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I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 302 Amael's Show [2]
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"Hey, Jiren!" Allen shouted, glaring at Jiren, but Jiren and his friends still stood frozen.

As if they would move after I beat them up and threatened to kill them – they knew I wasn't joking.

Allen didn't understand how to intimidate people. People were intimidated by his status, and that was it.

I smiled slightly, crossing my legs on the row in front of me. Then I looked down at him with my amber eyes, devoid of any concern.

Allen's arrogant grin vanished, replaced by a cold expression. "Get him," he ordered his cronies, and two of them started moving toward me.

"Wait, stop right there!" Victor stood up. He couldn't let them do whatever they wanted to me.

He was a good guy.

"Victor Raven, are you opposing my House?" Allen asked with a glare. "I am here on behalf of my sister."

Victor clenched his fists. "Why do you need Amael? He didn't do anything…"

Allen shrugged nonchalantly. "You see, his friend, what was his name again? Jahn? Or John? Whatever the name of that Half is, he is currently undergoing a thorough 'training' in my sister's class. I just wanted to invite his close friend to the training as well."


Thorough training, huh?

He's probably getting beaten up, and beating them up – but since Allen is here, I'd say it's more of the former.

"Do you understand, Half? This is my sister's mercy and generosity for you. Or are you going to leave your friend alone?" Allen smirked. "Like a coward."

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Again with that word.

Celeste told me about it three days ago.

Then Duncan Tepes.

And now this bastard.

"Enough, Allen. You're going too far!" Roda entered the hall, her bright yellow eyes staring coldly at Allen.

"Just take a seat, Roda," Allen patted the spot on his right. "It will be over in a few minutes. I will just bring him to my sister. There is nothing wrong with it, right? Unless this cowardly Half prefers to stay comfortably in the back?" He added, laughing at me.

Following that insult, most of my classmates, along with curious first-years who entered, burst into laughter.

"Allen, you can't—"

"It's okay, Victor," I cut off Victor, raising my hand.

He has done enough.

"I obviously would never leave my dear friend alone," I said with a smile. "And I'm quite curious: what does one of the three Celestial Elven Princesses want from a mere Half like me? Is she going to confess to me, perhaps?" I asked, stroking my chin.

The hall fell into a dumbstruck silence at my words.

They were giving me that gaze, meaning: 'Do you have a death wish?'

Because I was referring to Alvara, who was like a Goddess in her House and not that far off for others due to how unattainable she seemed.

Allen's gaze became murderous. There was no doubt that he was a sis-con as well.

"Break his legs and bring him down at my feet," he said.

"Nobody is allowed to fight inside the Academy, Senior…" Roda's voice sounded next to Allen, her expression serious and a little apprehensive.

I briefly glanced at her. "I take back everything. You're just a coward hiding under your crush's skirt."

"...!" Allen's expression twisted in anger, and he immediately swung his sword, attempting to catch me off guard.


I dodged, letting the sword graze my hair, and swiftly reached for his neck, slamming his body into the large desk, breaking it.

"KAH!" Allen cried out in pain, but he quickly recovered, summoning a large green mana circle above me. "D-Die!" He glared at me, a mad smirk on his face. The most update n0vels are published on ɴovᴇl(F)ɪre.ɴet

"Die? With that?" I pointed upwards, chuckling before lifting and hurling him into his own circle.

"GRAHH!" The circle disrupted upon contact, sending Allen flying. I propelled myself off the ground, twisting mid-air, and delivered a powerful kick square in his face, breaking his jaw in the process.


He coughed blood and hurtled downwards, shattering half of the marble stairs. Coughing up more blood, he slowly raised his hand again, murmuring something.

"Still standing?" I dove down, crushing his arm under my foot.


"..." I raised my foot again, targeting his other arm.

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"W-Wait!" Victor called out to me.

I turned my gaze toward him.

Celeste was covering her mouth in horror, while Cylien had averted her gaze.

"A-Are you sure about this…I mean…" Victor struggled to articulate his thoughts.

I sighed. "Victor, I don't think you fully grasp what kind of person he is. How many families he has destroyed. How many girls he has assaulted under the pretext of being a High race. I'm pretty sure some of his classmates can attest to my words. I'm merely avenging them."

"T-This is too much!" Next was Celeste. "You've already beaten him…it's over. This is too...violent, I think."

With my gaze fixed on her, I stomped down.



"Say that to his victims, Celeste ," I remarked as I lifted Allen by his shirt. His head swung either way, completely dazed by pain. Then, I threw him again, this time against the whiteboard. Swiftly reaching him, I punched him in the stomach, embedding him in the wall.

"You are naive, Celeste," I said, delivering a punch to his left arm. She needed to get rid of her pink-tinged glasses and see the world as it is. A rotten world with rotten Gods and rotten beings overall.


"Victor barely reacted, and even Cylien ignored her fellow elf's predicament," I continued as I let Allen fall to the ground on his stomach. "Obviously, they are aware of what kind of scum he is and that he deserves worse than this."


"...!" When I broke his remaining leg, Allen's body convulsed, and he lost consciousness.

Without wasting any more words, I grabbed Allen by the scruff of his shirt and dragged him on the ground.

"Where are you going?" Victor asked me.

I smiled as the first years immediately parted, giving me a clear path.

"I'm a compassionate man, so I will bring the little brother to his big sister."