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I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot

Chapter 680 - A Mysterious Stamp, Behold It Is Xing Ya in His Immeasurable Wisdom
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Chapter 680: A Mysterious Stamp, Behold It Is Xing Ya in His Immeasurable Wisdom

This happy turn of events made Cultivator Tongtong extremely excited. Previously he was at the lowest point in his life and had planned to live out the rest of his life awaiting death. He never expected the wine from the expert not only healed all his injuries but pushed him to become a Chaos Daluo Golden Immortal.

‘The expert has brought many blessings to Prehistoric and the Heavenly Palace must have done a lot of good deeds in the past to be able to become friends with him!’ He thought. Then out loud he said, “The expert is more amazing than what you’ve told me. He has given me a new life, just like my parents, so from here on onwards, my life belongs to him now.”

“Hold up! Stop!” Everyone was looking at him as if he was crazy.

“The expert doesn’t belong only to you.”

“Go to the back of the line, Little Tong!”

“I will fight anyone who dares to steal the expert from me!”

“All of you shut up! The expert belongs to me!”

Dragin and Nanan, who was watching all these from the sideline, began to giggle happily. Then, they excused themselves and got ready to leave since their mission was accomplished.

“Goddess Nanan, Goddess Dragin, thank you for everything,” said Cultivator Tongtong with deep sincerity. “Please let me know if the expert needs anything done. I will make sure I accomplish whatever mission he gives me even if I have to give up my life.”

Dragin waved her hand and in a voice filled with curiosity said, “Don’t worry about it. By the way, how come I’ve never seen you before and how did you get so seriously injured?”

“I only have my weakness to blame. I entered the fourth dimension by mistake and nearly died while crossing the dimension,” replied Cultivator Tongtong.

“Oh, so you came back from the fourth dimension! What is that dimension like?” Nanan asked with surprise.

Cultivator Tongtong laughed and said, “It’s quite similar to our dimension. It’s just that the beings there might look a little different from us and their cultivation method is different too. The most stark difference is they have many more skilled fighters than we do. I can write down all that I know for you if you’re interested.”

The Jade Emperor and the others were really impressed by his Dao of Sycophancy.

“Cultivator Junjun, did he ever act like this towards you back in the days?” Nuwa asked in a sidebar whisper.

Cultivator Junjun shook his head. “Never. I guess I was just not worthy enough.”

“Really? That’ll be great! I’m sure Brother Li would love to read it as well since he likes weird and interesting articles,” said Nanan happily.

“It’s my honor then. I will make sure to write everything as soon as possible,” said Cultivator Tongtong excitedly.

Then, Dragin suddenly remembered something and asked, “By the way, Brother Li is looking for a tool that can make cracking walnuts easier. Please let me know if you ever come across a tool like that.”

‘Crack walnuts?’

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‘A hammer, perhaps?’

‘What else can it be?’

‘No, no. It must be something else if the expert specially requested it.’

Instantly, everyone became deep in thought.

‘Something that can crack walnuts?’ Cultivator Tongtong was frowning for he vaguely remembered coming across a tool like that in the past. Suddenly, he had a lightbulb moment. “I know the exact thing the expert is looking for!”

All eyes turned to him. He took a deep breath and his face turned serious. “The only reason I could go to the fourth dimension was because of a stamp!”

“A stamp?! I mean, it makes sense to use a stamp to crack open a walnut but what kind of stamp enables one to travel between dimensions?” Cultivator Junjun asked with surprise.

“I don’t know where the stamp came from. All I know is I felt a strong force pulling me to the area where the portal is and there were others there too! Then I saw the stamp near the entrance of the portal!” His eyes were glazed over as if he was reliving the moment again.

“The stamp was truly extraordinary and it was giving out a dazzling light. One look at it and my Dao Heart was about to explode! At that time, I even felt like the stamp was the origin of the world! Then, the people around me started to fall dead one by one. Some of them were even Heavenly Realm fighters! I was lucky to have survived and when the portal opened, I was sucked into it by the mysterious force again.”

Everyone was shocked by the story.

“What kind of level does the Ultimate Treasure have to be to be able to travel between dimensions? A Wisdom Ultimate Treasure?”

“It must be! Only an Ultimate Treasure of that level is worthy to be used by the expert!”

