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Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 758
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However, Alexi was also the most clever person in the room. He was the teacher that taught the students on how to be cunning and to be sensible.

After what he saw of Lucifer, he knew he wasn't a match when the others were struggling.

This was the Domain of Lucifer, and they were like rabbits that were stuck there. They could fight, but it was something that could lead them to their inevitable death.

"I know you aren't stupid, so I'll give you a chance."

"What chance?" Alexi asked, frowning.

"Join me..."


"Alexi, I want you to join me. Work for me, and I shall let you live. I need clever people like you working for me for what I'm about to do in the future."

"You want me to work for you? After everything you did? You killed my friends! You destroyed so many lives! You destroyed so many nations, all for your selfish goals of conquering the world! You want me to help you with that?"

"I would rather die than sell my dignity to save my life!"

Lucifer smiled. "I expected that answer. But would you rather die for such a stupid reason? You're fighting the wrong war. I didn't come here to destroy this nation. I didn't even come here to kill anyone."

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"All I wanted was to find something that was stolen from me by Xaen."

As he spoke, he looked back at Xaen.

Xaen appeared before a window, only to find it covered by black shadows. He couldn't see anything on the other side to teleport away.

He also didn't have enough strength to break the window with his hands.

He appeared on the other end, picking a chair. He tossed the chair to the window to break it.

The chair stopped in mid air, before it could even hit the window.

"Enough playing," Lucifer told Xaen, appearing behind him.

He appeared behind Xaen like a ghost, placing one hand on his forehead and another on his chin. Before Xaen could even realize that Lucifer had touched him, Lucifer twisted his head.

"Sleep for a little. There are still things you need to do."

Xaen dropped to the ground as his eyes closed.

Lucifer grabbed Xaen by the collar and teleported before Alexi.

"Where was I? Yeah, the reason I came here."

"As I said, I didn't come here to kill anyone. I was not even thinking about coming here. It was Xaen who came to me, scheming to take my abilities. When he didn't succeed, he took something else which was very important to me and ran here."

"I came here to recover that precious thing. Unfortunately, Xaen schemed even then. He set a trap on my Grandpa's house. You saw that girl on the bed? She was my friend. She just went to meet my grandpa, only to be caught in the trap."

"What would you do if someone close to you was killed? Will you stay sane? I think you already know the answer."

"Just because I killed Yovann, you decided to kill me without even taking a second to understand the situation. If you can do that for a friend, then why is it wrong if I kill for... Her."

"I went to the hospital to take her body, but it wasn't there. Xaen even took her body from the hospital. Was I wrong in this? Was I wrong in wanting to kill Xaen after all this?"

"After I left the hospital, I saw Franci, who was there with his family. I had no plan to kill him. He was a teacher, after all. Even though it was the other me who studied under him, I still gained his knowledge."

"But he allowed his son to try to kill me, without even asking me why I was doing what I was doing? He left me to die... That was the moment he lost the right to be a teacher. Even after that, I didn't attack him until he attacked me first."

"Yes, I killed Franci, but I would do it a thousand times more if I were in the same situation."

"I'm not a hero to stand still and let anyone abuse me. If anything, I'm the Devil that will devour anyone who stands in my path!"

"Xaen hurt her and even stole her body," Lucifer said, looking at the face of Xaen. "I only wanted him dead. I only wanted her back. You all jumped in the conflict that didn't involve me."

"I almost had Xaen in the academy when Yovann came and attacked me. The guy who I was trying to catch for a long time was allowed to escape. Who wouldn't lose themselves to anger? Yes, I killed Yovann, and yes, I'll do it again if I need to!"

"After Yovann, you three attacked me. Even you didn't ask anything and went straight for the kill."

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Lucifer looked deep into the eyes of Alexi. "You talk about Morality and call me bad. Just ask yourself one question. If I hadn't retaliated to your attack, would you not have killed me? Would you have left me alive? You almost killed me without even trying to talk."

"What's wrong if I did the same? If I'm wrong, you're wrong. And if we're all wrong, then no one is wrong."

"You fought for Xaen, thinking you were fighting to save the city. But the city came in danger all because of Xaen. So you were fighting to destroy the city."

"The more you had saved him, the more I had destroyed the city. So you are at fault for whatever happened, not me."

"I don't enjoy bloodshed, but I don't shy away from it either. Now that I've told you everything, I'll give you one more chance. Do you accept my invitation? Or do you not?"

Alexi could understand what Lucifer was saying. And he didn't know why, but the words of Lucifer even made sense for him. The way Lucifer explained it, it certainly seemed like they were the ones to start this conflict.

Moreover, if it was all Xaen's fault, they were wrong to fight with him.

He could also see the appeal of accepting Lucifer's offer since rejecting meant death.

After clearing his consciousness, he nodded. "You really don't want to destroy the city?"

"Why would I destroy something that belongs to me? From this day on, this island belongs to me. There shall be no more bloodshed here as long as you don't give me a reason to."

"Is the invitation only for me? Or can Mirali come too?"

"The offer is only for you," Lucifer replied.

"Then her...?" Alexi asked.

Lucifer glanced at Mirali, who stood right before Alexi.