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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 43
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Chapter 43 Punish Her

Benjamin refused to admit that it was his fault, so he went with it and shifted the blame onto his


He stated, “Of course, it’s your fault. If it isn’t, then whose fault could it possibly be?


Ava’s face turned red with frustration, but she did not dare retort. She had only made an -offhand

remark, and it was his fault for using Chloe’s scandal as fodder for small talk

with potential investors.

What did any of this have to do with her?

With both being located downtown, Fairlight and Baxon were situated not far from

each other.

On her first day of work at Baxon, Chloe found herself attending a company-wide meeting. As she

followed her colleagues into the conference room, a man in his thirties. greeted her warmly, “Hello


Chloe looked at the unfamiliar man, then glanced at the work badge pinned to his chest. which read

“Harry Smith, Director of Operations.” Though she did not understand why he was greeting her, she

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responded politely, “Hello.”

“I’m Icarus’s old friend. He was the one who recommended you to me,” Harry explained.

Chloe was stunned and she opened her mouth wide in shock. “You know Icarus?”

“I absolutely do. So when he recommended you to me, I wrote your referral letter.” Harry laughed.

“Don’t forget to treat Icarus and me to dinner one day.”

She appeared delighted as she said, “Sure! Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.”

Chloe never thought that Icarus would go out of his way to help her as they had only ever met twice.

Meanwhile at Fairlight.

Patrick had taken the day off, so Joseph had to drive himself. After he was done with work, he went to

the underground parking lot to pick up his car. Along the way, he

Chapter 43 Punish Her

checked the messages on his phone only to find that Chloe had not contacted him all day. Usually, she

would have sent him more than ten messages by now.

Joseph squinted his eyes and a sneer played on his lips. It seemed to him that she had become bolder

after landing a job. She had not even asked him what he wanted to have for dinner tonight.

As he had anticipated, Chloe was not home by the time he arrived. He assumed that she would only be

an hour behind him, but it was not until eleven at night when he caught sight of a delicate figure

stepping out of a cab.

When Chloe saw Joseph standing in the courtyard with an unhappy expression, she asked in

confusion, “Why are you still up at this hour?”

Joseph was always mindful of maintaining his physical health, following a strict routine of rising at

seven in the morning and sleeping by ten at night. He abstained from engaging in leisure activities such

as video games or card games, and would only read financial news in his idle hours. His disciplined

lifestyle was reminiscent of that of an elderly person.

“I haven’t had my dinner yet, so how can I sleep?” he replied with a forced smile that clashed with the

darkening shadows on his face.

Unaware of the gravity of the situation, Chloe blinked and asked, “Oh, why haven’t eaten? Are you not

feeling well or do you not have an appetite?”

Joseph remained silent.


As she watched the man’s face grow darker, she belatedly exclaimed, “Have you been waiting for me

all this time?!”

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“What do you think?” Joseph responded, his icy voice sending a chill down Chloe’s


She trembled and quickly apologized, “I’m so sorry. I was just so busy today. Why didn’t you call me?”

“Take a look at your phone. Can anyone reach you?” xo.com fast update

Chloe was taken aback and hastily fished out her phone from her bag. It was out of battery and had

been switched off.

“Jojo, I was just so busy today and forgot to check my phone…”

Taking a deep breath, Joseph pointed toward the kitchen. “Instead of wasting time talking, how about

you get to cooking?”

unish Her

“Okay, okay. I’ll go make dinner right now. What do you want to eat?” Chloe knew she was in the wrong

and readily agreed.

“I want mushroom soup, meat with potatoes, and pan-seared sea bass.”

“But those will take too long to make. How about pasta instead?”

“Is this how you show your sincerity?”

“Fine, fine. I’ll go make them for you.”

“As he watched the woman donning an apron and scuttling into the kitchen, his mood.

improved slightly. “Forget it. I’ll just have pasta.”

Joseph did not actually want those dishes. He was just punishing Chloe for not answering his call