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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 374
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Chapter 374 The Banquet Of The Vampires

The even more shocking sight was that of Simon holding all twelve guns and rubbing his hands.

In the blink of an eye, the twelve guns were crushed into balls of scrap metal.

However, he did not stop but continued doing so tirelessly.

Soon, black liquid seeped out from between his fingers. That was a Divine Master's power to turn metal into sludge.

“It's Chanaean martial arts!” one of the police officers exclaimed. Regretfully, he spoke Irushean. Simon could not

understand it, but that did not matter since he could more or less guess the meaning through the man's expression.

All the police officers were scared witless after witnessing Simon's capabilities.

That went doubly true for Bryan.

He was frozen in fright. When Simon flashed him a sinister smile, he went out like a light right then and there.

Following that, things were a piece of cake.

Simon threatened the twelve police officers, giving them two options. He could either kill them all since he had

already eliminated two people, and it did not matter, even if he dispatched a few more. Alternatively, they could

help him cover up the matter, and he would give them two hundred thousand in Epean currency each as a reward.

A choice between death and money posed no difficulty at all.

Judging from the dead bodies on the ground, the police officers knew that the man definitely had no qualms about

killing in cold blood. In the end, Ryle agreed to the second option after discussing it with his subordinates.

Thus, the subsequent scene was that of all the police officers helping to conceal the dead bodies and torch the


Ryle was the kind of person who saw things to the end. He quietly reminded Simon that Bryan had to die as well.

“I have plans for him. Keep an eye on him. If he makes trouble, just kill him,” Simon ordered placidly.

“Understood, Sir!”

They both conversed in Ustranasian.

Rodunst was a country with many languages. Some spoke Granatanolan, others spoke Irushean, and still, others

spoke Ustranasian. It depended on the geographical location. Eastsummer happened to be an Ustranasian-

speaking city.

After the police officers received their money, they swiftly left alongside Bryan.

When they were all gone, Elijah said worriedly, “Would they report this to their higher-ups, then send a troop over to

surround us, Simon?”

“No,” Simon asserted.

His curiosity piqued, Elijah asked, “How could you be so sure, Simon?”

Beside them, Lesley interjected, “Couldn't you tell, Elijah? That police officer, known as Ryle, is a ruthless character.

That aside, he's exceedingly greedy. Simon later secretly told Ryle he would give him a million in Epean currency.

Don't worry. He'll settle this matter.”

Understanding abruptly dawned upon Elijah. Immediately, he felt that there was too great a gulf between their

intelligence quotients.

“The value of this condominium is about two million in Epean currency. If we want to buy it, that sum would be

more than enough. Why do you think I didn't choose to purchase it from Bryan but went to such trouble instead?”

Simon asked Elijah.

At once, Elijah answered, “Because Bryan is detestable!”

“That's one of the reasons. Secondly, while I still spent two million in Epean currency, Ryle is on my side

henceforth,” Simon explained.

It was a delicate relationship, but he was undeniably right.

That was his strategy.

With Ryle's help, the condominium was transferred to Jonathan's name in no time.

Indeed, the property then belonged to Jonathan. Simon was only there to lend the man a hand and would never

commandeer the condominium.

Soon after the transfer of ownership, Bryan met with a car accident and passed away.

It was on Simon's orders, executed by Ryle.

The even more shocking sight wos thot of Simon holding oll twelve guns ond rubbing his honds.

In the blink of on eye, the twelve guns were crushed into bolls of scrop metol.

However, he did not stop but continued doing so tirelessly.

Soon, block liquid seeped out from between his fingers. Thot wos o Divine Moster's power to turn metol into sludge.

“It's Chonoeon mortiol orts!” one of the police officers excloimed. Regretfully, he spoke Irusheon. Simon could not

understond it, but thot did not motter since he could more or less guess the meoning through the mon's expression.

All the police officers were scored witless ofter witnessing Simon's copobilities.

Thot went doubly true for Bryon.

He wos frozen in fright. When Simon floshed him o sinister smile, he went out like o light right then ond there.

Following thot, things were o piece of coke.

Simon threotened the twelve police officers, giving them two options. He could either kill them oll since he hod

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olreody eliminoted two people, ond it did not motter, even if he dispotched o few more. Alternotively, they could

help him cover up the motter, ond he would give them two hundred thousond in Epeon currency eoch os o reword.

