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Is that a Wisp?

Chapter 619: There is no need
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Jimage led the group to the next island while dealing with the dangers on the way. As always, they also made a big line and started their search on it until they finally located the node. In the end, it was as Illia mentioned to the Flower River Sect members, the chaotic space around the node was sealed for those at the Divinity Realm.

Jimage retracted his hand from the chaotic space and looked at everyone behind him.

"Xanala, Rui, and I won't be able to go with you this time. The space is too fragile, so it won't allow our enter. However, we already expected something like this. You guys go ahead and retrieve the Godly Stones from the node. Remember, be extremely careful when you began to remove it. The others must make sure that the one pulling them out is not bothered either."

Everyone nodded.

"Good. You can go now. I will take a look around the place to see if everything is fine."

With that said, Jimage immediately departed with the other two Divinity Realm members. Krune's group also didn't waste time and entered the chaotic space. Their visions warped once more, and they were greeted by a vast expanse full of rocks and boulders floating everywhere.

Sisan, one of the Semi-Divinity Realm members, was appointed to lead their group inside.

"Alright, let's go."

At the same time, on the other side of the island, the Flower River Sect was in front of the same chaotic space. Pharan was examining it and confirmed that it really only accepted Semi Divinity Realm or below. He then turned around before saying.

"Illia, I'll leave it in your hands to lead the group inside."

Illia nodded.

"Leave it with me, senior Pharan."

She quickly called the other six Semi-Divinity Realm members and entered the space. After that, Pharan looked around and decided a direction.

"Jimage and the other two should be watching around. Let's go pay them a visit."

The other two Divinity Realm members laughed and quickly followed Pharan.

Time passed, and one hour went by. Although the chaotic space inside was ample, it wasn't to the point they couldn't explore fast enough. Finally, Krune's group found the node with the Top Quality Godly Stones. Not too surprisingly, it was brimming with Godly Energy and Earth Element/Laws.

They quickly approached the node and took a look at it from close. Until no one tried to remove the Godly Stones, it wouldn't have a risk of explosion.

"Alright, let's decide who will remove the Godly Stones. The rest will guard around to prevent any mishaps from happening."

While their group decided who was going to do it, no one noticed a feeble speck of dirt attached to one of the boulders in the distance. A few hundred meters away, the group of the Flower River Sect circled Illia, who was concentrated on that thing. She was using it to look at the group surrounding the node.

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The fact was that they were lucky. The place from where they entered the area was a little bit closer to the node than Krune's group. Because of that, they arrived there a few minutes before them. However, they didn't try to remove the Godly Stones. After all, there wasn't enough time for it. Besides, their main objective was to get rid of the Sky Shifting Sect members.

Illia decided that her group would first wait for them to began to remove the Top Quality Godly Stones. Because of that, one person from their group would not be able to help in the battle. The Sky Shifting Sect already has two Divine View Realm members, so they would be even more disadvantaged. Once you started to remove the Godly Stones, you couldn't simply give it up. You had to finish the removal and the sealing of the hole, or you would be done for. That was the best opportunity to attack.

Illia was now observing the Sky Shifting Sect from further away to prevent them from being found.

"You guys be ready, as soon as they began to take the Godly Stones, we will initiate the attacks."

Everyone nodded. Illia then kept looking at the enemy talking in the distance.

"There are seven Top Quality Godly Stones in the Earth Elemental node. Barttin has the best control over Earth Element in our group, so he should do it."

Barttin was obviously another member of Krune's group.

Sisan then shook his head.

"No. Barttin has the best defense between us all. I would rather have him help to protect the node."

Ramona, the one Krune saved before, also gave her opinion.

"Zanatia is also an earth element/laws cultivator. What about her do this."

Zanatia heard that and immediately shook her head.

"I use them, but I'm not as proficient as I am with Fire. I still think that Barttin is the best choice."

They kept discussing for a while, even Iem gave some of his opinions. However, Iem didn't want to remove the stones since he knew that an attack could come at any moment. Of course, just like Krune asked, he didn't tell it to anyone else.