“It might be at a level higher than that if it could easily kill Heavenly Realm fighters! No matter what, the most important thing is to get our hands on it so we can give it to the expert!”

“Do you know where the stamp is now?” Nanan asked.

“The Murong Clan from the Eastern Wasteland in the fourth dimension has it,” answered Cultivator Tongtong. Suddenly a fierce expression flashed across his face. “Apart from me, there were others from the seventh dimension who were sucked into the fourth dimension by the stamp as well. Therefore, everyone who was sucked in understood the power the stamp holds and so a battle broke out with every one to get their hand on the stamp. The commotion attracted the attention of the Murong Clan and in the end, they were the victor and that was also when I received the injury on my bodies.”

“Murong Clan? How convenient. We can kill two birds with one stone! One, to get the stamp and two, to make them pay for what they did to you!” Cultivator Junjun said. Everyone nodded in agreement with his words. What the expert wants, the expert gets and woe to those who dare to cross one of theirs!

“What’s the battle power of the Murong Clan?” Nuwa asked.

“Very strong! Stronger than the Demon Emperor! The Demon Emperor might be the most famous demon there but the Murong Clan’s battle power is the strongest!” Here he paused for a second before continuing on in a fearful tone, “The Murong Clan have in their possession a mirror that can decay anything or anyone it shines on and that was what happened that day. All the people who the mirror shined on became like me and those who didn’t die immediately will soon waste away to nothing.”

That day, he only caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and his body immediately started to decay. He would have become one with the dirt on the ground if he had not run as fast as his legs could carry him.

The people of the Heavenly Palace were furrowing their brows. “Stronger than the Demon Emperor? That means they will at least have one Wisdom Elite amongst them.” This new information dampened their spirit a little. Forget about the stamp, how would they even win against a Wisdom Elite?

Nanan and Dragin, however, were excited at the thought of another battle. “There’s nothing to worry about. We’ll ask Blackie to go with us!”

Everyone’s eyes flashed brightly and they all heaved a sigh of relief, “Yes, you’re right. Things will surely turn out well if Lord Dog goes with us. We’ll wait for you here while you go get him.”

Nanan and Dragin immediately made their way to the Fallen Immortal Mountain and in no time at all they flew out of the four-part architecture with a drunk Blackie in their arms. He had drunk so much wine that his bald skin had become beet red and he hiccuped all the way to the Heavenly Palace.

“Greetings, Lord Dog!” said the Heavenly Palace people when the three of them arrived there.

“Cheers!” replied Blackie as he raised his paws.

In the Eastern Wasteland, everyone knew who the Murong Clan was. One would only need to ask around and surely someone could point them the way. This time they purposely kept the group small so as to not attract too much attention to themselves. Apart from Nanan, Dragin, and Blackie, there were also Cultivator Junjun, Cultivator Tongtong, Xing Ya, Xiao Chengfeng and Nuwa.

Currently, they were staring intently at a city not far from them.

“It’s so majestic! Is it an Immortal city? It looks so different from ours.”

“They must have spent a lot. I wonder if the powerhouses in this dimension had come together to create this central city. It is very amazing indeed.”

The majestic city was floating in the sky and its walls were made from divine jade which shone with rainbow hues. The Spiritual Qi around it was out of this world. All the beings living in that city were all Immortals and each of the buildings they were living in was as big as a mansion. The things their shops have to offer were no ordinary things as well — all of them were Immortal Dan, Spiritual Treasures and many more.

It was indeed an Immortal city and all the sects there had opened a shop as a gathering place for everyone. This alone made it different from the seventh dimension. Entering the city was like entering a new country, a country where only Immortals exist. It was an eye-opening experience.

As soon as they were inside the city, they made a beeline toward the Murong Clan’s mansion. However, when they arrived there, they discovered that there was already a line of people with gifts in their hands waiting to meet with the Murong Clan too.

“It seems like we’re just in time to join the Murong Clan’s banquet.”

“We should prepare a ‘special’ gift for them.”

“Let’s go and check out the banquet!”

Meanwhile, the Murong Clan’s mansion was already crowded with people. The main courtyard was crammed full of tables with an abundance of food laid out for the guests. However, all the guests’ attention was not on the food but on the fighting ring set up in the middle of the courtyard. In the ring stood a fresh-faced young man wearing a green robe who was cupping his hand in salute to the audience around him.

