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I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 530 Unfortunate Passerby
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"Anyway, did you also want to catch the thief?" asked Eluge.

"Thief?" asked Angus back.

"Huh? Didn't you go here because you also tracked that thief?" said Eluge.

"Nope. We just happen to temporarily stay here." replied Angus.

"W-What?? You stay in this.. Alright, forget about it. Judging by your group strength, I doubt that thief would dare to steal something from you." replied Eluge.

"That thief only targets people without strong combat power in the party. Some unfortunate ones even get robbed clean without having single underwear left. Since he only targets weak people or groups, no one is capable of catching that thief." added Eluge.

'It means you are one of those unfortunate ones.' thought everyone.

"I see… So, did you track him?" asked Angus.

"A few days ago, we managed to corner the thief, but he escaped using some kind of teleportation item. Fortunately, one of my members could sense and track their belongings. After a few days of travel, we find this thief is actually living in this ghos.. I mean this honored village."

"As you know, we can't create trouble in this village. Therefore, we decided to wait here to catch the thief." said Eluge.

"Hee… Well, good luck then." said Angus before walking away.

Before Angus and the others went away, "If I may, I think you should give up catching that little thief. He is beyond your capability." advised Darren before following the others.

Hearing this, Angus and the others are quite surprised as Darren rarely interacts with others unless it involves Mira or something important. Likewise, Eluge also surprises at the sudden advice from Darren.

He didn't know how strong Darren was, but he felt the silver-haired old man was the most dangerous among Angus' group. But, he ignores the advice since the stolen item is too important for them.

In the meantime, Angus and the others continue their journey toward Nirvas's capital, Redmore City. Same as before, the naughty Anna already wanders on her own with Mira.

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The naughty little monster managed to get away before Aunt Extalia could bait her with another delicious meat like before. In the end, they are forced to travel slowly while Anna and Mira play around nearby.

After traveling for a few hours, Angus could feel some disturbance in the distance through his detection skill.

"I see… So, that person is actually the thief." said Angus.

"Hohoho… It seems Young Baron Angus has a good large-range detection skill to be able to sense that far." said Darren while looking in a certain direction.

"Well, it's nothing much, just one of the simple skills I created." replied Angus.

'Simple skill, huh?!' thought Aunt Extalia.

She remembered a report about Angus' detection skills. Since Angus has superb large-range detection skills, King Leon tries to procure it and teach it to some of his trusted knights.

After many lengthy negotiations, Angus finally agreed to share [Mana Echolocation] with the very strict condition. King Leon, who knows the nature of the skill, immediately gives up and concludes that it is impossible to learn unless someone is very talented at controlling mana.

Even Jayna, who has had good mana control from Angus's training since her academy days, couldn't learn [Mana Echolocation].

King Leon knows if the talented Jayna couldn't use the skill despite all her ridiculous mana control training, then no one in the Heart Kingdom is capable of using it.

According to Angus' estimation, Jayna may be able to learn [Mana Echolocation] in five or more years if she keeps training her mana control daily. In other words, the others may need dozens of years or more just to fulfill the prerequisite to learn [Mana Echolocation].

It is better to spend this time learning more offensive and practical skills than [Mana Echolocation]. Moreover, the Heart Kingdom also has few detection spells. These spells may not be as good as [Mana Echolocation], but it is easier to learn.

This information reminds Aunt Extalia about Angus' monstrous talent despite not having a royal bloodline.

'If only he is a little bit ambitious, it will be great.' thought Aunt Extalia inwardly while looking at the laid-back young Baron.

Suddenly, they notice a familiar hideous person running away not far from them. This is the same person they met at the Honor Valley's entrance when they first arrived. Same as before, the person is still covered with black cloth.

However, Angus and the others could see some trace of battle on the black cloth. Some parts of it look like they just burned or slashed. Still, Angus and the others didn't stop him and let the man away. Not long after that, they notice another group approaching them.

"Hurry!! Don't let him get away again." said one of the people.