It was then that everyone noticed that Krune hasn't said a single word so far. Ramona had grown some respect for him during this journey, so she decided to ask first.

"Krune, don't you have anything to say?"

Krune looked at them and smiled.

"There is no need."

Romona nodded. She thought that Krune didn't want to participate in the decision.


However, Krune's 'no need' had another meaning altogether. Just as she was about to continue to talk with everyone, the group noticed Krune putting his hands on the node!

Obviously, everyone was given a fright when he did that. However, just as they were about to jump back, something unbelievable happened in front of their eyes.

*Clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack.*

In just a second, all seven Godly Stones detached from the node! Not only that, all the holes they left behind were sealed. Thus, concluding the removal of the Godly Stones. Krune finished a delicate process that a Divinity Realm would need more than half an hour just like that!

Krune then quickly stored the Godly Stones and turned around just in time to see his group shocked expressions. Was there really a need to look at him like that just because he took some stones?

"Errr... Did I do something wrong?"

Everyone immediately woke up after that question.



"How did you do that?!"

"The node should have exploded on his face!"

Krune got scared for a second.


He quickly looked back at the node. He was sure he sealed everything correctly, how can it explode? But he soon noticed that there was nothing wrong with the node, though. He finally let out a sigh of relief.

"Don't scare me like that! For a second, I thought it would really explode. I removed everything very fast to prevent any mistakes from happening. Don't worry, it was quite easy."

Everyone felt like crying.

'We are talking exactly about that, idiot! How did you remove everything this easily without killing yourself? How come there isn't even a hint of fear in your eyes after you did that?!'

Except for Iem, the rest of Krune's group looked at him as if he was some kind of freak.

Krune really didn't think he did anything impressive. He simply used his Mental Energy to create a seal under the Godly Stones before removing them. He used that seal together with his own Earth Element and Laws. The mental energy present in the seal was now a type of Earth Seal that should last for a few hours, which is more than enough time for everyone to leave. Of course, only he thought that way.

Krune's group wasn't the only only one showing expressions of disbelief. As soon as Krune touched the node, Illia told everyone to be ready. But just as she was about to give the order to attack, all the Godly Stones came out at once! How could she not be affected by that?

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Everyone looked at Illia, puzzled.

Illia noticed her group's puzzled faces and quickly recovered.

"Go, go, go! They already removed all the Godly Stones from the node. We need to attack now!"

Everyone was taken aback. How could the Godly Stone be removed that easily? There are only Semi-Divinity Realm cultivators and demon beasts in this place. That process was supposed to take at least an hour in the best scenarios! Still, they didn't think Illia would lie to them. Her shocked expression showed that she also had a hard time believing what she just said.

"Let's go!"

Knowing that their sneak attack would be useless now, they immediately revealed themselves and charged at the Sky Shifting Sect group.

Of course, Sisan and the others immediately noticed that.

"It's the Flower River Sect, prepare for battle!"

Iem couldn't help but laugh after seeing that.

"Hahaha! Great! Finally, some real action!"

Spiritual Energy burst out of his body as he charged forward. That obviously took both groups aback. The Divine View Realm guy was the first one to attack. Was he suicidal?

Sisal gritted his teeth after seeing that.


Ramona, Barttin, Zanatia, and everyone else also charged at the income enemy.

Krune, on the other hand, simply shrugged his shoulders after seeing Iem's charge.

The battle immediately started, every member selecting an opponent to fight.

Suddenly, a woman came flying at Krune. Surprisingly, she was Illia! After seeing Krune's unbelievable ability to easily remove the Godly Stones, she immediately set him as her target. He had to die!

Krune didn't seem to care, though. In fact, he smiled at the income enemy.

'Time to test some things out.'

With that, Krune's 102 Myriad Lightning Shields came out! Yes, this was the first time Krune released all his shields at once! Right after, they all appeared in specific places and began to rotate at high speeds. Tribulation Lightning expanded from each of the hexagonal shields six borders as if they were blades.

"Tribulation Shields Slaughter Formation!"