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I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 137 Santa Claus
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I had to admit, trying to find them proved to be harder than I expected!

Everywhere ruins dominated this world. The scene of ruins extending for the horizon started from Jersey city and continued to the areas I flew over.

“They said there is a big stadium near them,” this was the only clue I could find. Yet trying to find it was like trying to look for a needle in an enormous haystack!

It took me roughly an hour before finally finding that stadium. Strangely enough, it stood erect in the middle of ruins like it got spared by some bizarre mercy or something.

This was good news. But the bad news came as that group started to move during that hour.

They seemed restless, as if their head up start wasn’t enough to secure their escape. I kept tracking them using the feed coming from my team’s camera. They were heading in a straight line as if they knew where they were going.

[Do you know what lies in that direction?] as they kept running in the same direction for almost half an hour straight, I sent for the girls to ask.

[No one knows] the answer that Angelica delivered wasn’t a surprise.

[Keep yourselves well hidden, I’m not far behind]

I was already passing over places I recognised from the feed. I estimated it took roughly ten minutes to reach there.

I shifted my chariot’s speed to the medium. After all, I was lost before and wasting my precious fuel here wasn’t wise.

Just as I ended the chat with the girls, something new happened.

“Humans?!!” In front of my eyes, a large group of well equipped humans started to pour from every angle!

The enemy group was walking through deep ground in the middle of two artificially made hills of ruins. It seemed like a nice spot to ambush someone, and it was nice to see humans using their minds at last.

“So they created such a terrain for this… Interesting,” I watched the movements of those humans through the feed. They looked experienced with this terrain as if they memorised it by heart.

My team was crawling silently for half a mile behind. The scenes coming weren’t clear, but this was a safe distance to keep tracking such a group.

[Boss, should we help?] the spearhead sent and I was really tempted to ask them to join the fight.

[Wait and watch for now] but as I was still ten minutes away, I couldn’t risk them exposing their presence. Or else this rich prey might get scared and scatter all over earth.

“Time to go faster,” as things escalated to such a degree, I didn’t reserve any fuel for now. Travelling such a distance in the fully powered version of my chariot was enough to cross it in three up to four minutes tops.

But during these minutes, things started to get ugly for the attacking humans.

The group of humans seemed to be in hundreds. From such a far distance it seemed they had good gears and also vast fighting experience.

Their movement looked neat and their attacks were organised. I even saw many using basic AOE skills like fireball skill and howlin tornado skill famous for magicians.

But after the first minute that passed in chaos, the difference between the two sides glared even from such a far distance.

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The first thing that appeared was three of the precious dolls that I faced before. They appeared and instantly launched their deadly explosive darts all over the two hills.

*Boom!* *Boom!*

Even from my far away place, I could hear two muffled explosive bookings coming from their direction. Damn! These babies were really hot! I wanted them! I wanted them!

On the screen I saw large clouds of dust filling the entire area accompanied with muffled screams of pain and agony. The human group took it hard while they weren’t prepared for it.

And when the clouds cleared a few seconds later, I saw the two hills being flattened with the ground. Out of the initial hundreds, only scattered groups of tens survived this brutality.

[Damn! If we were there…] Angelica sent it to me, and I knew she was just expressing her appreciation for my last call.

Girl, it was just a cautious decision, not too much to be thanked for.

“For the land!”

“For lord!”

“Kill them all!”

Just as things looked this bad for humans, I saw many holes opening up from the ground. Humans poured out from these openings like locusts.

Damn! There were thousands of them at least! That was a terrifying force, one that wasn’t easy to gather or train during the early stages of the apocalypse.

As I watched the fighting getting heated up, I started to grow curious towards their leaders. He or she must be someone special, or else how could such a large number survive?

[Boss… I’m itching to join] the spearhead again and this time I didn’t hold him back.

[Go, use your ability against the enemy forces, and try to boost the humans]

[Got it]

As I was already in range, I wasn’t worried anymore about them. Even if those dragons had any trick to use, I was confident to reach them and crush whatever they used.

“Who are you?!!!”

Just as my team appeared, it became obvious they weren’t part of that group. A thin youth came to their side out of nowhere and asked in shock.

My team just handled two of the personal guards of that dragon leader. With spearhead presence, facing such enemies wasn’t that hard at all.

But these two were just like the elites in the enemy group, they were strong. They managed to slay more than fifty humans in the past seconds like cutting weeds off the ground.

And in return no one ever managed to lay a single hit over their bodies. So it was a shocking scene when four girls came with my spearhead and simply killed these two.

“Our boss is coming now,” I saw the spearhead laughing and pointing back to the air towards the direction I was coming from.

“Is he coming in that strange flying thing?” The youth seemed to be not over sixteen, yet he was strong without doubt.

Every inch of his body was covered by a piece of gear, even his hands were gauntlets. He pointed in my direction while adding in his young voice, “is he Santa Claus?”