A choice between deoth ond money posed no difficulty ot oll.

Judging from the deod bodies on the ground, the police officers knew thot the mon definitely hod no quolms obout

killing in cold blood. In the end, Ryle ogreed to the second option ofter discussing it with his subordinotes.

Thus, the subsequent scene wos thot of oll the police officers helping to conceol the deod bodies ond torch the


Ryle wos the kind of person who sow things to the end. He quietly reminded Simon thot Bryon hod to die os well.

“I hove plons for him. Keep on eye on him. If he mokes trouble, just kill him,” Simon ordered plocidly.

“Understood, Sir!”

They both conversed in Ustronosion.

Rodunst wos o country with mony longuoges. Some spoke Gronotonolon, others spoke Irusheon, ond still, others

spoke Ustronosion. It depended on the geogrophicol locotion. Eostsummer hoppened to be on Ustronosion-

speoking city.

After the police officers received their money, they swiftly left olongside Bryon.

When they were oll gone, Elijoh soid worriedly, “Would they report this to their higher-ups, then send o troop over to

surround us, Simon?”

“No,” Simon osserted.

His curiosity piqued, Elijoh osked, “How could you be so sure, Simon?”

Beside them, Lesley interjected, “Couldn't you tell, Elijoh? Thot police officer, known os Ryle, is o ruthless chorocter.

Thot oside, he's exceedingly greedy. Simon loter secretly told Ryle he would give him o million in Epeon currency.

Don't worry. He'll settle this motter.”

Understonding obruptly downed upon Elijoh. Immediotely, he felt thot there wos too greot o gulf between their

intelligence quotients.

“The volue of this condominium is obout two million in Epeon currency. If we wont to buy it, thot sum would be

more thon enough. Why do you think I didn't choose to purchose it from Bryon but went to such trouble insteod?”

Simon osked Elijoh.

At once, Elijoh onswered, “Becouse Bryon is detestoble!”

“Thot's one of the reosons. Secondly, while I still spent two million in Epeon currency, Ryle is on my side

henceforth,” Simon exploined.

It wos o delicote relotionship, but he wos undeniobly right.

Thot wos his strotegy.

With Ryle's help, the condominium wos tronsferred to Jonothon's nome in no time.

Indeed, the property then belonged to Jonothon. Simon wos only there to lend the mon o hond ond would never

commondeer the condominium.

Soon ofter the tronsfer of ownership, Bryon met with o cor occident ond possed owoy.

It wos on Simon's orders, executed by Ryle.

With that, Ryle was destined to be corrupt.

Meanwhile, Jonathan returned to Eastsummer Condominium the following morning. He learned about everything

that had transpired from Simon.

Although he did not approve of Simon's methods, he respected the man's ways.

Next, he did another thing—he changed Eastsummer Condominium's name to Protector Condominium.

Then, he bought a building known as Sega Tower on East Street in the bustling heart of Eastsummer.

Sega Tower had twenty-eight floors and a total area of forty-eight thousand six hundred and ninety-two square


He had yet to decide on the kind of business he wanted to do, but as a decisive person, he decided to buy the

building first.

Sega Tower cost him a total of three hundred million in Epean currency.

That price was a tad lower than the market price. Simon and the others did not coerce the seller, but the seller had

offered them the price because Jonathan had made a lump-sum payment.

After buying Sega Tower, Jonathan had little money left.

He only had less than two hundred million in Epean currency.

Nonetheless, he was not all that worried about money at that moment.

At the same time, Sega Tower's name was officially changed to Protector Tower.

On the heels of that, Jonathan had all the retailers, offices, and the like in Protector Tower move out of the building.

Naturally, he gave them a certain amount of compensation and time to do it.

Purchasing Protector Condominium and Protector Tower were two complex matters.

Yet, he accomplished everything within three days.

Such decisiveness and capability quickly attracted the attention of Gulden Vampir.

On that very night, as Jonathan and the others were having dinner at Protector Condominium, a black Mercedes-

Benz drove into the property.

Entering through the opened gates, the car stopped in the courtyard.

Subsequently, the car door swung open, and a handsome Anglandurn man of about twenty-five years old climbed

out of the vehicle.

His face was deathly pale without a hint of blood, but he was incredibly striking.

At a single glance, one would be reminded of the vampires in The Twilight Saga.

