share of lessons on Earth so I just wanted to laze around in class and concentrate on getting stronger in this world.

Stifling my yawn with my hand, I turned in the next corner-

"Milleia, how are you?"

A vein popped out on my forehead when I heard that voice.

I looked ahead and saw—obviously it's him!

Alfred with a dazzling smile was speaking to Milleia.

"It's really a sunny day, don't you think so?" Alfred asked with a little chuckle.

What a pathetic way of seducing a girl…

[<At least he is trying.>]

Cleenah replied in a meaningful tone.

'Does that mean that you think I am not able to seduce a girl?'

[<I don't 'think' it. I am convinced.>]

I scoffed at her words. 'I seduced the most beautiful girl on Earth in my previous life, if you weren't aware.'

[<I won't believe your words.>]


"I like sunny days since it makes me want to go out and enjoy outside. Ahaha."

Oh for Eden's sake, I'm getting second hand embarrassment and I'm sure Lyra as well who is next to Milleia.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"I also like sunny days, Your Highness," Millleia, still oblivious of Alfred's obvious feelings for her, giggled.

I had to admit that Milleia looked really beautiful while laughing and Alfred seemed to think the same since he stared at Milleia's face with his breath taken away.

"Your highness?" Milleia tilted her head when Alfred froze.

"Your Highness, she is talking to you." Thomas, as a good first wife, helped his lover to wake up from his dream.

"Ah! I'm sorry, ahaha." Alfred recovered but…

Is he really the guy who was chosen to rule the Kingdom?

"Milleia, I have a favor to ask you." Suddenly Alfred's tone turned severe.

"A favor?" Milleia was confused. "I don't know if I am capable of helping, Your Highness but I will do my best." She said with an innocent yet firm tone.

"You see…just after the written exams…we have a day off and I wondered…" Alfred fidgeted like a teenage girl and I knew where he was going.

He is never abandoning it huh!

Where is Jayden?!

Before I knew it, he disappeared from my side!

Lyra was also lost in her thoughts. Not like she would have done anything anyway.

I can't let him finish that…

I had that famous sensation of déjà-vu. It's a decisive moment where Alfred could really 'rob' Milleia. Thanks to my and Jayden's intervention, he was unable to speak to Milleia often but even that had its limits.

"Hell no, Alfred," I landed in front of Milleia and smiled brightly to annoy Alfred.

"Edward?" Milleia was surprised that I was there.

"E-Edward…" Alfred gnashed his teeth hard enough that I could heard the sound.

"Edward, you are interrupting his Highness," Thomas glared at me.

"Oh, Thomas? I heard that you have been engaged to Carla, you must be glad, right?"

"W-What?" Thomas stuttered when I brought up his engagement.

Indeed, Thomas had been engaged to the Sub-Heroine, Carla Roger, a month ago. From the outside, it seemed like a political marriage but I knew that Thomas had a huge crush on Carla and that he forced his parents to bring up the marriage subject to Carla's parents.

Now, I think you might have understood what would be Carla's event?

Yeah, currently Jayden and Carla are in love with each other but none of them is willing to assume it, even less Carla but with her sudden engagement, she will start to fail into despair. Anyways, Jayden is gonna fight Thomas and his family to cancel the engagement and everything with it…

Poor Thomas…he doesn't know yet he will be robbed from his crush.

"I mean with Carla."

'You have been drooling like a dog in heat for years now' I wanted to say to annoy him more but I held back as Milleia was just behind me.

My meaningful gaze closed Thomas' mouth.

"My bad, Your Highness, Alfred Celesta, First Prince of the Celesta Empire who will one day rule the Kingdom with a HIGH RANKING NOBLE QUEEN…but I have something planned with Milleia, if you'd excuse me." I bowed with a hidden smirk and grabbed Milleia's arm to drag her away.

"H-Hey! Wait! Milleia, I have something to-"

"Your Highness."

Fortunately I didn't have to speak further.

I turned around and saw the girl crazy about Alfred.

I could see visibly Alfred's face turning paler and he was damn right to be scared!

Behind him was approaching a girl exuding plenty of sex appeal. She was standing out from the nobles as she was the only high ranking noble wearing the blazer uniform.

It was obviously Layla Adriana Tarmias.

Let's see if she learned what I have taught her.

The last months, I have tagged along a lot with Layla to speak about Alfred and other important things… I, of course, gave her tips to seduce Alfred and I hoped she was ready.

"Layla…" Alfred was definitely upset. Now, he couldn't even try to ask Milleia out.

"Your Highness…" Layla muttered as if absorbed by Alfred's face.

I grimaced at that sight and took out my phone stealthily.

<Do it!> I sent it ten times to Layla's number.

Layla's phone vibrated thankfully.

She scrolled on her phone and a look of surprise appeared on her face. Then she started to run her gaze around before it fell on me.

Don't tell me that she didn't even notice me?!

"A-Ahum…" Layla suddenly squirmed around awkwardly. "A-AAAAfred…ca-can I-I call you l-like that?"

"..." Alfred was speechless at this sight.

I, Lyra and Thomas as well.

Layla was fidgeting with a flushed face and it was completely out of her character.

It totally caught Alfred off guard.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Well, the always confident and noble Layla had the expression of an innocent maiden after all. That was Alfred's weak point. He liked innocent girls like Milleia so I asked Layla to ask Alfred if she can call him by his name and exaggerate her behavior…and she was doing quite well.

Honestly I couldn't tell if she was acting or she was truly embarrassed to call Alfred by his name alone…

"C-Can I?" Layla asked again while playing with her wavy black hair and with moistened eyes.

She was indeed really attractive…


"Can I?!" Layla asked again but her innocent gaze was gone and she had that crazy obsessed gaze.

"..." Alfred fell again into silence at that scary sudden change in behavior.

I slapped my face.

Why is she so impatient?!

She just had to continue and he would have agreed timidly! It would have definitely caused a ripple in his heart!

"Your Highness?! Then?" Layla approached her face dangerously close to Alfred's face making the latter flinch.

"I'm busy, Layla, another time." He put on his princely expression and left with Thomas who was blushing after Layla's performance.

"Mouhhh!" Layla clenched her fists and sulked.

That girl…

I'm sick of seeing the same failure at every single of her attempts because of her impatience! I'm really doing my best to coach her for now two months and she is spoiling everything at the last moment!

I should better run away before she harasses me with her questions. Because I opened my mouth a lot about Alfred's preferences and they were proven true, Layla started to pester me a lot to know more about Alfred. Talk about a stalker.

"U-Um, Edward…" Just as I was about to turn around, I heard Milleia's shy voice.

"Hm? What's up?" I asked.

Milleia's face was slightly flushed as she pointed at her arm—which was still grabbed by me!

"Ah, sorry." I released her hand hurriedly which I have been grabbing for more than three minutes and tightly on top of that. Her arm had nearly my hand's imprint on it.

All of that because of that dumb Prince and that twisted Villainess! This love triangle is really driving me insane!

"Did I hurt you?" I asked, awkwardly.

"N-No, it's okay." Milleia waved both her hands, reassuring me that she was alright.

"I see, let's leave now-"

"Oh~isn't that dear Edward?"

Fuck me!