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Imperfect Desires

Chapter 832 - Started A Fire
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Chapter 832 - Started A Fire

After over 10 days of resting, Ying could actually manage to walk around without a limp. Well, it wasn't that obvious any longer. However, everyone around her was still very strict regarding her rest. But after persuading for so long, Ying finally managed to tag along with Xiao Li.

When she came to Wen Clan's residence, she was left staring at the scene before her eyes. Through the screen, she could see Liu Nuan's frail figure sitting alone in a dark room. The room wasn't just dark, it was very spacious and very silent as well.

She looked at Xiao Li with a strange look as she asked, "She has been locked in that room for over 8 days now?"

Xiao Li nodded his head.

"Are you trying to play a psychological game with her? You're trying to numb her senses?"

"Are you feeling bad for her?" retorted Xiao Li.

Ying's words got stuck in her throat. She took a while to say, "I don't know. I just never thought you could be this cruel to someone. This is one of the worst types of psychological torture. Depriving one's senses. I'm certain you haven't let her sleep for all this while as well. Can she even carry on like this? And even if she did? Wouldn't she become just a paper doll?"

"Every time she sleeps, she is given an electric shock to keep her awake. I think rather than her need to sleep, she is more scared of the fear of that electric shock right now. And I don't think it's cruel at all. Aren't I giving her a proper meal and a roof on her head?"

Ying really felt like she couldn't recognize her best friend at all right now. "Food? What kind of food are you giving her? The one that doesn't taste like anything?"

"If you're worried about her, get lost!" shouted Xiao Li angrily. "This isn't my idea. It's my brother's request. He wants to break Liu Nuan mentally just like she did with our sister."

Although the word 'get lost' had been very common between them, it was the first time, Ying felt like Xiao Li actually meant it. Her words were making him angry and she didn't want to push her luck anymore.

"You mean Ah-Si suggested this all?" she was taken aback. "He... He is our sweet little brother. How can he suggest this?" She scowled to herself before adding, "And let's not forget that it's not confirmed that Chen Xiu was your sister."

"Whether she was or not, doesn't concern you," retorted Xiao Li. "And what I do with Liu Nuan doesn't concern you either. As I said, get lost!"

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While Ying was grumbling unhappily, someone came to tap on Xiao Li's shoulder.

"Master Li, take a look," said the person who appeared.

Xiao Li took the iPad and scrolled through the news article before frowning at it. "When did this got uploaded?"

"First thing in the morning," replied his subordinate. "Currently, it's the most talked-about topic on the internet."

"Who is behind it?" he asked while Ying snatched the iPad from his hand to take a look.

"That is currently unknown but whoever it is, that person is well informed."

Xiao Li's frown deepened, "Not just well-informed, that person is very eager as well."

"What do you think is the purpose behind it?"

Xiao Li smirked, "The purpose is the same here. Someone wants to watch Liu Nuan's destruction."

"Oi! Who did it?" asked Ying after she thoroughly went through the article and felt like slapping herself for even thinking about pitying Liu Nuan for a split second. She must have gone nuts to feel some humanity for a monster like her. "Do you have any clue?"

"I have a clue," replied Xiao Li.

"Really?" Ying was surprised to hear that. "Who is it?"

Xiao Li gave Ying a look before replying calmly, "Someone who thinks Chen Xiu needs justice."

Ying felt like smacking Xiao Li's head for that smug response. Even an idiot could tell that!

"It could also be someone who hates Liu Nuan," Ying shot back at him.

"It's the same thing," shrugged Xiao Li.

"Won't you investigate it?" questioned Ying.

"There is nothing to investigate here," replied Xiao Li. "Whoever that person is, he only helped me. My plan has gotten a lot easier now. And the next move has to begin now." He looked at his subordinate with a strange glint in his eyes, "Let's start the play now."

"Yes, Sir!" historical

Ying was extremely confused in this situation as she stared at Xiao Li.

"My grandmother used to say there are only sinister people in the Wen clan," said Ying making Xiao Li's brows raise up slightly. "Now that you have become a complete part of this clan, you have also turned into one of them. It's hard to tell what you're up to."

Xiao Li smiled at her that didn't look like a smile at all as he said, "Then you should run from here before the dark and sinister aura of this place enter your system and mess you up."

Ying took a deep breath to calm herself down before she asked, "One last question... Did my mom talk to you about Chen Xiu's identity?"

"No," replied Xiao Li.

"Really?" Ying gave him a puzzling look.

"Why would I lie to you?" retorted Xiao Li.

"Because you have gotten a bad habit of lying to me," she shot back before walking past him and left.

Xiao Li waited for a long while in silence after she left. Then, he walked out to the garden and dialed a number. As the call connected, he said, "Can you give me a heads up next time?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," came the precise reply from the other side.

Xiao Li rolled his eyes at that and said, "Regan, don't play dumb with me. Do you really think I'm a fool? I know this whole charade is, your doing."

Darren's lips curved up slightly as he rubbed Xiu's hair and replied, "Actually, I can't take the whole credit for this."

"Your wife is also involved?" questioned Xiao Li in surprise. "What is she up to?"

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Darren leaned his head with Xiu and said, "My Sweets can't take it when someone hurts her husband. Right, Sweets?"

Xiu nodded her head vigorously, "I'll tear apart whoever tried to hurt my family. And I can tear them apart with my bare hands!"

Xiao Li heard Xiu's words and was startled for a minute. He shouldn't have been startled after seeing her raging version on his wedding day but he was still surprised. He actually thought back then she was acting on impulse but now, he was coming to realize that behind Xiu's lively persona, she had an ever so feisty personality.

He sighed out, "And you're helping her out?"

"Actually, we are helping you out," replied Darren knowingly. "I think you have taken care of Liu Nuan until now. How about letting her go now?"

"You are up to no good," commented Xiao Li.

Darren snorted at him, "As if you had any other idea. Currently, I have started the fire. It's your turn to add fuel to it till it becomes uncontrollable. I'd like to see everyone burn in this fire. Don't disappoint me. And even if you dare to disappoint me, you better now try to disappoint my dear wife. She won't let you live in peace otherwise."

"Am I hearing things so you're threatening me?" inquired Xiao Li.

Darren chuckled at his question. "Li bro, I'm just giving you a piece of friendly advice. It's for your own good."

"I hate such friendly advice," said Xiao Li. "But for the first time, I'm gonna take it seriously."

"Oh? Really? Why is that so?"

Xiao Li breathed into the cold weather and saw his own breath dispersing before his eyes before he said, "Because I don't really want to disappoint our Xiu. If it's for her, I'll make sure everything and everyone burns in the fire she started."

"Such a wise decision," said Darren.

"Li bro, when you get the time, come to see me!" Hearing Xiu's voice calling him, Xiao Li's ears perked up. "I have a surprise for you."

"Why am I suddenly scared of her surprise?" muttered Xiao Li making Darren laugh at his reaction.

"My Sweets is pretty much unpredictable, you should feel scared of her surprises," said Darren that earned him a hit on his chest from Xiu.

"Don't talk nonsense!" came Xiu's voice. "My surprise is as harmless as I am."

"That statement is as contradictory and it is scary," Xiao Li couldn't help saying before his lips curved up in a wide smile. He was really pissed off earlier because of Ying's sudden attack of compassion towards Liu Nuan. But now, hearing Xiu's voice, everything seemed to be alright again.

This wasn't just a fight for his sister; Chen Xiu, it was for his cousin; Bai Xiu. And he had to make sure that Liu Nuan pays for it all! With interest!