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Kekuatan Harvey York untuk Bangkit

Bab 3286
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Bab 3286 Dealer wanita cantik dan eksotis tersenyum pada Harve y dan berkata, “Tolong lepaskan

tanganmu dari meja.”

“Satu dua tiga! Enam! Itu akan kecil!”

Uang Harvey habis dalam sekejap.

“Sepertinya aku kurang beruntung malam ini…”

Harvey tersenyum. Kemudian, dia melemparkan dua chip senilai seratus lima puluh ribu dolar.

“Tidak ada kemungkinan akan ada jumlah kecil lagi. Ini tiga ratus ribu!”

Wanita India dan pedagang itu bertukar pandang, keduanya tersenyum main-main.


Dealer kemudian mengocok cangkir dadu. Ada senyum hangat di bibirnya.

“Sekarang, kalau begitu. Tolong singkirkan tanganmu dari meja!”

Kerumunan di sekitar meja tersentak; mereka tidak bisa membantu tetapi melemparkan pandangan

bingung ke arah Harvey.

‘Dia terlihat seperti sasaran empuk, tapi dia benar-benar kaya!’

‘Dia sudah mengambil tiga ratus ribu dolar setelah kehilangan seratus lima puluh ribu?!’

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Segera setelah itu, orang-orang yang mendengar tentang situasinya datang

untuk melihat.

Harvey benar-benar dikelilingi oleh penonton yang penasaran.

Segera, dadu itu terungkap.

Senyum pedagang itu lebih cerah dari sebelumnya.

“Dua, dua, empat. Delapan! Itu akan kecil!”

Harvey telah kehilangan tiga ratus ribu dolar dalam sekejap.

The people who followed Harvey’s bet were looking at him disdainfully.

you even know how to play this game? Just leave already if you can’t!”

“We’re all losing money because of you!”

An old and steady man in a suit shook his head at Harvey.

“A few thousand dollars is fine if you want to play this game, young man…”

“But you’re basically giving out free money at this point!”

“You should stop right now!”

The female guests, however, were smiling seductively as they thought of getting close to Harvey so the

y could siphon all of his money.

Harvey smiled calmly.

“It’s fine. As long as I have the money, I’ll win sooner or later.”


Harvey slammed an eight hundred thousand dollar chip on the table.


“I‘ll go big again!”

“There‘s no way I‘m losing again!”

The crowd gasped. Then, they cast amused glances at Harvey.

Nobody relied on courage to play in casinos; it was all about pure luck.

Even a wealthy person could go broke in an instant if they were unlucky enough.

The dealer smiled warmly after seeing the chip on the table.

She shook the dice cup and pushed it on the table, her exquisite smile attracting everyone‘s gaze.

“Come! Place your bets! Remove your hands from the table when you‘re done!”

The dice cup was lifted up…

One, one, two. Four. It was small again!

Harvey had lost eight hundred thousand dollars!

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The people surrounding the table burst out laughing. Seeing Harvey losing all his money filled them with

They‘ve seen a lot of people lose money before, but it was

their first time seeing someone lose this much in one go!



‘He lost all that money in just a few minutes! What a loser!


Para wanita cantik memandang Harvey seolah-olah dia idiot. Mereka semua berasumsi bahwa mereka

pasti bisa mendapatkan beberapa juta dolar darinya jika mereka mau.

“Persetan! Tidak mungkin aku kalah lagi!”


Harvey habis-habisan dan menulis cek tiga juta dolar sebelum membantingnya ke meja. “Aku akan

menjadi besar!”

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