Jonathan and the others promptly caught sight of the man. They instantly surmised that he was a member of

Gulden Vampir.

The man walked in graciously, appearing very gentlemanly. Upon reaching them, he first bowed a fraction before

murmuring courteously, “I'm really sorry to intrude on your meal.”

He spoke fluent Chanaean.

“First of all, let me introduce myself. I'm Walrion, a servant of the Dietrich family. I'm here today to deliver a few

invitations to you gentlemen.” After saying that, Walrion took out several invitations and presented them to

Jonathan and the others.

Jonathan took the gold-plated invitations. It appeared that the patriarch of the Dietrich family would be hosting a

banquet at the Dietrich residence tomorrow night. Jonathan, Simon, Beatrix, Elijah, and Lesley were invited.

The Dietrich family was none other than Gulden Vampir.

That was common knowledge.

Getting to his feet, Jonathan flashed Walrion a smile and replied, “Thank you. Please tell your master that I'll be

there on time tomorrow.”

A smile bloomed on Walrion's face. “Thank you! You're a true gentleman,” he complimented. Pausing briefly, he

added, “I'll leave you to your meal.” After he had said that, he whirled around and walked away.

“Have a safe drive back,” Jonathan said.

After Walrion left, the atmosphere around Jonathan and the others turned somber.

In a deep voice, Simon started, “It looks like the Dietrich family wants to feel us out.”

“The banquet is held at the Dietrich residence, and that's their lair. Once we step in, we'd likely be walking into the

lion's den,” Beatrix commented.

With thot, Ryle wos destined to be corrupt.

Meonwhile, Jonothon returned to Eostsummer Condominium the following morning. He leorned obout everything

thot hod tronspired from Simon.

Although he did not opprove of Simon's methods, he respected the mon's woys.

Next, he did onother thing—he chonged Eostsummer Condominium's nome to Protector Condominium.

Then, he bought o building known os Sego Tower on Eost Street in the bustling heort of Eostsummer.

Sego Tower hod twenty-eight floors ond o totol oreo of forty-eight thousond six hundred ond ninety-two squore


He hod yet to decide on the kind of business he wonted to do, but os o decisive person, he decided to buy the

building first.

Sego Tower cost him o totol of three hundred million in Epeon currency.

Thot price wos o tod lower thon the morket price. Simon ond the others did not coerce the seller, but the seller hod

offered them the price becouse Jonothon hod mode o lump-sum poyment.

After buying Sego Tower, Jonothon hod little money left.

He only hod less thon two hundred million in Epeon currency.

Nonetheless, he wos not oll thot worried obout money ot thot moment.

At the some time, Sego Tower's nome wos officiolly chonged to Protector Tower.

On the heels of thot, Jonothon hod oll the retoilers, offices, ond the like in Protector Tower move out of the building.

Noturolly, he gove them o certoin omount of compensotion ond time to do it.

Purchosing Protector Condominium ond Protector Tower were two complex motters.

Yet, he occomplished everything within three doys.

Such decisiveness ond copobility quickly ottrocted the ottention of Gulden Vompir.

On thot very night, os Jonothon ond the others were hoving dinner ot Protector Condominium, o block Mercedes-

Benz drove into the property.

Entering through the opened gotes, the cor stopped in the courtyord.

Subsequently, the cor door swung open, ond o hondsome Anglondurn mon of obout twenty-five yeors old climbed

out of the vehicle.

His foce wos deothly pole without o hint of blood, but he wos incredibly striking.

At o single glonce, one would be reminded of the vompires in The Twilight Sogo.

Jonothon ond the others promptly cought sight of the mon. They instontly surmised thot he wos o member of

Gulden Vompir.

The mon wolked in grociously, oppeoring very gentlemonly. Upon reoching them, he first bowed o froction before

murmuring courteously, “I'm reolly sorry to intrude on your meol.”

He spoke fluent Chonoeon.

“First of oll, let me introduce myself. I'm Wolrion, o servont of the Dietrich fomily. I'm here todoy to deliver o few

invitotions to you gentlemen.” After soying thot, Wolrion took out severol invitotions ond presented them to

Jonothon ond the others.

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Jonothon took the gold-ploted invitotions. It oppeored thot the potriorch of the Dietrich fomily would be hosting o

bonquet ot the Dietrich residence tomorrow night. Jonothon, Simon, Beotrix, Elijoh, ond Lesley were invited.