“Thank you all for coming to support me. I, Murong Batian, was lucky enough to have broken through to the Heavenly Realm and would like to invite those who are interested to have a spar with me up to this ring. I hope that by doing this I can learn more from the seniors with more experience than me and come away as a better fighter.”

This explained the reason for throwing a banquet. The Murong Clan not only wanted to celebrate one of their own breaking through to the Heavenly Realm but also to highlight their own strength.

“Young Master Murong is too humble. You’re already a great fighter!” Someone said.

“He’s right! Let’s all raise a glass to him!” Another cried.

“Thank you!” Murong Batian said and proceeded to down his glass in one go. “I still have many things to learn. Would anyone like to volunteer themselves?”

“I will!” A poised old man said then jumped in the ring. “My name is Shenhuo Daozun. Forgive me, Young Master Murong, if I caused you any offense during the spar.”

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“No, it’s an honor to spar with you. Shall we begin?”

A magical barrier had already been cast around the ring to prevent errant attacks from flying out. However, even with that knowledge, the audience still felt terrified by the harrowing visions, and countless lights from the laws of the universe.

“Wow, did Murong Batian really just neutralize Shenhuo Daozun’s divine fire attack?”

“Yes, but I find it hard to believe also! After all, it was only recently Murong Batian entered the Heavenly Realm whereas Shenhuo Daozun had already been at the Heavenly Realm for thirty thousand years. Look, it looks like Shenhuo Daozun is showing signs of being suppressed.”

“You’ve really gotta hand it to the Murong Clan for producing another powerful fighter!”

“Have you all noticed how, in the previous thousand years, the Murong Clan had already produced four Heavenly Realm fighters? I wonder what their secret is.”

“I heard that the Murong Clan has the ability to break through their bottleneck at the speed of lightning.”

“Woww, no way! They would definitely become the number one clan in the Eastern Wasteland if this continues on.”

Reaching the Heavenly Realm level was truly a milestone to be admired. What was more impressive was the Murong Clan could produce four Heavenly Realm fighters in the span of a thousand years for it was general knowledge that it would require at least a hundred thousand years of cultivation to even reach that level.

Suddenly, a loud thunderous boom came from the direction of the ring. Murong Batian had punched through Shenhuo Daozun’s flaming fireball and sent him flying out from the ring. Murong Batian had won! The audience gasped and rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

“Good game,” said Murong Batian with a smile.

“Indeed. I am very much humbled by your talent,” said Shenhuo Daozun.

Then, facing the audience once more, Murong Batian said, “Who would like to go for the second round?”

This time, there was no response from the crowd.

“You’ve already proven yourself, Young Master Murong. There is no need to continue on like this,” said someone.

Hearing this, Murong Batian became satisfied at the thought of having reached his goal of displaying his strength for all to see and thus, did not push for anyone else to come up. He was about to walk out of the ring when he heard an ethereal and enigmatic voice up in the sky said, “Who will reach the peak at the end of the immortal road, Behold it is Xing Ya in his immeasurable Wisdom.”

Instantly, a commotion broke out in the crowd. Murong Batian jumped with fright when he heard the voice and started to search for the speaker. It was then he saw a masked-man dressed in white robe already standing in the ring. The masked-man was sideways to him and with his hands folded behind his back. His profile was one of cold arrogance.

‘He’s… so awesome!’ Everyone thought. His line, especially, made them want to prostrate themselves in worship.

However, Murong Batian’s face was solemn. “Since you’re standing here, does that mean you want to spar with me?”

‘Wrong! The only reason I’m standing here is because I want to show off my awesomeness. Ahhh, so this is what it feels like to be the centre of attention,’ thought Xing Ya. He was really basking in the glow of the crowd’s attention. “Spar? Don’t you think you’re thinking a little too highly of yourself? Don’t you know that in my eyes, you’re nothing but an ant?”

“Oh, burn!” The crowd cried.

“What do you think you’re doing? Do you want to make an enemy out of the Murong Clan?” Murong Batian asked in a threatening tone.

Xing Ya stood where he was and threw a sideway glance at Murong Batian. “You’ve misunderstood me. I wasn’t directing those words at you but at the audience around us!”