Santa what?!! Damn! Who did you think I was? Or what did you take my beautiful chariot for?

“Yeah,” I heard the voice of Isabella, “he is like Santa for us.”

Damn girl! Did you really consider me like that? An old man with a big white beard travelling the world and giving gifts to kids?


“Santa? That’s a nice title,” Karoline’s voice came amidst her enchanting laughter. “Have you heard that? From now on, you are our Santa, hahaha!”

Girl! Drop that joke at once!!

“To whom are you speaking to?” The youth seemed puzzled yet in the next moments, my chariot drew closer fast and stopped just ten metres above their heads.

“If anyone calls me that name again, I won’t let him or her board my beautiful chariot!” I said in a tone filled with anger, but all that I got was a loud wave of laughter.

And then curses came.

“Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t! F*ck it! He is here!”

“I’ll kill you motherf*cker!”


The ones to curse were the dragons, the one to curse my mother was that bastard, their leader. As for the one who shouted in a panicked and shaky voice to others was that succubus.

“Sorry,” I said, “I’ll catch up with all of you later. I’ve got a foul mouthed dragon to kill.”

Without even saying anything back to those bastards, I simply operated my chariot and moved directly towards them.

You dare to curse and swear like that? Then it was a waste to spend any fuel over you! I’d just let my chariot smash all of you against the ground. Let’s see how you’d survive that!

Humph! Taking my beautiful chariot as that dirty, small and so weak Santa Claus’ chariot… How brazen of you to think even about that?!!


Look! My big assed chariot was just OP!

The chariot smashed the ground and flattened many of the enemy forces. Just as the chariot landed in such a brutal way, all the humans around were shocked and jumped away in an obvious panic.

I killed almost half of the enemy forces, but the two leaders got to escape by a hair breadth.

“Want to run from me? Hahaha, let’s see if you have the ability to do that!”

“F*ck you!”

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Just as he stood up, he didn’t run as expected. He turned around and a large machine appeared out of nowhere, coming from his inventory.

Damn! Damn! Damn! That baby was much hotter than all the other toys he brought up so far! Man, what did you have inside your inventory? Were you a real Santa Claus for me or what?

That machine wasn’t that unfamiliar. It was as big as one of my Gollems in size. It stood on the ground with three heavy looking legs that were all made out of special scarlet ore.

Then a long cylindrical metallic tube extended from its main body. I could see a long trail of bulging strips that seemed to contain a large number of explosive darts.

So if the previous weapons were like guns, this big adorable baby was like a machine gun!

Damn! I wanted it! But how could I get it without any damage? How could I kill him without touching this baby?

No way! I wouldn’t even touch him until he stopped firing! I had to endure, I must! For the sake of my hot baby!

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

“Die you motherf*cker… Die!!”

Just as I decided to endure and not do anything, that dragon started his ramping attack.

That weapon showered me literally with those explosive darts. One thing to notice here was these darts seemed more advanced than the ones used in the smaller version.

They consumed my fuel like it was dirt or something. In a span of one minute, five million stat points were deducted and that long track of explosive darts wasn’t past its midpoint yet!

Wow! I loved this baby! Darling, I wouldn’t let any harm come to you, I promise you that!

For three consecutive minutes and almost fifteen million stat points consumed, that dragon kept attacking without pause.

But as three minutes ended, that long barrel revolver without releasing anything, while its opening was bright hot orange in colour.

“My turn now,” as he couldn’t threaten me anymore, I simply snapped my fingers and all of sudden a group of soulers appeared and plunged at him without warning.

I thought about how to safely kill him without touching my precious baby. The only way to do that was to use my soulers. So I called back a dozen of them, then silently summoned and deployed them to flank him from the rear away from his deadly explosions.

I didn’t risk sending out only one or two. Who knew what this rich dude had to save his neck at such deadly moments?

*Flash!* *Flash!* *Boom!* *Bang!* *Thud!*

A series of flashing lights came as my doubts proved to be right. The first soulers to pass through his body failed to touch even a single hair of him.

But then instead of those flashes, loud explosions started to occur as he used other risky things to defend his life.

Dude… I sent a dozen of my soulers. You wouldn’t get away from here alive, I could guarantee you that!

Just as the eight souler passed through his body, the dragon’s face twitched and his long moustache moved up and down for a few seconds. His body froze in place while all colours of life sept away from him.

The remaining soulers passed through his body, giving him shock after another. Even the ones who failed before, they returned to attack him, even when his face became ashen white, just the same as his eyes.

Then a loud thud came as he fell motionless, dying without any suspense.

“And you come to me, darling,” I didn’t even spare him a glance until I acquired that big weapon and stored it into my inventory.

“Time to get more gifts from you, my Santa Claus!” I evilly grinned while placing my hand over his body and claiming half of his rich inventory.