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I'm Not Interested In The Main Characters

Chapter 103
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Taking the purple jewel from the fainted Rania’s hand, Elysia shoved it roughly into her robe pocket. It was because it felt uncomfortable just to throw it on the ground even though she had already used all of its functions.

As she pondered what to do with Rania, she suddenly felt her fingertips tingle.

All her senses brimmed, and Der came down from her shoulders and howled. At the same time, it grabbed the hem of her robe and started pulling it hard.


Der, who was still pulling the hem of her robe, grew taller and jumped, biting Lady Aiden in its mouth. It then headed to the place where the garden of the temple was. Elysia followed Der in bewilderment, but then she realized that the air in the temple was grave as she could sense coercion from the direction of the garden.

“Ah… Cassian.”

Lady Aiden had collapsed, and the only human who could use black magic here was Peloit. Seeing the scene, Elysia wondered if Der pulled her because Cassian might be in danger. Thinking that, she blamed herself and ran, hoping that nothing would happen to him.

“What else is that?”

Elysia frowned as she glanced at the barriers surrounding the garden. However, the figure beyond the barrier was not visible.

Der put Lady Aiden that it had been biting on the ground and approached her.


Der slammed her back with its head from behind her. At that, Elysia tightened her legs to keep herself from being pushed while she hastily raised her magic to break the barrier. Nonetheless, she had no idea how to break the barrier.

Maybe, it was magic…?

“Der, don’t push me.”

At that, Der pushed her with more strength.

In the end, Elysia shut her eyes tightly, thinking she would bump into the barrier, but she felt nothing. Often in barriers, there were ones that reflected an attack as soon as it was abutted, so she wore protective magic and looked straight ahead.

The next moment, she could see a black-haired man burying his face in Cassian’s neck.

In one corner, Peloit, with a wound in his chest, sat struggling against the wall of the garden.

“…What is that?”

Cassian’s brow furrowed as if in agony. In addition, she caught a glimpse of the black-haired man holding his shoulder tightly.

“Who are you touching?”

Elysia went to Cassian at once and grabbed the black-haired man. She removed his hand from Cassian’s shoulder and slipped through them, widening the distance. She knew right away who the man in front of her was.

“It’s you? The demon who brought me here.”

He was, in fact, someone she had some fears of, but was strangely innocent.

Elysia grabbed him by the collar and pushed him to the wall of the temple. Then, she hit Hail’s cheek with force.

“This is for bringing me here without my permission and for putting your face on my man’s neck.”

Hail’s head, which had been turned to the side because of the blow to his cheeks, returned to its original position. He murmured, widening his eyes, in a little startled way.

“Ah… Can you touch me?”

Seeing him approaching, Elysia had to hold her breath.

…He smelled similar to Cassian.

When she came to her senses, his body was very sweet. Even though it was not quite as much as Cassian, it was definitely seductive. Elysia quickly released the collar and took a step back from him though Hail pulled back the hand that grabbed his collar.

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“The smell that was on him, it’s yours.”

Hail licked his lips with his tongue.

Elysia furrowed her brow and tried to pull her wrist on his grip. Contrary to his firm grip, he then let go.

“That body…”

Hail’s gaze alternated between her and Lady Aiden, who was lying on the floor. She didn’t even know when Lady Aiden entered the barrier.

As she stepped back and turned her head, she could feel a firm body touching her back.


Hoo… Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Are you?”

Elysia checked Cassian for any injuries—tugging his shirt to the side, causing the buttons to pop and bounce to the side. Thankfully, there was no mark on the nape of his neck, and a red handprint remained on his shoulder.

“It’s a bit difficult if you seduce me in a situation like this.”

Hearing that, she tugged at his hair.

“Are you kidding me? You scared me.”

“I would be even more surprised if you didn’t come.”

Cassian covered his face and told her what he had seen a moment ago.

“Did the second prince summon him?”

He nodded his head at her question.

“I know who that person is. He is dangerous.”

He was talking about running into Hail.

A cry could be heard from behind from Hail, but they did not listen to it. Meanwhile, Elysia smiled awkwardly, wiping the red mark on his shoulder with her finger.

“Because he touched you.”

Behind her, she heard something close to a grunt.

“Hey, summoner. Am I being completely ignored right now?”


Elysia turned around as if blocking Cassian’s front. However, he couldn’t put her ahead, and he wrapped her waist while stepping forward. He then stuck out his head and stared at Hail, who approached him with a look that had been waiting for Cassian to look at him finally.

Ignoring that she was behind Cassian, he went right in front of her.

Thinking of why Rania was afraid of this person, she asked the part she had always questioned.

“Why did you bring me here?”

“When did it choose you as its master?”

Heil’s gaze glanced at Der.

Elysia replied with a snort. It seemed that all he wanted was Der, so while considering that he might not be able to hurt her.

“I first asked why me.”

Hail narrowed his eyes and gazed at her. At that moment, Elysia could feel Cassian groan a little, and Peloit coughed.

