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I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 367 - Allegiance
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"Ikalis.. Did you want to die?" said King Leon coldly.

"Oh.. Come on, King Leon. You know how absurd that boy is. You even need to use your [Possession] to counter his last attack. Although you are holding back, I don't think ordinary fifth-grade or even a few weak sixth-grade combatants could beat him." replied Archmage Ikalis.

After being silent for a while, King Leon replied, "Hmph.. So, what do you want, Ikalis?" asked King Leon.

"Me.. Well, I just want to talk a little bit with that boy. But, looking at how absurd his talent and potential were, I changed my mind. Boy, are you interested in becoming my personal disciple?" said Archmage Ikalis.

"Ikalis.." yelled King Leon.

Before King Leon finishes his sentence, "I refuse!!" said Angus blatantly.

Hearing this, both seventh-grade old men couldn't help but look at Angus.

"Hmm... Are you sure, boy? If you become my personal disciple, you could inherit all my possession, spells, technique, research, and many other things." said Archmage Ikalis.

"Yeah, so?" replied Angus shortly.

"So.. You could become a great magician. No, you could even become the strongest magician ever." said Archmage Ikalis.

"Nope, thank you. Search for someone else." refused Angus once again.

"Hahahaha… Interesting.. Interesting. Well, If you somehow change your mind, just contact me with this." said Archmage Ikalis while throwing a gold medallion.

"Like I said. I don't want it. *Cough* *Cough*" said Angus while coughing some blood.

"Angus!!" called Jayna worriedly.

"Well, it seems you need to get treatment first. Anyway, I think it's time for me to go. See ya, King Leon." said Archmage Ikalis before disappearing.

As soon as Ikalis disappears, Angus slumps on the ground with heavy breathing. Then

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"You two should get treatment first and I suppose I don't need to tell you not to tell anyone about this matter." said King Leon.

"Also.. Please take care of Jayna." added King Leon while glancing at Angus before disappearing.

After that, Angus immediately fell unconscious as he had already reached his physical and mental limit. The battle with King Leon has burdened his body and his mind to the limit. The reason they manage to hold out with King Leon is that they use Ancient Powers many times.

One of the Ancient Powers that helped them during the battle was [Allegiance]. After finally having their first time, both Angus and Jayna feel connected. They could even know what the others intended and could communicate without speaking.

Moreover, unlike the telepathy spells, they could even transmit what the others intend to do without speaking in their minds. Therefore, they could have perfect teamwork without even needing to speak.

Combined with [Analyze], both could easily predict every King Leon's attack and movement. Then, there is also [Divine Magic - Prayer's Room]. This is also why Angus and Jayna could keep using many strong attacks without care of mana.

Prayer's room not only enhanced the allies inside the area but also could keep regenerating their mana and healing their wounds. The spells could even regenerate a cutting limb. Basically, inside this spell's area, they become invincible.

If it is not because of Angus and King Leon's last clash that destroys the spell itself, Angus' wound will be healed in no time. Still, this divine magic also needs a long time to cast and requires a lot of mana. Just to cast it once, Angus needs to consume his entire mana.

If it is not because of his absurd mana regeneration, Angus will immediately collapse after casting this spell from mana deficiency. During that time, they find another effect of Allegiance.

Through the ancient power Allegiance, Angus and Jayna could actually share their mana. By combining this power with the Prayer's room and their own absurd mana regeneration, they feel like they have unlimited mana.

Still, despite all of this, both Angus and Jayna still lose to King Leon. This shows how absurd the seventh-grade combatant is.

Late in the night inside the royal palace, a young man rested in a luxury bed. This young man is none other than Angus, who is rested after having a harsh fight with King Leon. Suddenly, the young man groaned and opened his eyes.

"Urggh… I feel like getting a massive hangover." said Angus.

"Angus.. You are finally awake." called Jayna who is sitting beside him.

"Ahh.. Jayna, where is this?" said Angus as he felt inside the unfamiliar room.

The room is very luxurious and decorated in red. There are also some stuffed dolls nearby, showing this is a girl's room.

