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Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Raising Children While Being an Adventurer~

Chapter 282
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Chapter 282

Rookie Adventurers

“My goodness~ what a consecutive streak of surprises~ So this is why you should not get into a quarrel with Setsuna, huh . ”

Once Velio-san left, it was Evan-san who let out a dry laugh first .

“Do you plan on quarreling with us? Rather, please call me by my name, Evan-san . ”

“Right . I will call you Takumi then . You don’t have to use honorifics with me . And so, I don’t plan on picking a fight with you guys, so please let’s get along . ”

“Takumi-san, I’m Evan’s partner, B-ranker Scott . Best regards . ”

“I’m pleased to make your acquaintance, Scott-san . Ah, these children are——”

“I’m Allen . ”

“I’m Elena . ”

As we began to introduce ourselves, the quiet atmosphere gradually eased .

“They are D-rankers, but they are a little more powerful than that . ”

“They struck down Bob in one hit, after all . That was surprising . ”

When I revealed Allen and Elena’s ranks, I could hear the admiration of the rookie adventurers .

“Do you guys want to be adventurers?”

“Y, yes . ”

It was Kane-kun who replied with a surprised face when I suddenly talked to them .

“Sorry if I get this wrong, but are you perhaps children from the orphanage?”

“Yes, that’s right…”

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The characteristics of the adventurers I had been told about by the orphanage’s director matched these rookie adventurers, so when I asked them directly, the faces of the boys suddenly turned pale .

“What is it, Takumi? Are you bullying the rookies?”

“Of course not . How did it become like that!?”

Seeing their state, Evan-san teased .

“You asked them whether they were kids from an orphanage, didn’t you?”

“Why do you see that as bullying?”

“Takumi-san, there are some adventurers who despite others just because they are from an orphanage . ”

Scott-san explained what Evan-san was trying to say . It seems that there are some people who not only treat you with disdain but also with contempt just because you come from an orphanage .

It’s unreasonable to be treated so unfairly just because you came from an orphanage…

“Eh, is that why their faces turned so pale when I asked about it!?”

Did the boys think that “The A-ranker is targeting us!” or something?

“Don’t misunderstand, okay? I’m acquaintanced with the Director and was asked by her to take care of you guys, so I was only confirming whether it’s you . ”

“Eh… with the Director?”

“That’s right . I mean, the orphanage is managed by the Feudal Lord, right? We have that kind of relationship . ”


They know that we have a good relationship with Velio-san, so they were immediately convinced .

“Rather, do I look like someone who would bully the newbies? I’m quite shocked to hear that…”

“”There, there . ””


When I showed a bit of dejection, Allen and Elena stood up on their chairs and patted my head in comfort . Then, Guild Master, Evan-san, and Scott-san exploded in laughter .

“Yeah, thank you Allen, Elena . I’m fine now, why don’t you sit down?”

“”Is okay~?””

“I’m okay, I’m okay . ”

“”Got it~””

I’m thankful for the children’s consideration, but it was a bit embarrassing, so I stopped them and seated them back .

“Hey, you! Stop laughing already!”

“Guh… they are good kids these twins, aren’t they?”

“Truly . They seem good at comforting . ”

Evan-san and Scott-san were making bad excuses, and the Guild Master tried to cover his laughter by coughing .

“That being the case, if you guys are troubled about something, you can come consult with me without hesitation if you happen to come across us . ”

“Yes, thank you very much . ”

For the time being, I left the three who were still laughing alone, and when I conveyed my intentions clearly, the boys finally showed relieved expressions .

Then, one by one, they introduced themselves . The adventuring party “Black Cat” was led by Kane-kun, and consisted of Terry-kun, Keith-kun, Nina-chan, and Fiona-chan, all of whom were fifteen years old . All of them were fifteen years old . They all seemed to be honest kids .

“By the way, Guild master . Although Velio-san appeared halfway, is it fine to end the hearing here?”

“Yeah, it’s fine . Did you come today with accepting a request in mind?”

“We came to look whether there’s anything good… but we really only came to look today, I guess? Oh yeah! Can I take a short course on weapon handling at the guild? Right now, if possible . ”

I asked the guild master if I could take a class on weapon handling, something I had been meaning to do when I had time, but had forgotten about or hadn’t had a chance to do .

“We do short courses here . It will be alright to do it immediately if you want to arrange it, but… that’s meant for rookies, you know?”

“Oh no, I specialize in magic so I don’t use weapons at all, so I want to learn so that I’m ready when needed . ”

“Oh, I see . We can arrange it immediately then, but what weapons do you want to learn?”

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“Let’s see, swords, spears, bows, hand to hand combat… the most common ones? The participants will be me, the twins, and those five kids . ”


When I added the members of the “Black Cat” without their permission, the five let out surprised voices .

“Ta, Takumi-san!?”

“I will pay for the tuition fee, so you don’t need to worry . Or is there someone who is already used to handling weapons?”

“N, no, we aren’t . B, but…”

“Learning the basics is important, so you better take the lessons . In any case, now’s going to be a delicate time to take requests . If you can’t afford to live without today’s commission, I will help you out . ”

I was a little pushy and proceeded on my own .

I can’t tell them about the education of the children at the orphanage because it hasn’t been implemented yet, but this also serves as a follow-up for these children who won’t receive the education due to their age .

“Then, let’s go learn how to use weapons with everyone, Allen, Elena~


Without giving time to the troubled “Black Cats”, we quickly proceeded .

“Guild Master, can I ask about the course at the reception?”

“Ah, no, I will arrange it so come with me to the reception . ”

“You will arrange it yourself, Guild Master? Thank you very much . ——Well then, let’s go everyone~”

I urged everyone out of the room .

“Excuse me, but how old are you, Guild Master?”

“Me? I’m thirty-five . ”

On the way to the reception desk, I chatted a bit with Noah-san, the Guild Master .

He looked like an active adventurer, so I took the liberty of asking him about it, and he told me that he was suffering from a leg injury . It’s hard to tell at a glance because he doesn’t have any problems walking normally, but it seems he can’t plant his feet firmly on the ground . This is certainly fatal for an adventurer .

He was originally an A-rank adventurer, so retiring must have been a difficult decision for him .

He told me that he became a guild employee right after he retired, and then this and that happened and he was promoted to a Guild Master before he knew it . “What do you mean this and that happened?” II thought to myself, but I guess it just means that Noah-san was just that good at what he did .