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In Another World I Become a Healer With Purple Hair

Chapter 146 - 146 The east forest mission (Part 3)
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146 The east forest mission (Part 3)

“Rose? My name… is Rosy… Did you forget about it already after wearing the capital healer’s badge?” The healer, with a brash attitude, tried to remind Anne about their history.

Anne put a smile on her face and replied to Rosy, “Of course, Rosy, I am sorry. I’ve already forgotten about you.” Said Anne to Rosy, which makes her angrier than before. She turned her attention to the other healers. “All of you must be tired. Leo will take you to the tent. Please wait for our team leader to brief you in the morning. Good night.”

Already tired, Anne wants nothing to do with Rosy. She walks and goes back to the tent, but before she goes inside, a hand grabs her arm. Rosy looks at her with fury in her eyes. She gritted her teeth and the grip on Anne’s arm become tighter.

“You, how could you become a capital healer in just two years? You should be out there, becoming an uncertified healer, helping peasants! I thought you were quitting the civil service?!” There were so many things that Rosy need to know, but one thing was for sure, she doesn’t like to see Anne here as a capital healer when she was rotten in the countryside as the regional healer.

Anne release Rosy’s grip on her arm, and hissed at her, “I don’t need to tell you everything, Rosy, and you should take some rest. There will be a long day ahead of us tomorrow.” She put on her mask and go inside the tent, leaving Rosy behind.

“Hey, excuse me, what are you doing here?” Leo call for Rosy and, a bit upset, she left the group and go back to the tent, “Please don’t leave the group unexpectedly. It’s dangerous here, especially at night.”

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The obnoxious girl ignores Leo completely, until he gets her attention, with him standing in front of her with his hands folded in his chest, “Miss, I call for you… You need to go with me, now!”

Rosy glared at him, and said to Leo a handful of words, “You know, I was going to tell you something. You may be part of the capital’s healers, but you have no right to command me!”

“For your information, miss, I can command you, because as a rank 2 junior healer, I have more authority than you. So, please follow me!” Said Leo with the same harsh intonation that Rosy used to him.


After he takes Rosy back to her room, Leo goes to the isolation tent where he saw Anne still looking at the patient’s condition. She gave instructions to the helper. Leo came to both of them. It seems something happened to one of the patients.

“What happened?” Asked Leo to Anne.

“It’s Bernard. His fever wasn’t going down at all. I need to get more purified ice for him, but I don’t think we have already used all the pure ice that we brought.” Anne was so concerned Leo can see it in her eyes.

“You stay here. I will try to ask the magi. Maybe they can help us with their magica.” Leo tried to calm her down, and with a weak nod, she drop herself into the chair inside the tent.

They were all exhausted. Leo looks at the moonsun dial and they still have like two hours before their shift was over. Leo then asked a helper to take Anne into the other tent, so she could take some rest, although she refused and told him to go as soon as possible and let her observe the patients.

Leo runs into the Magi tent. The tent was so quiet, only the sound of snoring and mumbling. He looks around frantically, looking to see if there’re any magi who were awake right now.

“Excuse me, what are you doing here?” Said a voice from behind Leo. He turned around to see Vale, looking at him with a frown on his face. “You are Anne’s work friends, right? Can I help you with something?”

“Teammates, we are in the same team, Nathan’s team, primary captain Vale.” Leo recognizes the man, Vale, the genius magi, who gets a record for the most percentage of magica in the entire kingdom. Not to mention he is so easy on the eyes as well with his wavy brown hair and green emerald eyes.

“Alright, Anne’s teammates, can I help you with something? All the magi were exhausted. We were creating the reflector for the whole encampment. I may be the only last magi standing tonight.” Said Vale, while rustling his hair.

Leo stared at Vale for a moment before he asked him for help. “Please, sir, we need your help. We don’t have any pure ice anymore, and one of our patients still has a high fever.”

Vale immediately changed his expression. He looked directly into Leo and asked him to go to the isolation tent. Vale put on a mask and enter the isolation tent with Leo, who reached out to Anne that keep brushing a wet towel into Bernard’s body.

“Anne, I found a magi that can help us.” Whispered Leo to her.

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Turning her head around, she looks directly at Vale, and all that he could see is how tired the young woman was right now. Her eyes were bloodshot red, the black circle, and unkempt look. He wanted to go to her and embrace her.

“Anne, you should take more rest. Let me take care of the chief of the guard.” Said Leo again, while his hand touched Anne’s shoulder.

Anne smiled at him, she even held onto Leo’s hand, making Vale almost walk in between them. “Alright, I think you can handle this now with Vale. I’ll be in the next tent.”

When Anne goes away, she tried to ignore Vale’s eyes as much as possible. The warm emerald color makes her smile brightly every time. She doesn’t like to reminisce about the four of them, because that was a proof that she awfully missed all of them.

After Anne disappear into the other tent, Vale asked Leo about her condition. “She doesn’t look very healthy to me.”

“Who? Anne? Oh, she was so tired, the much sleep that she got was inside the carriage, she slept like what? Five hours?” Said Leo with a shrug. The reality of becoming a healer is how much workload you need to handle in just one shift.

Vale scolded the young man. “At least you would care for her. I know she is also a healer, but she is new with the whole full shift of the main hospital.” He doesn’t like how lightly Leo treated his workmate’s welfare, although he could see that he was almost as tired as Anne is.

Leo looks at Vale for a while, almost chuckling. He then just nodded his head to him. “Yes, I am sorry that I saw a poor display of caring towards my teammate earlier, primary captain.”

Giving a sigh, he looked at Leo and asked the healer to put the patients that have a spike of fever to be in one area. Vale explained about the spell that he would be performing.

“Ice hail, this is a middle-rank spell, you will be able to cool the one with a high fever inside three beds, I will put the spell inside the bed, and it will last for six hours, if the bed becomes warmer, go to the magi tent and asked them to performed ice hail into the three-bed once again.” Vale gave Leo a clear instruction as for he need to remember it because pure ice will be hard to obtain in the east forest.

Pure ice is the original form of ice that could maintain the temperature, unlike the ice orb that could give chills if it’s been used for a long time. Pure ice will keep the temperature cool but not colder. After he cast the ice hail spell, he excused himself from the tent. Yawning, Vale was thinking to hit the bed immediately, but before he could walk away, he saw a black shadow coming out from the other tent, the tent where Anne was taking a break earlier.

“Oh no, Anne!” Vale screamed for her name and run into the tent.