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Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 830: You'll be angry
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Two days ago~

Leaving the Capital City after abandoning the Uprising, leaving them in the middle of trouble, Lucifer had gone straight to Legion City, where his home used to be. In times of trouble when he felt like an entirely different person, the only place which could give him solace was the home where he was born.

On the way back home, he happened to pass through the town where he had learned how to cook food. It was the same town where he had met a girl who looked like his mother.

At that time, he used to be someone who was easily irritable. That was also why he had killed the brother of the lady. However, he felt like he was a bit different now. He had finished his revenge on the lab. He was calmer now.

Moreover, Varant and everyone else were dead as well, even though he didn't know when he did that.

He understood that he had nothing more to do anymore. He had achieved everything he wanted to achieve, if not more. As for more than that, he didn't feel the need. He just wanted to spend his life in silence, in his own way.

He hadn't gone through the change in mindset that other Lucifer went through based on what he experienced later on in his life. This Lucifer was someone who hadn't found a purpose in his life.

He thought he had a purpose of killing Varant, but that was gone too. He was like a blank piece of paper at the moment who was looking for a purpose that could be his own where he didn't need to fight for someone else.

Stopping in the town, he remembered the time he started his journey. He had just killed a few APF members before running from home. This was the next town.

He gazed at the house where he stood when a car was about to hit him.

His feet started walking towards the house on their own as his desire to look at the woman who looked like her mother overwhelmed him. It was as if he wanted to see what his mother looked like once again.

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Standing before the door, he knocked on it.


The door was unlocked. A middle-aged woman opened the door.

"Y-you?" Even the woman recognized Lucifer. She was stunned to see a Warlord before her.

She went down on her knees in respect.

Seeing her reaction, Lucifer was slightly surprised. Just what was with this respect? It was as if he was a King. No matter where he went, he only received respect from people, unlike what he used to get during his childhood.

Hidden inside that respect was a tint of fear.

"You don't need to do it. Don't you recognize me?" Lucifer asked. " I've been here before when I was little. You fed me, and your daughter taught me how to hunt. Did you really forget me?"

"I remember. At the time, I didn't know who you were, but I came to know with time. Please forgive me for any disrespect I might've shown at that time."

"Disrespect? You showed no disrespect. You were all very kind. Anyway, I was passing through, and I started getting hungry. I was wondering if I can eat some of your delicious food like before?"

"Ah, p-please come in! I'll make something for you!" There was no way the woman was going to say no to Lucifer.

She stepped back, allowing Lucifer inside the house.

Lucifer walked to the living room, observing the walls that looked the same as before. All the pictures were in the exact same place as he remembered.

"It's good to see that not all things change," Lucifer muttered. His gaze shifted to the couch where he had killed someone in his anger.

Now he was feeling somewhat guilty about killing the family member of people who were so kind to him, but he couldn't tell the woman that he was the reason behind her son's disappearance.

The middle-aged woman closed the door and came to Lucifer. "Please wait half an hour. I'll prepare something."

She started running to the kitchen.

"Where is your daughter?" Lucifer asked just as the woman was about to leave the hallway.

Hearing the mention of her daughter, the woman stopped in her tracks. Her hands started trembling.

Lucifer noticed her strange reaction at the mention of her daughter.

"What happened?" He walked closer to the middle-aged woman. "Where is she?"

"She is with her father and brother now..." the woman said, slowly turning back. Tears were trickling down her cheeks even though she tried hard to control them.

"What? She...? How...? Is she dead?" Lucifer asked, stunned for words. When he came here, he hadn't expected this. "How did it happen?"

"It's nothing. Please don't think about her. She's in a happy place now. I don't blame anyone," the woman muttered, turning back.

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Lucifer stepped before her, blocking her path. "Tell me the truth. What happened to her? Why do I feel like you're trying to hide something?"

"I can't tell you what happened to her," the woman responded. "I don't want to make you angry either. I don't want to be hurt. So please sit. Let me prepare food."

"Why can't you tell me? And even if I get angry, why would I hurt you? What are you trying to say?" Lucifer asked, frowning.

"It is nothing. She died in an accident. I know she helped you, so her death can definitely upset you," the woman replied.

"Even with that, why would I hurt you? This doesn't make sense," Lucifer muttered.

"I just heard some rumors that when you're upset, you don't look at your surroundings. That's all. Please don't think too deeply about it. Can I prepare food now?" The woman asked.

Lucifer nodded. He didn't ask any more questions. It was surprising that the girl died in an accident. It was bad news, but it wasn't something that could make him go crazy. Many people die in accidents daily, after all.

He wasn't wholly unfazed either. There was a small disappointment in her eyes, but it wasn't murder or anything, so he couldn't blame anyone but her fate.

After an hour, the woman invited Lucifer to the dining table. She had prepared all her best and delicious dishes.

Lucifer moved to the dining table. "Aren't you going to eat with me?"

"I just eat. You can go ahead," the woman replied, standing in the back.

Lucifer gazed at his hands, smiling wryly. He wasn't as good at controlling winds as good as other Lucifer, so he struggled much more. However, he somehow managed to eat.

He had only taken a few bites when he felt something in his body.

"Poison?" he muttered, staring at the woman in the back.