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I'm Not Interested In The Main Characters

Chapter 115: After Story 1
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After Story 1. Reunion

‘…Is there really such a thing as reincarnation? Then, I might be able to see you again.'

Those were the words she said to Cassian the other day. She couldn’t even remember exactly when anymore.

Recalling her feelings at that time, Elysia stroked Der's back in her arms. She didn't know that this would happen on the eve of the happy ending that they would both die at a similar time. She desperately wanted to see Cassian, who died a little earlier than her.

It wasn't until she heard from Hail that reincarnation existed that she succeeded in convincing her son Cardel.

"Honey, are you really going to try?"

As always, Hail appeared suddenly, so it wasn't too surprising anymore. Elysia nodded her head. She didn't know if it would succeed or fail, but she had no options in the first place.

Regardless of Cassian's reincarnation, she would have made the same choice unconditionally. Still, Elysia didn't know if maybe this was the only way to meet him one more time because she couldn't wish for something like reincarnation in this world.


Humans and vampires couldn’t have children… but they had a child. She was a vampire with a beating heart as her soul entered a human body. However, neither Hail nor Elysia could have predicted that other problems would arise there.

"Yes. Why are you calling me?”

"Why did you come? Just go.”

“How did I get into this situation now?”

Hail couldn't hide his anticipation for what was about to happen. He seemed to think she would succeed.

Perhaps, it was because of Cardel's ability.

“What happens to Der if I die?”

She was talking about the moment when her heart stopped when she succeeded.

“There are still a lot of things I am curious about. It's the first time I’ve met a kind like you, honey."

Der was one of the monsters that lived in the Demon Realm, to be honest.

It was simply superior in terms of intelligence and was unique in itself to be called simply a monster. For example, choosing a master and staying with it for the rest of its life and protecting it. Usually, since the master was a demon, it didn’t have to be protected, so it didn’t mean much, though.

What Elysia and Hail were curious about was Der’s death.

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As it was common for it to die together when the master died, the demons did not know whether it was sharing the lifespan or whether it would take its own life because the master died.

“What the hell do you demons know?”

They seemed to know nothing straight. Elysia met Der’s gaze and let out a sigh.

“I want Der to live. It doesn't matter what the contract is."

“It would have died anyway if it weren’t for you.”

If it didn’t choose a master before it reached a certain age, it would die, as Hail said. It seemed that the stories she heard from him were just surprising.

"I was lucky by chance."

Hail said he wanted to be chosen as Der’s master, so he had been following it for a long time. Nevertheless, Der did not allow him as the master, but he was only allowed to stay with it for a while.

The problem was that he came to make a pact with Der and left it behind, but Der, who was left alone, went into hibernation on its own, so it went to the temple. If she had not discovered Der in the basement of the temple, Der would have died.

"Right, so thanks to you. Isn’t it still taking care of you?"

Every time she met Hail, he emphasized how special she was to him. In fact, Elysia thought she only received what she deserved in exchange for calling him into this world.

“Der. Can you hold on for a moment?"

Der wept, rubbing its face in the palm of her hand. It was a smart kid, so she could only hope Der knew that the momentary death wasn't real.

Elysia spoke to Der several more times, then turned her head towards her son, who was approaching her. Cardel looked like he was about to cry. His lips twitched several times as if he had something to say, and then he said in a shaky voice.

"Mother… I can't."

The child instinctively absorbed the vampire's energy in order not to be affected by the poison in her body. He seemed to be born healthy though his heart was weak, and his pulse was not normal. Regardless, he grew up with the same resilience as her.

But… Not long after Cassian closed his eyes first, Cardel's heart stopped.

"You can do it."


And, he opened his eyes again.

As he turned into a complete vampire, Elysia still couldn't forget her feelings at that time. It was because she couldn't rejoice that Cardel was alive… the child would be left alone in this world.

“Because we don’t know what will happen yet.”

Cardel's ability as a vampire was amplified. He could use a small amount of mana to make his magic many times stronger or even boost the vampire's resilience many times.

It was the first time she had ever heard of such an ability, and even if she had, it was an ability that would have been of little use in the previous world. But here, it was different. Because when he used certain powers, it was beyond imagination when those abilities added up.

When Cardel cast a spell for the first time, she had a real sense of it… How lucky he was to be able to apply that ability to the thing she was about to do now.

Elysia whispered sweetly to Cardel, who was still unsure of this decision.

“I want to see your father.”

So, it's not your fault.

That was what she wanted to say.

Please, don't leave Cardel alone…

Elysia didn't want Cardel to go through what she feared so much. This had to be successful. Since she was already half-vampire, she had the plan to turn her into a complete vampire. It was something that didn't add up. Still, this body wasn't originally a vampire.

…It was worth a try.

Her mouth felt dry.

"Um, maybe I can see my hair come down to my waist."

"Is it, really, really…okay?"

"Yes. Don’t make me say the same thing over and over again.”

As Elysia said jokingly and pinched Cardel's cheek, his face was distorted.

“You know you can’t lie, right? You look scared to anyone who sees it now.”

“Do you know what I am afraid of?”

Elysia quietly patted the ring on her little finger.

“Leaving you alone and Cassian not looking at me… I’m afraid of that."

She was afraid of it. Rather than resurrecting and living as a vampire, she feared that Cassian wouldn't look at her. She used to fear that she would live eternal life alone without him, and she feared it. Nonetheless, her greed seemed endless.

If Cassian had been by her side, he would have told her, ‘I can’t.’

Elysia recalled his voice over and over again, vividly ringing in her ears as if he was right next to her and answered her.Thɪs chapter is updatᴇd by ɴo(v)elꜰɪre.ɴet

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"Hee— there's no way he won’t fall for you, right, honey?"

Heil asked if that was the only reason and murmured that it was frivolous. Elysia frowned and pushed him to the side.

“Then, I’ll try.”


She had had a satisfying life, but the anticipation of seeing him again. Perhaps, the realization that this time they could be together for eternity made her heart, that would soon stop, beat fast.

…This was probably the last time her heart beat thinking of Cassian.

Elysia did not want to forget this feeling, so she quietly closed her eyes. There was an illusion as if his nostalgic body scent was revolving around the tip of her nose.

Sharp fangs pierced her skin, and her memories were sparsely cut off after that. As if she had swallowed a ball of fire, her body was scorching hot, followed by a bitter cold, just like when humans turned into vampires.

When she finally opened her eyes, her heart stopped beating.

She would not leave Cardel alone… and she was able to meet Cassian again.

That was enough for her.

* * *

"Isn’t this supposed to go to my brother?"

Cassian glanced at the letter that was personally sent from the Emperor that his assistant, Rand, brought out to him.

“…It came to Lord Cassian.”

“Why would I be doing this?”

With a surprised look, he handed Rand the letter as if telling him that he should read it, too.

It was briefly written that since an important guest was expected to come to the Imperial Palace, the Emperor wanted Cassian to go to the palace and serve as an escort. By adding the word ‘Imperial Order.’

“Give it to brother.”

Cassian, without the slightest doubt, considered it was not his.

“Isn’t Lord Cassian’s name written on the recipient?”

He saw that as well. However, he thought that even the name must have been written wrong, thinking that the Emperor made a mistake trying to write his brother's name.

He may be the second son of the Duke, but he came from a very distant land. It was so far away that he doubted whether he had the family’s blood. In addition, he did not belong anywhere, and he was a knight with normal skills.
