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I Once Married You (Harper and Benjamin)

Chapter 37
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Chapter 37 Agree to Their Divorce

Harper thought, "Judging from his air of travel-worn fatigue, he should have just returned, yet here he is at the

hospital with Lauren right away.

How considerate."

Benjamin gazed at Paul. "Grandpa..."

"Do you even seeas your grandpa? | bet you can't wait forto drop dead." Paul cut him off bluntly.

"Grandpa, | never thought that way. Please don't say that," Benjamin tried to explain.

Paul ignored him.

Scott quickly intervened. "Dad, your health is more important. Don't get worked up over him." Then, he gave

Benjamin a cold glance. "You said you were on a business trip, so what's the deal now?"

"| just got back. Lauren wasn't feeling well, so | brought her to the doctor. | thought with you, Mom, and Harper

here, | could visit Grandpa at the manor tonight."

"lI don't need it. Don't bother visiting me. Maybe I'll live longer if you don't," Paul mocked.

Benjamin looked helpless, unable to defend himself against Paul's accusations, silently letting Paul vent.

Normally, Harper would have spoken up to defuse the situation, but today, she remained silent, showing no

intention of speaking a word for Benjamin.

She had no idea what to say, given that she only found out about his business trip from someone else, and now

his return left her even more clueless.

Paul took Harper's silence as evidence of Benjamin mistreating her.

Paul coldly remarked, "See, you've hurt Harper's feelings. In the past, she would immediately plead for you with

just a word or two, but now you've chilled her heart so much that she won't even speak up for you. Benjamin, did

your father and | teach you to mistreat your own wife like this?"

Lauren also joined them, smiling gently at everyone.

But no one paid her any attention.

Lauren bit her lip, continuing, "Sir Martin, you're discharged today. Are you feeling better?"

Paul snorted, "What? Are you hoping I'm not feeling well?"

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Lauren immediately looked hurt. She tried to explain, "I never thought that way, | just..."

"Alright, alright, don't cry in front of me. | may be old, but I'm not blind. I won't be blind like certain people,

unable to tell right from wrong." Paul's words were laden with sarcasm.

Harper was wide-eyed, as Paul's tone was usually kind and amiable towards her, but now it was completely

different, which surprised her. Yet, it was oddly satisfying for her to hear, especially when Harper saw Lauren

unable to say a word in rebuttal.

It was as if Harper had finally found srelief and justice in the situation.

The atmosphere grew increasingly tense, and after a while, Lauren softly said, "Sir Martin, I'm sorry for making

you upset."

"Alright, just stay away from me. You're making my head spin," Paul coldly replied.

Lauren looked at Benjamin, hoping he would speak up for her, but Benjamin remained silent.

Lauren had to take a step back.

Finally, Benjamin spoke up. "Grandpa, there are too many people here. I'll have the driver take you back to the

Martin Manor first."

"What? You want to make decisions fornow?"

"I didn't mean that."

"Hmph, | don't care what you mean. You better be at dinner tonight, or the Martin family won't have a place for


Paul was angry, glaring at Benjamin, then turning to Harper with a gentle expression. "Harper, let's go. Don't let

certain people affect our mood." Harper nodded gently, then helped Paul walk out.

Scott frowned at Benjamin, not saying a word. Clearly, he was very displeased.

Lily glared at Benjamin and whispered, "Look, you've made your grandpa angry again. Sort out your own affairs

quickly, or I'll handle it for you." Without waiting for Benjamin to respond, Lily had already left.

Benjamin stood there for a long time, watching the three of them depart. Lauren suddenly spoke up. "Benjamin,

Sir Martin is upset. Do you want to go back?" Benjamin turned his gaze towards Lauren and gently replied, "No

need. Didn't you say you weren't feeling well? Let's go, I'll accompany you to see the doctor." Lauren nodded,

but there was no softening in her expression.

She had carefully chosen the tto call Benjamin after his business trip, informing him, "Benjamin, | have a

terrible headache. | keep recalling scenes related to that incident, but | can't remember everything. | want to see

a doctor. Can you go with me?"

Benjamin agreed, hence the current scene.

Therefore, deep down, Lauren couldn't help but wonder if Benjamin stayed to continue accompanying her

because of what she had recalled.

As she watched his profile, Lauren couldn't quite grasp his thoughts, feeling completely devoid of security.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the sky was already dark.

The Martin Manor was filled with laughter and joy, and Paul was in a very good mood.

The table was already set with delicious food.

Walking into the hall, Benjamin looked at the people inside and spoke. "Grandpa, Mom, Dad."

Upon hearing his voice, everyone seemed to ignore him collectively.

At that moment, Paul also spoke. "Harper, let's eat."

Although he was ignored, Benjamin didn't get angry and followed them into the dining room.

Paul pulled Harper to sit on his right side, saying, "Harper, eat more."

"Okay, thank you, Grandpa. You should eat too."

Paul smiled at Harper.

Benjamin observed this scene, deep in thought.

As everyone was eating, Paul

suddenly spoke up. "I've thought

about it. Since you Fon gden a

divorce, my portiruéd luctance

Wort? serve any purpose. I'm getting

old, and | hope you both find

happiness. A forced relationship is

never sweet, so | agree to your

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divorce.” The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Paul's words drew everyone's attention.

Harper's grasp on the spoon

instinctively tightened. Harpegiad

hoped al Pauls approval but now

that'she received it, she found herself

at a loss. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Harper sat there in a daze.

Lily was the first to speak up. "Dad, didn't you want them to be together? Why suddenly agree?"

"I won't allow Harper to be wronged.

He's openly Par IR 1. with)

Hat oRtD wr@ iF Others find out,

ere will Harper's dignity be?" The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

Paul's voice was full of resentment and dissatisfaction. or — i


Scott remained silent, seemingly in agreement with Paul's words. 4 lm ! NN

Benjamin, too, stayed silent.

His expression remained indifferent as he gazed at Paul.

Paul looked at him and asked, "Are you satisfied with this outcome? When do you plan to go with Harper to

handle the divorce procedures?"