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Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

Chapter 100.1: Turning the Tide, part 1/?
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POV RadiantHero:

RadiantHero, fully clad in the heavy-looking plate armour, entered Azerlisia town, hooves of his horse tapping on a cobblestone road under him.

The streets of the town weren't bustling as those in the county capital, but plenty of people still walked through the streets.

'I need to collect more information before rushing into the forest.'

His eyes suddenly fell upon a large flat space before a large stone building with barred windows. A large mass of something that looked like cooled-down lava was spilled all over the yard.

It was obvious to him that it signified some strong magma spell exploding in the middle of the town.

'What happened here? Something evil must be going on in the barony.' Then he clenched his armoured greaves, metal loudly screeching, causing surrounding civilians to back away in fear, 'And these maniacs in masks joined it voluntarily... causing mayhem and killing innocent. I must stop them.'

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POV Vesuvius:

The dragon with shiny black scales hovered in the air, flapping his wings with his vertically-slitted eyes focused on the massive structure in front of him.

A sizeable metallic construction looking like a giant triangular object with massive red crystals things sticking from it was half buried in the ground. Its shiny metal hull was blackened with large metallic plates in it being bent and distorted. Black circles were spread all over its hull, and shards of red crystal littered all over the ground, glittering in the sunlight.

Its size was humongous. Just the part that was not buried in the ground was easily the size of a whole small town.

'Is this a wreck of a spaceship?'

Mechs with glowing red eyes were walking all over it, entering and exiting through the large holes in the ship. Large square turrets with red crystals evenly spaced around their angular barrels were menacingly rotating with red lights radiating out of red spheres embedded in their bases.

'Does this mean that the blue ones also have a wreck of their ship... do I have to really destroy something like this? Well, I will not be alone.'

Vesuvius spread his wings widely, slowly gliding towards the green grass-covered ground, his body still itching but much less than before.

'I can always retreat if it goes bad... but what I need to do now is to get some rest.'

The large dragon gently landed on the soft grass, his large body sprawling on it. All of the grass in the circle around him immediately turned black and burned away from the heat radiating out of him. A magma poured out of his body, glowing in orange light as it slowly spread all over his black scales covered in glowing runes, slowly cooling down and turning into a new volcanic armour.

Soon his black scaled lids closed.

Sometime later:

Vesuvius was gliding above the green grasslands, with his wings widely spread. Winds were loudly swishing around his body, covered in the black, hard-looking armour made out of volcanic stone with trails of magma and gold in it.

'This dungeon is really huge...'

His eyes were looking for any sight of a battle as he had his goal and plan in his mind, 'As the objective said, I don't have to win this by myself. All I have to do is to tilt the war for the reds to win. And to do that, I should search for any battles and attack blue ones or hunt lonely blue units.'

Suddenly, his eyes noticed two large groups of mechs marching in lines, one of them with red eyes and the second one with blue eyes.

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Lines of mechs kept advancing against each other, their legs marching in unified speed as they kept moving in sync. Their shiny metallic bodies reflected blue and red light radiated out of their large crystal wings and cores. First lines held long melee weapons, their blades glowing in blue or red light. Behind them stood lines upon lines of mechs carrying staffs with blue crystals on their tips or red glowing railguns.

Then there was one last line, consisting of large two stories tall humanoid mechs with large crystal wings on their backs, brightly pulsing in sync with large spheres embedded in their chests. Their arms weren't ending in palms but with large stacks of rods neatly arranged into a circular shape, looking like miniguns with glowing crystals.

Suddenly the front lines on both sides kneeled at once as one being, and then the line behind them aimed their weapons forward. Silence descended upon the battlefield, and then at once, two valleys, one red and one blue, flashed, hundreds of blue and red lights flashing through the battlefield, exploding and sending the metal shrapnel flying around.

The large mechs in the back lines stopped moving, aiming their weaponized arms with the glow of their cores increasing, and thick red and blue rays blasted through the battlefields. The thick rays illuminated everything as they disintegrated everything in their path, grass and mech turning into clouds of atoms.

'These look like an important target.'

The dragon observing the battlefield from a distance, flapped his wings and blasted towards the battlefield, his dragon heart pumping blood at an increased rate as excitement for a battle awakened within him.

A large amount of black smoke erupted out of his mouth and nostrils, forming large black clouds around him, electrical sparks crackling in them accompanied by a small blue and gold flashes of light. He flapped his large wings covered in brightly glowing runes, causing dark some around him to whirl as he kept descending towards the battlefield. His whole was crackling in blue and gold electrical arcs as he accelerated, turning himself into an electrical asteroid.

Dozens of blue eyes locked with him, and then a dense valley of blue, glowing plasma projectiles blasted through the air, whistling as they pierced through it, flying towards the black whirl of smoke and gold-blue electrical sparks on the black sky.

Vesuvius closed his lids as dozens of blue plasma projectiles exploded all over him, blue explosions flashing on the black sky, tearing chunks of his volcanic armour as they melted, raining down in fiery rain.

The blue plasma exploded around his wings, runes on them flashing even more violently and absorbing explosive force.

The thick black clouds left behind the dragon crackled, large arcs of lightning surging through them and striking the black dragon, his body glowing in blue and gold through the smoke around him as a star surrounded by cosmic dust.