"Umm.. this is my room." replied Jayna.

"Haa?? Why am I here?" asked Angus.

"Well, first we want to send you to hospital. However, on the way towards the hospital, your wound seems to be fully healed. Then, I told the others to bring you here." explained Jayna while blushing.

"Err.. I guess it's okay." said Angus before looking at Jayna.

As they looked at each other, Jayna couldn't help but embrace and hug Angus tightly.

"Angus.." called Jayna.

"There.. There.. I am okay. Besides, as you said before, my wound is already fully healed." said Angus while rubbing Jayna's back.

Through their connection, Angus could feel Jayna's worry. After Jayna calms down, they begin to have deep intimate kisses.

"Angus.. Please… I want you." said Jayna embarrassingly.

Seeing this, Angus begins to kiss Jayna more forcefully and take off both of their clothes. Looking at Jayna's naked body under the moonlight, Angus couldn't help but be stunned.

"Beautiful…" muttered Angus while being on top of Jayna.

Then, Angus begins to gently touch Jayna while kissing her all over her body. Angus slowly enjoys and appreciates Jayna's body. At the same time, Jayna also moaned as she felt Angus's touch and kiss.

Through their mental connection, both Angus and Jayna know they only want each other. Before long, Jayna starts to get more aroused and sensitive as Angus flips her switch. Without wasting any more time, Angus inserts his dick into Jayna's deepest part.

Feeling Angus inside her deepest part, Jayna couldn't help but have an intense climax. Then, Angus starts moving his hip and kisses her deepest part using his dick. Through their connection, they bombard by sending their deepest love to each other.

"Ahh.. Ahh.. Angus.." moaned Jayna.

In the end, they reach climax at the same time while Angus pours his essence inside Jayna and plants a deep kiss on her. After that, they continue their session until morning. They already lost count of how many times both of them reach climax as they keep doing it without rest.

After the sun rises and the warm light penetrates the room's window, they finally stop and lay on the bed while embracing each other.

"Say, Angus… Are the other men also.. have high stamina like you?" asked Jayna.

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"Huh?" replied Angus confusedly.

"I mean.. I heard from the maid that the man could only last for a few minutes and only be able to climax for one or two times even the high-grade knight could only do it a few times."

"But, no matter how I think about it.. You are definitely able to keep going like some kind of unexhausted machine." said Jayna.

"Hmm… I am not sure about the others. But, you know I have high regeneration. So, I think that's the reason for my endless stamina. Did you hate it?" asked Angus.

"No way. I love it even more. Because that means only you can satisfy me. Besides, I think my body feels like adapting to you. So, you need to take responsibility for it." said Jayna.

"Don't worry.. Jayna. We are already inseparable and you know that, right?" said Angus.

"Yeah.. But, I never knew that Allegiance could have this kind of effect after we did it. Does it mean we need to do it with others whenever we want to use this ancient power at full power?" said Jayna.

"Well, I am not sure. But, I think to use it fully, both parties need to have a deep affection or relationship with each other. Anyway, did you tell your father about this ability?" asked Angus.

"At first, I didn't intend to tell him. But, yesterday, he called me over and started to confirm our ability. He told me our teamwork is perfectly outrageous.

"Even if we could communicate with each other with telepathy spell, we still would not be able to do that kind of teamwork." explained Jayna.

"So, in the end, I just told him about our ability and my merging phoenix condition. I also told him we are already inseparable because of this ancient power as this power binds us like a contract." added Jayna.

"Well, you could say it like a contract. Wait for a second… I think I know why we could suddenly have this kind of power from the Allegiance." said Angus.

"Huh?? What is it?" asked Jayna.

"Well, I think it has a connection with the true name. You know, by knowing your true name, people could control the beast as long as they could say their name. Isn't it somehow like a contract?" said Angus.

"Hmph.. Probably." replied Jayna.

"Wait.. Draven, you there?" called Angus.

Then, a small creature enveloped by hazy mist with a spiky, thorny tail appeared from Angus's shadow.

"What is it, master?" asked Draven.

"Did you have a true name?" asked Angus.