During this moment, Anna and Mira suddenly charge toward Angus while ignoring the group of people. Coincidentally, the flying pillow is flying low toward this group of people.

The group of people didn't notice the incoming flying pillow, so they couldn't dodge it and got directly hit by it. *BAMM* *Sprrut* Despite only looking like soft pillows, these people feel like getting hit by a bullet train and turn into meat paste.

At the same time, Anna and Mira are completely fine without getting a drop of blood on them while ignoring the mangled body in the surroundings.

Some strong people are fortunate to notice the incoming flying and get away. However, it still surprises them as they didn't expect more than half of their group to die brutally. Except for Darren, everyone is surprised at this kind of accident.

"Angus.. Angus… Look, Anna and Mira, find a strange burning flower!!" called Anna while totally ignoring the dead body not far from them.

"Y-You.. What the hell are you doing!!" yelled one of the survivors and charged at Anna.

Before they could move forwards, a person suddenly exploded as Darren appeared before them. His sharp red eyes shone menacingly. The old vampire is ready to exterminate the others who dare to move forwards.

Everyone could feel monstrous pressure from Darren that only a seventh-grade combatant could have. Feeling this pressure, most of the strong people immediately ran away as fast as they could without saying anything.

During this time, "Angusss… Don't ignore Anna!! Look, Anna found this burning flower." grumbled Anna while pouting.

"Ahh.. Sorry.. Sorry… I was just too surprised at the scene." replied Angus after calming himself and receiving the unique burning flower.

Angus wasn't surprised at Darren's action as it was easy for him to kill all these people. He is more interested in the flying pillow than Anna and Mira. Others may not notice it, but Angus knows the one that killed all these people is actually the pillow.

During the incident, the flying pillow was not moving fast enough to be capable of killing these combatants. Most of the combatants here are at least a grade four, with few of them grade five.

Yet, all of them easily turn into splattered pieces of meat before even touching the flying pillow. Moreover, the casualty is not only on its path but also a few meters into the surrounding area. Angus knows this soft flying pillow is definitely not just for flying transportation.

Ignoring the unfortunate dead body, "Anna, you couldn't just kill these people mindlessly." lectured Angus softly.

"Bursting Bubble?? Ahh… Since when there are many dead bubbles there?" asked Anna while pointing at the dead body.

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"Urgh… Didn't you notice they were in your path before?" asked Angus while speechless at the little monster's answer.

"Nope. Mira, did you notice them?" asked Anna.

Mira tilted her head before nodding.

"No way… Why didn't Mira say that to Anna before? Anna also wants to burst them." grumbled Anna while pouting.

"Err… Anna, you cannot burst someone without any reason. It is a bad habit and will only lead to trouble." lectured Jayna.

"Right. What if you kill mindlessly and you may get into trouble later. Then, you will not have time to eat meat peacefully." Chimed Angus.

"Ehhh… Anna can't eat meat?? No way… Anna still loves meat. Meat is the best." said Anna.

"Then, don't make a habit of bursting people unless necessary." said Angus.

"Umm… Okay." said Anna.

Then, Anna put her hand on her chin, thinking about something.

'Cute!!' thought Jayna while picking up Anna from the flying pillow.

"Anna, is there something wrong?" asked Angus, as he rarely sees Anna thinking about something.

"Umm… Angus said Anna couldn't burst bubbles unless it is necessary, but it is very hard." said Anna.

"Huh?? Why is it hard?" asked Angus in confusion.

"Because Anna keeps bursting them. Look, they even now burst." said Anna while pointing at the ground not far from them.

On the ground, they find a group of ordinary ants dying from the aftereffect of Darren's pressure and Anna's dreadful aura. Although Anna's ominous aura can hardly be sensed since the cooking test incident, some small weak animals are still able to sense it through their instinct.

"Anna, they are not people. They are different." said Angus.

"How are they different? Urgh… Anna is confused. Big sis, Anna is hungry." said Anna as she gave up thinking further.

Angus and Jayna could only shake their heads but stop lecturing her. The last thing they want is to take her happiness.