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Kidnapped and Rejected – The Return of Alpha’s Luna by Moon Claw

Chatper 116
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Chatper 116

Chapter 116


The two-meter high champagne tower crushed down with a loud noise. The wine was spilled

everywhere, and the glasses were shattered. Andre was buried in the middle of this ruin.

All the customers cried out in horror and backed away quickly to avoid being injured.

Even Jparted her lips in shock.

She did mean to teach this little prick a lesson. But she had only thought about slapping him one more

tor breaking one of his little pinkies.

Knocking him into the champagne tower….was it a little too much?

“Daran!” she lowered her voice and said in an urgent voice, “You probably have gone too far…Andre is

General Danton’s child, nevertheless…”

“It is fine.”

Daran rolled his wrists and cast a dark look on Andre, “He can be the Rogue King’s son and I still won’t

give a shit. He should feel lucky enough that he is still breathing alive.”

The loud noise attracted the nightclub’s security.

A few large men dressed in black suits rushed over. One of them tried to help Andre up from the

scattered glasses.

“Master Andre!” he gasped in horror. “Are you alright? Are you hurt?”

Andre groaned in pain.

His right leg was twisted in a strange ankle-probably a broken bone. There were numerous cuts and

bruises on his body. Sof the bruises started to bleed.

“I-I am alright? You fucking idiot! Of course, I am not alright!” Andre roared like an angry beast, “What

are you waiting for? The man who kickedwas standing right there! Arrest him!!”

The security immediately turned his head and looked at Daran and Janet.

There was a menacing look on his face at first. Yet when he recognized Daran, that look quickly

changed into horror.

“A-Alpha Daran!”

The security staggered back, crying out in a high-pitched voice, “W-What are you doing here?”

Daran glanced at him coldly, “Am I not welchere?”

“O-Of course not…”

“That little brat tried to assault my mate,” Daran said in an icy voice. “I was already being merciful

enough for not snapping his hand and neck. Now, do you want to try and arrest me?”

The security gulped nervously. There were 6 of them. But none was brave enough to make a move.

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“I didn’t think so too,” Daranald arrogantly

“You bunch of losers!” Andre snapped, “I will tell my father about this and have you

all fired!”

The security went back to him and whispered into his ears, “Master Andre, we know that you are

frustrated but that is Alpha Daran! Nobody can hurt him…not even the King…”

“Coward!” Andre hissed, “He is our enemy! And you are all acting like a bunch of cowards! Shon


Jslightly raised an eyebrow.

Andre coff as a spoiled little brat at first. But as it turned out, this kid had sbackbones.

Just then, the nightclub’s manager pushed through the crowd and ran over. He brought a few medical

staff with him.

Together, they brought Andre onto a stretcher.

“Take Master Andre to the hospital,” the manager said urgently.

Andre was carried away by them. His face was pale due to the pain. And his shirt was messy and

tainted with blood.

When he passed by Daran and Janet’s side, he spat at them and hissed, “…You will fucking pay for

this one day.”

Daran let out a sarcastic snort. A kid’s vain threat meant nothing to him.

After Andre was brought away, the nightclub manager walked up to Daran and Jand bowed to

them, “Good evening and welcome.”

Daran looked down at him freezingly, “Are we going to have more troubles?” “Oh no, Alpha Daran, of

course not. I am just here to tell you that-”

The manager pointed at the balcony on the second floor and said, “Lady Morgana invited you two to

the private lounge. She wants to have a word with you.”

Jlooked around and noticed that Kass and Morgana were no longer in their booth.

No wonder Kass didn’t rush over during their little quarrel with Andre.


Daran nodded.

“Please show us the way.”

The manager led them to the second floor and stopped at a closed door. He knocked on the door 3

times and stepped aside humbly.

“Lady Morgana is expecting you inside,” the manager said.

Daran stepped up and pushed the door open.

Together, they walked into the room.

This private lounge was large enough for 50 people to have a party here. But right now, there was no

one else around. When the door closed behind their backs, the

This private lounge was large enough for 50 people to have a party here. But right now, there was no

one else around. When the door closed behind their backs, the loud music from downstairs was

completely cut off, It was extremely quiet in here. Morgana was sitting on a large, curved sofa, smoking

a cigarette. She looked very relaxed.

In sharp contrast to her, Kass was super nervous. He sat a few feet apart from Morgana and kept his

head down.

“I heard that you wanted to talk,” Jbroke the silence first.

“Well yes, I do.”

Morgana smiled idly and breathed out smoke, “My mate toldwhat you are after. I am here to help,

willing to answer all of your questions.”

“Nyour terms,” Daran said.

Morgana chuckled, “There is no term, no condition, no strings attached. I am willing to help. For free.”

Jfrowned. She found this too good to be true.

“You are Lance’s CabMinister. You should be on his side,” she said. “Why are you willing to help us

for free?”

Morgana snorted.

She stubbed the cigarette on the ashtray and her face turned dark.

“I never wanted to be a fucking rogue,” she said gloomily. “My bastard parents abandoned me. No

foster care was willing to take inbecause of my hideous birthmark. I lived on the street and

wandered into the rogue’s territory…I survived in this shit hole. I made a living here. But it didn’t

necessarily mean that I enjoy living in this barbarian world.”

“If you hate this so much, why not leave?” Jasked.

Morgana snorted, “And give up everything that I fought so hard for? No, thank you. I hate my current

life. But I just want to change, not give up on it.”

She sat up straighter and looked Jin the eyes.

“I am not happy with Lance being the King.”

She said pointedly.

“I am fucking tired of being ruled by an incompetent man. It is tto change that. I like you. And most

importantly, Kass is my mate. All those are my reasons to help.”

Jexchanged a brief look with Daran.

It seemed like that Morgana was speaking the truth.

But this could also be a part of Lance’s dirty schemes—he had done something like this before.

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After a little pause, Daran said, “We have been crossed by a friend before. Right now,

I don’t trust you.”

Morgana shrugged and leaned back to the couch.

“Fair enough.” she smiled, “There is plenty of tfor us to build a healthy,

collaborative relationship. For now, as a friendly gesture, I can tell you who the former Rogue King’s

son is.”

Jheld her breath involuntarily, “Who is he?”

“Actually, you all have him already,” Morgana chuckled.

Jfrowned. She searched among all the faces that she had seen since she got here. But no one

seemed to fit the profile.

“And you just kicked his ass downstair,” Morgana hinted.

Jwidened her eyes in shock.


That little brat was the former Rogue King’s son?

Chapter 117


Daran frowned. A clear hint of suspicion flickered across his eyes, “If I remember correctly, he is

Danton’s son.”

“Foster son.”

Morgana corrected.

“Lance asked his best man Danton to adopt Andre after the former King died. This is a smart move,

really. You know, keeping your enemy close.”

Morgana shrugged, “Who knows? Maybe there are smysteries about the former

Jbit her lower lip, pondering.

Morgana was telling the truth. She could feel it.

If Andre was really the person that they were looking for, things would becquite


They made a terrible first impression downstairs.

It would be hard to persuade Andre to help them now.

“Anything thoughts on how to break Andre?” Daran asked, “What is he like? Does he have any weak

spots? Anything we can use?”


Jinterrupted her, “Andre is close to Danton? Are you sure?”