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I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 385: Timbre
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<Author's Notes>

Today, on June 25th (Tuesday), the 10th volof the manga version of "I Becthe Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything" has been released.

Vol10's cover features Erika and Touka. As for the content, it dives into the story from the Vol5 of the Light (Arc 5 of the Web ), marking the depiction of the crucial battle at the Anti-Demon White Castle. I, as the original author, am eagerly looking forward to how the battle at the Anti-Demon White Castle will be portrayed in the manga. (Additionally, Erika is referred to as the "Stony Witch",  and depicting that "stony" aspect in the manga is surprisingly difficult. However, Uyoshi-sensei had skillfully portrayed that.)

Furthermore, at the end of the volume, I've written a short story depicting Touka and others spending tat Erika's house (incidentally, the first color illustration and the content are subtly linked). Additionally, there's a bonus illustration separate from the main story at the end of the removable cover, which is heartwarming (?) and funny.

If you're interested, please consider picking it up and taking a look.

(I can do this———– No, that's wrong! It's too shallow!?)

Wormungandr started to pick out my slashing attacks.

Perhaps predicting it would only cause superficial wounds……

Yes, he decided to stop blocking all of my slashing attacks.

But right now, in terms of the situation, the one being pushed back is me———-


[ ! ]

Black crack-like grooves ran across Wormungandr's body.

They swelled up, almost like raised blood vessels.


At that moment, a hair-raising premonition suddenly crosses my mind.

[You're not the only one who has been conserving your strength.]

I couldn't believe my eyes.

In an instant, Wormungandr's size shrank.

His height was probably around that Leopardkin, Gio.

Even his disproportionately thick arms becevenly sized———–


(Fast——— Ah———- To cross that distance in——— I have to raise my guard…… ——–Head!)

I made a split-second decision to protect my head.


(……! No, he's not aiming for the head! Shoot———)

[Perception heightened to the extras a warrior———– Ironically, that could also be a fatal downside.]

I was feinted by a "pretend attack" aimed at my head.

Even though I clearly saw the "intent" to aim at my head.

My perception, now so finely tuned to combat readiness that it was almost unnervingly accurate……

It was used against me———-

[Gafuuhh——— Urk!?]

Wormungandr's fist strikes into my abdomen.

Sent flying like a bullet, I crashed back-first into the white wall.

I didn't have the tto take a defensive stance.

What's worse, I was slammed against an indestructible labyrinth wall.

If it had been a collapsible structure, it might have provided scushion.

If I were to liken it to something, yes———

It felt like being thrown onto hard asphalt with a judo throw.

Towards something that isn't soft like a tatami mat.

Moreover——— at such a speed……

It was an attack so fast I couldn't even attempt to use my unique skill to create a buffer.

[———-Ghaak…… Kuh!]

I almost fell forward, but I somehow managed to steady myself.


[Gehoo….. Gohaaa……]

Blood building up within my throat, I instinctively spat them onto the ground.

(For him to also be capable…… of instant size transformation……)

[Hyuu——– Hyuuuu…… Gfhhuu…… Urk…… Gehho! Gohaaa!]

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I deployed my Silver Knights ahead and had them act as a wall.

But even so, they're being scattered by Wormungandr without any way to resist.

Wormungandr, who had shrunk his body, had already returned to his original size.

(……It's just………… What is this?)

Everything…… looks like it's in slow motion.

[Hyuuu…… Hyuuu……]

My breathing…… oxygen……


Somehow———- I narrowly evaded a direct hit to my heart.

Thinking about being struck in the heart just sends a chill down my spine.

Even so, the damage I've taken is significant.

He's strong.

I can say that with certainty.

Among all the enemies I've fought until now, he's undoubtedly the strongest opponent.

It's clear tonow.

The reason why Vysis didn't bother joining forces with Wormungandr and directly withdrew.

———-After all, just he himself is enough.

For someone like me, they deemed that only Wormungandr is enough.

Holding my hand forward…… I created a unique sword.

(……However. This battle……)

……is much better.

After all……

(What I'm fighting———————– isn't one of my classmates.)

When Kirihara Takuto stood on the side of the Great Demon Emperor, it was much harder.

Having to fight someone I decided to protect is far more painful.

I———- surely in such a situation, would becunable to fight.

(That's why this is much better…… However……)

The powered-up Wormungandr.

Even after I used my secret skill, Limit Release: Two, my situation is like this.

How can I subdue this powerful enemy?


I have to do this.

I don't know if I can win.

But if I can even just slow down Wormungandr here.

(That would support…… everyone's efforts to group up…… Even if I can't win, at least———)

I have to hold him back.

Right here, right now.

I can't let this thing move freely in this labyrinth.

Absolutely not.

I must……

[……protect…… everyone……]


My vision…… my consciousness———- is getting blurry.



