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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 356
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Chapter 356

"Mr. Woods, Mrs. Woods. Nice to meet you all." Emily greeted them with a smile.

"Honey, this is our son's parents-in-law." Fergus shook Adam's hand and spoke in the same tone as the latter did

earlier to Milo. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Parker."

"It's been an honor."

Fergus' amiable attitude indicated his approval of the Woods Family, which was what Milo was touched about. "Don't

mention it." After all, Kendall was raised by the Woods Family over the years, so Fergus reckoned her foster parents

also deserved the same kind of respect her biological parents were receiving. For that, the Woods Family would

forever be Dylan's family-in-law as long as they were on good terms with Kendall.

"Mom, Dad." Dylan was sitting in a wheelchair while Yoseph wheeled him over. At the same time, he was seen with

a smile, which was deemed to be rare by Adam and Charlotte, who were flattered to see that. Deep down, they

were intimidated by the status of their son-in-law as they struggled to find the confidence to confront him.

As Adam and Charlotte replied with an affirmative hum to Dylan, the man went on to greet Milo and his wife. "Mom,


Milo and his wife responded positively, feeling happy and satisfied with Dylan because he took the initiative of

sending someone to fetch them here.

"It's hot out here. Let's get inside the house." Adam suggested that they all entered the house, whereupon

everyone else did as he said.

"Kendall." Yoseph sensibly made way for Kendall to wheel Dylan into the house, knowing she was waiting for him.

Kendall smiled at Yoseph and wheeled Dylan into the house after everyone else entered. "Thank you so much for

taking my parents and brothers here, Darling." After all, she was touched by Dylan, who sent someone to collect

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her foster parents even though she didn't manage to speak her mind because she was too exhausted from the

intimate moment they shared the night before.

"Like I told you before, we are husband and wife. So, don't mention it. I know you're definitely closer to your foster

parents, so how could they miss this important occasion? After all, they were the ones who raised you in the past 25


"Aw, that's so thoughtful of you, Darling." Except for the fact that you're a little wild in bed. Speaking of that, my

back still hurts.

Dylan looked up and gazed at his wife sentimentally, feeling amazed by her beauty even though it had only been

two hours since they last met. Well, my wife was born pretty. I can't even take my eyes off her without her make-up

on. No wonder people always say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. To me, Kendall is the prettiest lady in the

world. "After all the compliments you gave me, shouldn't you also give me a little reward, Honey?"

"Mr. Woods, Mrs. Woods. Nice to meet you all." Emily greeted them with a smile.

"There are many others watching here." Kendall smiled and whispered, her face blushing.

While the bodyguards were seen unloading the presents from the vehicles, they were transported to the Parker

Residence by the use of several cars, even though Fergus and Emily downplayed them. Seeing that, Kendall

instantly understood that it was her husband's idea.

"What? You tore my shirt open and bit me in front of my bodyguards, and you're now scared of the crowd right


Kendall was rendered speechless, cringing at her silly decision of forcing Dylan to marry her by biting him. I'd never

be able to live that down.

"Come on, Honey. Give your hubby a kiss and melt his heart."

Kendall was rendered speechless once again, wondering if Dylan was the same man everyone knew him as with his

smiling face. I thought he always looked cool. Where is all that now?

After the bodyguards unloaded the gifts and entered the house, Kendall seized that opportunity and bent over to

peck Dylan's cheek.

"Stop." Dylan suddenly told Kendall to stop as the latter did. The man then looked up and fixed his gaze upon her.

"Where did you just kiss?"

"I just kissed you."

"If you don't kiss me right, you're going to have to kiss me ten more times. If you still don't get it right, I don't mind

teaching you how to kiss properly."

As soon as Kendall heard Dylan's words, her face blushed bashfully. Nevertheless, her bashful look only served to

excite Dylan as the effects of the tonic he took the night before turned him on even more. For that, he was tempted

to relive the intimate moment they spent together the night before, much to Kendall's dismay. Damn it! Why did

you take that tonic, Dylan? You're a man, and you shouldn't have to rely on the tonic.

"Honey…" Before Dylan could finish his words, Kendall wheeled him away without letting him finish his sentence. As

the man wrapped his arms around her and was about to peck her lips, Kendall mischievously caressed his lips with

her fingertip and quickly sprang away from him. While the man growled unhappily, the lady gleefully wheeled him

into the house, leaving him with no chance to retaliate against her. After all, the house was crowded with people,

and there was absolutely no way for Dylan to 'force' himself upon Kendall, especially in front of his parents-in-law.

Alright, I'm going to remember this! I'm going to teach her a lesson tonight, and I'll make sure she won't be able to

walk for the next three days!

Now that Dylan and Kendall's parents had met each other, it was natural for them to talk about their children's

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wedding. While the Parker Family preferred the wedding to be held as soon as possible, Fergus smiled and said, "I

feel the same way as you do, Mr. and Mrs. Parker, but when Dylan talked to me about his wedding yesterday, he

said he wanted to wait until he can walk because he wants to give her a perfect wedding."

"What do you think, Kendall?" Fergus asked Kendall gently.

"Dad, I think the same way as Dylan does." Dylan and Kendall had actually discussed their wedding beforehand.

Fergus replied with an affirmative hum and looked at Adam and Milo. "Mr. Parker and Mr. Woods, I say we should

respect the kids' wishes. We're currently making arrangements for the wedding, so once Dylan recovers, we'll pick

a day and hold the wedding. What do you say?"

As for the bride token, Fergus knew it from Amos that his son had been secretly preparing that as well. "Alright, let's

respect our children's wishes then. After all, they're legally married anyway, so it doesn't really matter when their

wedding is." Deep down, Adam and Milo were both relieved that their daughter was married, thinking there

shouldn't be anything much they had to worry about.

On the other hand, Kelly was listening to the conversation all the time but was too scared to say a word due to

Dylan. Staring at the gifts that were occupying the entire living room, Kelly couldn't help but feel jealous of Kendall.

Why can't Jackson make me this proud? Although Rosemi once visited the Parker Family and announced her

intention on her son's behalf to marry Kelly, she was doing that to retaliate against the Parker Family. Now that she

was no longer the Parker Family's biological daughter, she would likely not be entitled to the inheritance, unless she

could kick Kendall out of the picture. Otherwise, Rosemi would never change her mind toward Kelly, who knew the

former was a snobbish woman. However, Kelly decided to look on the bright side, thinking Krystal would probably

suffer from a difficult mother-in-law like Rosemi. It won't be long until I secure the Parker Family's inheritance, just

as Jackson uses Krystal and claims Whittle Holdings for himself. By then, it will be the time for us to celebrate, and

Jackson's mother will surely change her attitude toward me, whether I'm pregnant with Jackson's child.

After both parties came to an agreement to put the wedding on hold, Dylan and Kendall's parents continued to

exchange pleasantries for a while until it was time for their meal. In the meantime, Kendall, who was listening to the

exchange of pleasantries, began to learn more about her parents-in-law as she leaned closer to him and

whispered. "I guess that's what parents do."