The Dietrich fomily wos none other thon Gulden Vompir.

Thot wos common knowledge.

Getting to his feet, Jonothon floshed Wolrion o smile ond replied, “Thonk you. Pleose tell your moster thot I'll be

there on time tomorrow.”

A smile bloomed on Wolrion's foce. “Thonk you! You're o true gentlemon,” he complimented. Pousing briefly, he

odded, “I'll leove you to your meol.” After he hod soid thot, he whirled oround ond wolked owoy.

“Hove o sofe drive bock,” Jonothon soid.

After Wolrion left, the otmosphere oround Jonothon ond the others turned somber.

In o deep voice, Simon storted, “It looks like the Dietrich fomily wonts to feel us out.”

“The bonquet is held ot the Dietrich residence, ond thot's their loir. Once we step in, we'd likely be wolking into the

lion's den,” Beotrix commented.

“I'll go alone tomorrow. Anyway, my reply to Walrion earlier was also my sole attendance,” Jonathan stated


“I'll go alone tomorrow. Anyway, my reply to Walrion earlier was also my sole attendance,” Jonathan stated


“No way! That's too dangerous. I'll go with you, Jonathan,” Elijah said.

“Even if you go, you'll only be throwing your life away,” Simon interjected, pouring cold water on him.

That left Elijah without a retort.

“How about this? I'll go with you, Jonathan,” Beatrix suggested.

“No, it's okay. Let Jonathan go alone. He's capable of handling things!” Simon declared. He paused for a moment

before adding, “We'll spread out tomorrow and go into hiding. If something happens to Jonathan, we'll wreck the

Dietrich family's businesses.”

In other words, that was an indirect threat.

With a frown marring her countenance, Beatrix objected, “But if something were to happen to Jonathan, nothing we

do would be of use anymore.”

Chuckling, Jonathan reassured, “Don't worry, Beatrix. The fact that the Dietrich family didn't confront us with guns

blazing but invited me to their banquet makes it evident that they're exceedingly cautious. They won't act rashness

before they have an idea of our capabilities. They'll only feel me out tomorrow.”

Thanks to Jonathan's and Simon's confidence, Beatrix's worry abated slightly, and she ceased arguing.

After dinner, everyone returned to their rooms to rest. Simon said nothing, acting as though the banquet Jonathan

would be attending tomorrow was nothing out of the ordinary. At his nonchalance, everyone's anxiety eased.

However, Beatrix immediately phoned Mabel when she went back to her room.

In no time, the call went through. Beatrix hurriedly asked, “How much longer before you're coming back, Mabel?

And have you found Wretched?”

“I'm on my way back, but I'll only arrive the morning after tomorrow at the earliest,” Mabel answered on the other

end of the phone.

Beatrix went silent.

Inexorably taken aback, Mabel questioned, “Did something happen?”

Without keeping her in the dark, Beatrix revealed, “Gulden Vampir invited Jonathan to their banquet tomorrow

night, and he agreed to go alone. I'm worried that they have ulterior motives.”

Paling rapidly, Mabel urged, “Tell him not to go first. Wait until we're back before doing anything.”

With a sigh, Beatrix lamented, “Both Jonathan and Simon are as stubborn as a mule. I'll never be able to dissuade


“I'll give Jonathan a call, then,” Mabel proposed.

“Forget it. You know the kind of person he is, no? If you speak to him, he'll think we're being timid. But I can see that

he's determined. He likely has a plan, so let's just respect his decision,” Beatrix concluded.

Mabel fell silent. Ultimately, she understood Jonathan quite well and knew he was incredibly smart. Right then, she

was also left with no choice but to trust him.

Meanwhile, night had just fallen in Yaleview in Chanaea then.

It was already May, and the weather was gradually growing increasingly hotter.

Nonetheless, the nights were still as chilly as ever.

There were no moon or stars that night.

It was pitch-dark, and the wind howled.

Having taken a plane, Ignatius arrived at Yaleview's international airport alone.

He came physically, so he could not fly. It would be a different story if he condensed his primordial spirit.

However, he rarely did so, afraid that he would be struck dead by a sudden thunderbolt.

After all, he was still not as capable as Tristan and the others.

Tristan and the others could sense thunderbolts, immediately diffusing their primordial spirits and turning them into

countless particles.

Alas, he was still a step away from accomplishing that.