(……That is……? The sound…… of wind chime……, ————–)

This memory…… when was this again?

Anyhow, it's a memory from when I was still very young.

One summer day.

I went with my grandmother to visit her family home.

I remember that year, despite it being summer, it wasn’t very hot.

It's a grave visit after a long time.

My parents were to arrive a day later due to work.

My grandmother's family hwas a very old house.

But it was very clean.

The cleaning was thorough, and even the refrigerator in the kitchen was relatively new.

They apparently hired locals to manage the house year-round.

[I guess this is what it's like to marry into money.]

My grandmother said this while holding a cigarette, gazing distantly at the rice fields.

After we had lunch together, she said……

[I'm just going out for a bit. Just around the corner. Well, I don't think anything strange would happen but…… if something does happen, shout out loud, okay? I'll crunning right away.]

Saying that, she disappeared around the corner, heading towards the entrance.

Meanwhile, I sat on the porch, gazing at the blue sky alone.

A clear blue sky without a single cloud.

I stretched my legs out from the porch, with my shoes neatly lined up below.

It was a very peaceful moment.

The neighboring house with the rice fields was quite far away.

So in this area, this house was the only one around.


I thought there would at least be the sound of cicadas, but I wasn't even able to hear a single sound of any living creature.


Only the wind chwas making a refreshing sound.

The hem of the white dress my mother boughtfluttered in the gentle breeze.

For a while, I just gazed absentmindedly at the sky.

———–It was at that moment……


Right after that wind chrang……

The world fell silent.

Even the sound of the wind chabruptly stopped.


It was a moment that felt very strange.

The blue sky, the ground, and myself.

It was as if we had becone.

Yes, as if the heaven, the earth and I had blended together……

I felt it.

Now, I———-

……simply existed there.

It felt as if everything had melted into transparency.

As if everything felt clear…… and somehow, it was very comforting————


But then, I was snapped back to reality.


[Ah…… Grand…… ma?]

[Are you alright? Even when I called you, you seemed dazed…… What's the matter? You feeling sleepy?]


It was strange.

I do remember my grandmother approaching and calling out to me.

I wasn't asleep, nor had I lost consciousness.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I knew Grandma was coming.

I knew she was going to call out to me.

Yes, what I felt at that time———- it was as if I had known about these already.


What strange things am I thinking?

I felt a bit odd.

These thoughts were completely nonsensical.

"Knowing about knowing these things."

———–or something like that.

It felt like I was a bizarre prophet or ssort.

[Jeez, for you to even drool……]

Thanking Grandma for wiping away my drool with a handkerchief, I looked up at the wind chime.


The wind chime.

The wind chwas ringing.

Wormungandr scattered the Silver Knight and cto deliver the finishing blow.

At that moment, I swung my unique sword.


The strike I unleashed deeply gouged and tore into Wormungandr's side.


Wormungandr bled from the gaping wound.

The moment I delivered that slash, I already knew the result.


Just like that, the result I had pictured———— as reality……

……It simply existed there.

[…………Ku——— KUKAKAKAKAKAKAKA! You…… are you for real!? A human reaching this level!? Vysis———- that fool! No, in a way, trying to break———– and trying to control this monster as she pleased was the right choice……!]

My second strike———- this time, deeply cleaved Wormungandr's shoulder.

Blood spurted from the broken right shoulder of the Divine Servant.

Thereupon, Wormungandr leaped back.

[……I see. Completely immersed in a state of pure concentration, having eliminated all distractions…… that state———– A purely hyper-focused state that allows "a strike devoid of thoughts"……]

"Kaka!" Wormungandr laughed.

[Of course, I can't read it. Kuku…… There's no way I can read an attack like that.]

Scratching his chin, Wormungandr continued.

[Right now, you're probably…… yes, it's like you're in a state akin to pseudo-foresight——- If that's the case, I'll have to factor that into my movements……]

At that moment, I noticed something.

All the shallow cuts I had inflicted on the enemy earlier were completely gone.

[Ahh, my wounds? Kuku…… I have regenerative abilities. But don't worry. It's not infinite. My life force had definitely been worn down.]

Both the wound on his side and the one on his shoulder had also started to heal.

[Why——— are you tellingthis?]

[Right…… Consider it a reward for showingthis "scene". Seeing the moment such potential blossoms before returning to Heaven…… I genuinely appreciate it.]

Limited regeneration?

Is this ssort of bluff?

No…… even if it's only slightly, his movements had indeed slowed.

My efforts had indeed been effective.

[Kukakal…… Anyhow, I'll have to make a slight change in plans. Seeing something like this…… makesa bit more motivated……]

……Creak, crack……

The black veins on his white body———- they were extending further.

[Showmore of the Humans' potential…… Ayaka Sogou……!]


Once again———– I feel my consciousness sinking.

Beyond the timbre of the chimes.