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I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated (Web Novel)

Chapter 733.2
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Hilt's left hand hangs limp in the air.

It may look like a one-sided attack, but that doesn't seem to be the case. With that speed, Neidhart should be able to cut his defenseless opponent in two.

The fact that only her left arm was injured shows that she was able to react to it.

However, without seeming to be surprised by this, Neidhart made his moves again. Appearing right in front of Hilt, as if he had moved instantaneously, he launches both of his scythes.

Hilt didn't seem to react. Would it be settled this time?

But just as I was having that thought.


Out of the blue, Neidhart got tossed backwards.

To my surprise, Hilt was able to counterattack with her Ki against Neidhart's unworldly speed.

It was clear that she was able to react to Neidhart's move.

However, she failed to completely defend against Neidhart's attack as the tips of his scythes managed to gouge into her shoulders and cause a lot of blood to gush out.

On the other side, Neidhart immediately leaps up to his next move using the strength of his wings.

「Gighih… Ghiiiih!」

A deep hole has been drilled through from his chest to the carapace underneath his adamantite armor. But he did not seem to mind.

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「Does insect have no pain receptors? If that's the case, then I just need to crush you until you stop moving!」

Hilt lost her left hand and a lot of blood. Even so, she showed no signs of weakening. In fact, she even smiled wryly.

「Haaa! Dimitris-style secret technique ・ Heaven!」

I feel a tremendous amount of Ki begin to wrap around Hilt's entire body as she shouted. It was as if she was wearing an armor made of compressed and materialized Ki.

Is that a defensive technique? Is what I thought, but I was wrong.



To my surprise, Hilt is now moving at a speed close to that of Neidhart. But it's not like I can see her clearly, I could only detect her.

Her secret technique seems to be a technique that boosts all of her physical capabilities many times over.

Honestly speaking, Neidhart's movements are at a level that even we can't fully grasp. His speed even exceeds that of Fran in her Brilliant Lightning Rush. He's also capable of rapid braking and high-speed flight by using his wings.

If it had been us in that place and we had no countermeasures, we might have already lost. No, it is more likely that we would have lost at the first blow.

Against such a Neidhart, Hilt's movement was not to be outdone. Her speed in a straight line is probably a little inferior. However, her turning speed and agility were exceptional.

The attack and defense between the two intensified, like silhouettes flitting about inside the barrier, they appear from time to time and then move again on a level that cannot be followed with the naked eye.

Hilt, despite losing one of her arms, was not being outdone by the number of hands she had. The sharpness of her kicks was actually in no way inferior to her fists.

The impact released during their attack causes a roaring blast and the stage begins to break.

The otherworldly battle between the two then continued for several minutes. The end, however, came abruptly.


The first to reach their limit was Hilt. The Ki armor covering her entire body disappeared, and she collapsed on the spot. It seems that her legs could not endure the load from the continuous high-speed movements and the kicking technique she was forcibly using. The bones in her legs must have been broken and she was showing no signs of being able to stand anymore.

Neidhart, on the other hand, also looked very worn out. Unable to withstand his own speed, his wings were in tatters. If it had been another ten or so seconds, it might have been Neidhart who would have been unable to move first.


Neidhart moved in front of Hilt and raises his twin scythes. At that moment, he seemed to take on the calm bearing of the original Neidhart.

He may seem to have lost his rationality, but he is still basically Neidhart.

Neidhart then swung down his scythes and Hilt's head flew off――


Or it should have happened, but it is not. Her two arms had prevented his scythes from reaching her.

「Eh? What happens?」


Fran and Urushi are also surprised. After all, Hilt's arm had grown back in an instant. But this must be the effect of the Regeneration Pendant that Hilt was equipped with.

Its ability is simple: for one time, it heals injury, including the loss of limbs. However, it is disposable and causes severe pain for several minutes after use.

Hilt must have saved it for this moment. By leaving her left arm cut off, Fran, Urushi, and even Neidhart assumed that she had no way of recover it.

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She then used her recovered arms to defend against the full force of his attack.

Hilt gripped the blade, which bit halfway into her palm, and held on to it even tighter. Neidhart seemed to try to pull his scythe, but he could not escape.

It cuts in deeper and blood starts to flow, but Hilt showed a fearsome smile on her face as she seals off her opponent's movement.


In front of our astonished eyes, Hilt got up. From a completely fallen position, she instantly stands upright with an unusual movement.

She seems to have released magic power from her back and used its momentum. Is this the ability of her Garuda technique?

「Haaaa! Yakshaaa!」

Without killing her momentum, Hilt slammed her own head as hard as she could into Neidhart.

The head of a human and the head of a mantis clashed. Hilt seems to be at a disadvantage at first. But an enormous amount of Ki was swirling around her head. The Ki was so dense that it made me wonder where it had been generated.

Is this the effect of the technique called Yaksha that she shouted just before? Or is this another skill?


A dull thud rang out. Hilt's forehead was cut deeply and blood gushed out.

And Neidhart's head was smashed to pieces, sprinkling red and green shards like an overripe watermelon that had been hit with a stick.

『I-It's settled! The match is over! Just when it looked like the match was settled, Hiltoria made a huge comeback! Amazing! Ah, Hiltoria has collapsed too now! Medic team! Please hurry!』

Several healers can be seen rushing toward Hilt, which was bleeding profusely from the head and not moving a muscle. It must have really been a last-ditch effort.

「Both are strong」

Obviously, they are both better than us. To win, we would have to give our all. Still, there was not a hint of fear in Fran's face.

『You look happy』

「Nn. Next up is Hilt… Looking forward to it!」