“You really didn’t care? You’re really something.”

At that, she turned her body to examine Cassian’s complexion. Even though she didn’t know what he did, Cassian looked to be struggling as well, though not as much as Peloit. As Elysia raised her magic, she pondered whether to attack Hail.

“Wow. Don’t look at me like that. I guess he’s yours? You’re very overprotective.”

Hail showed both palms and grinned.

After that, she felt Cassian’s breathing become more comfortable. Then, Hail looked at Peloit as if he had forgotten. Snapping his finger, Peloit was pulled in front of him.

“Hey, summoner. You want to be exactly like her?”

Seeing his finger pointing at her, Elysia furrowed.

“That’s right.”

His voice contained a little excitement and anticipation.

…Was it true that the condition of the contract was that Peloit wanted to become a vampire? The experiments he did so far weren’t for today, but because he wanted to become a vampire himself. Elysia stared at Peloit with an astonished look.

As she mentioned Der, she wondered if she could stop Hail from listening to Peloit.

“This won’t do. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen a child like this.”


“And I don’t want to do any favors.”


Elysia looked at the magic circle where Cassian was, wondering if she could break it.

“Why didn’t you answer the summoner…!”

As Peloit shouted, Hail’s face turned cold. The next moment, she could feel Cassian clenching his teeth again and groaning in pain.

Elysia cast a spell on Peloit, raising her magic. Remembering Rania breaking through her restraint, she cast it a little stronger. Seeing that his body, who could barely supporting his upper body, was tied to the ground with his hands, she glanced at the magic circle drawn on the ground and waved her hand.

The light emanating from the magic circle that had begun to crack quickly faded.

It was an action to cut off the summons, wondering if Peloit was keeping the summoning circle. Still, even though the magic circle was destroyed, Hail’s appearance remained the same. Even when Cassian did it, he also said it wasn’t destroyed.

Elysia tilted her head, wondering what more she could do.

“Darling, wait a minute. There’s one more over there, so that’s not enough.”


Hail’s finger pointed to Lady Aiden.

Since there was still the contractor, it seemed to mean that even if the magic circle was broken, he would not be reverse summoned.

Meanwhile, at the ‘Darling’ title, Cassian raised an eyebrow. He grabbed Elysia’s chin and made eye contact.

“Do you know each other?”

“No. Absolutely not. I don’t know of such a pervert.”

Grabbing her with one of his arms, he walked over to Peloit. Then, Cassian slapped him on the back of the neck with a hand that wasn’t supporting her. Seeing that Peloit was stunned at once, Elysia lowered her gaze and glanced at her hand once.

At the same time, Hail walked over to Der as if watching a funny thing.

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Elysia wondered if she could leave it as is.

“Look at the weight you lost.”


Der raised its claws and struck Hail’s hand.

“I’m sorry, but I’m glad you didn’t die. If it weren’t for you, I would have been in big trouble.”

Whether his hands were bleeding or not, Hail continued to talk to Der, who was bewildered. Der quickly turned its head and ignored him.

Elysia said to Cassian, feeling a little confused.

“I don’t know what it is, but the Peloit thing must have been resolved.”

He nodded his head.

At that, she took a long breath and asked Cassian to put her off. In fact, when Der wounded Hail’s finger a while ago, her desire to suck blood was a little rising.


“Ugh. Wait a minute… Now is a bit.”

She also had a desire to suck Cassian’s blood, but he had no choice but to be drawn to the one that smelled of blood. Besides, it smelled similar to Cassian’s.

Elysia swallowed her saliva and swallowed her lust. It would not have been good for Cassian to know her current condition. Nevertheless, Hail, who recognized her immediately, pushed his face in front of her.

“Wow, darling, are you licking your lips because of me?”

Her body hardened, and Elysia poured attacking magic at him.

The coronation ceremony was canceled, and Cassian had been cooped up in the Imperial Palace for the second day as a clean-up. Peloit wore restraints and was imprisoned in the temple’s prison. It was the same with Lady Aiden.

Except for dealing with the vampires that Peloit had created, she felt a little strange about the situation that ended in a disappointing way.

What were all the thoughts and worries she had in the past…?

Elysia stared at the person who was the culprit in everything she did. He chased her to the mansion and found himself floating in the bedroom, which made her angry.

“What’s the name, Der? How tacky. Did you name it after knowing how precious his blood is?”

He had been around her like that all the time, arguing with her.

“Better than Hail.”

“Darling, my full name is not Hail. It’s a wonderful name.”

“What’s your full name?”

“I can’t teach you that. If you know that, you should marry me.”

Elysia threw the cushion next to her at him. The cushion pierced through Hail, and hit the wall before falling to the floor.

“Who’s your darling?”

“But, you’re funny. Why are you being respectful to him all the time and being casual to me?”

“You have no title.”

Hail gazed at her with a silly face.


Thank you so much for always supporting the s I edit, even if you don’t buy me a coffee, I really do appreciate it a lot.