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Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 429 The Competition Resumes
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Patriarch Ezra made an appearance at dinner in the Courtenay Land. He told everyone that the investigation on the island was still underway, although they were almost done. They would then share a detailed report with the leaders of each faction in a meeting scheduled for tomorrow morning.

As the hushed discussion started among them, Ezra added that the competitions would resume tomorrow. All events canceled that day would resume tomorrow afternoon, while the rest of the events would resume the day after tomorrow following the exact schedules.

Ezra's second announcement caused the tension that had started to dwindle to build up again. After all, there was no telling if another incident would happen again.

Stella and Silas received the updates while waiting in Kyran's room.

The continuance of the competition had Stella worry about another accident happening again. She actually believed that the Echidna's seal-breaking incident was not an accident and was staged to draw someone out— like Gray or Kyran.

Her theory was only based on intuition, though.

Recalling how Kyran fell unconscious for days after overusing his magic, Stella worried that he had lost consciousness resulting in his capture.

If not for Silas's continuous reminder that Kyran would not let himself be captured while his clan was still in danger, Stella might have done something that could end in another 'incident.' She actually considered using Time magic to go back in time just to check on Kyran.

Silas pointed out that if she did this, she might end up disrupting Kyran's plans instead of helping.

Kyran got delayed returning to the Courtenay land, mainly because of Anette's scolding and refusal to stop working at the hospice. She said working at the hospice was good for Cyneah's Alchemy training and improving her social skills. Forbidding them to work would hinder Cyneah's progress and her chance of having a normal life.

The discussion would have been avoided if Kyran had been honest with Anette about Ruin and his theories. However, he did not want her to worry and do something reckless— like revealing her identity to divert their attention away— once she realized Cyneah might be in danger.

Sometimes ignorance was better than needless worrying.

In the end, Kyran agreed to create a transportation array that would allow them to return to Noser, only if Anette agreed they would only work during the day.

Anette initially protested, but after Kyran pointed out that the Royal Family had doubled their effort in searching for 'Gray' and all possible individuals related to him, she agreed. Apparently, this information had been going around the hospice as well. Anette even agreed to Kyran's additional protective measures, especially for Cyneah.

Before Kyran completed the transportation array, he sent a message to Hugh and Noir.

Once all the protective measures were in place and telling Anette he'd be back again, Kyran returned to the Courtenay land.

Upon his return, he found Stella and Silas (still in Tyr's disguise) in his room. Before they could question him, he warped them to Noir's room.

Kyran's message to Noir was to gather everyone who participated in the Beast Hunt and the council members in his room. He also instructed his puppets to come.

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However, Noir and the other council members were not ready when Kyran warped into the room with Stella and Silas. All of them— except for Kyran's puppets— gaped in shock because Kyran was not in disguise, and Silas was still dressed as 'Tyr.'

Before they could recover, Kyran warped again, taking them to the Tower of Conclave's conference hall, where Malek, Hugh, and the rest of the council members were already gathered.

Hugh was the one who gathered the rest of the council members after receiving Kyran's message.

With the addition of the Beast Hunt participants, Sigma had to create additional seats around the conference table.

Styx, Addie, Archel, and Michel were still dazed at what was happening.

Especially Styx and Addie because they recognized who Kyran was. Though he looked a bit different, they recognized him as the one-million-high-grade-spirit-stone-bounty.

Archel and Michel also knew the bounty. But unlike Styx and Addie, who kept a poster and tried looking for him, the former two had only seen Kyran's poster once and thus failed to recognize him.

Seeing how the Conclave council members, especially Malek and Stella, acted normal around Kyran, Styx, and the other three had no choice but to keep their thoughts to themselves.

Malek had other thoughts, though. He immediately questioned Styx and the others' presence there. Stella explained that they were the members present during the Beast Hunt incident. Thinking that Kyran wanted to erase their memories, Malek turned to Callan at once.

However, Kyran stopped them and took that chance to explain why he asked for them.

Kyran did not go through all the details of what happened on the island nor share his new theories. What he did tell them was the high chance of the 'head committee' changing the rules of the last event: the Field Operation.

He told them that the Three Noble Families would likely join the event and when that happens, the Lumley Family would be coming after 'Tyr.'

Before Malek and Noir could voice their suggestions to counter the Lumley's plan, Kyran stopped them. He admitted that the latter was part of his plan.

When Addie, Archel, and Michel heard it, they could not help but look at Silas in confusion.

Styx was the only one who remained indifferent. He guessed who Kyran was when he warped them to the Tower of Conclave. Styx recognized him as the man in the black panther mask who helped them escape the island. He also realized why Kyran had to hide his identity and was wanted by the people behind the bounty.

Silas, on the other hand, flinched when Addie, Archel, and Michel zoned in on him. It only occurred to him that to them, he was still 'Tyr.'

"I've been baiting the Lumley Family to target Tyr," Kyran explained. "We don't have to make any countermeasures against them."

Hearing Kyran said this, Styx frowned slightly and looked at Kyran.

Sensing his gaze, Kyran glanced at him with a slight smile, "You have a  question, Leader Styx?"

When Kyran called Styx, the latter's eyes widened and abruptly stood up with an expression of utter disbelief.

Addie, Archel, and Michel also looked at him in disbelief.

They had been bothered about something from a while back. It was how 'Tyr' had turned mute.

Even in the meeting back in the Function Hall, 'Tyr' never spoke more than three words.

Then, this guy in black— obviously a Regis with extraordinary ability (at the moment, they still believed his 'warping' was a unique ability and not magic), appeared out of nowhere and acted as if he was some VIP who sounded oddly familiar.

And now, he called Styx the way 'Tyr' would call him.


"Y-You are..?" Styx gaped at Kyran both in shock and confusion.

Most of the council members shifted at Kyran's decision to reveal his identity to them.

Only Malek, Hugh, Noir, and Sigma managed to remain indifferent. They were already used to Kyran's seemingly 'impulsive decisions.'

Still, Malek looked at Kyran and asked, "Are you sure about them?"

Kyran glanced at him and nodded, "Yes." He then looked at Hugh and said, "Chairman Hugh, I'll take this opportunity to tell them the news, too."

Hugh nodded, "Alright."

Kyran did not give anyone time to interrupt. He turned his attention back to Styx and the other three and said, "Yes, I'm that Tyr. And this guy..." he looked at Silas, who got the message and removed his mask, "Is Silas, a member of the Mercenary Hall."

"Ahh! I know you!" Addie blurted while pointing an accusing finger at Silas.

Silas looked at her with raised brows, "Pardon me, Ms. Addie, I don't personally know anyone from the Mercenary Hall's Elite members."

As a lower-ranked member of the Mercenary Hall, Silas was familiar with the Mercenary Hall's Elite members. But that was not the case with the latter.

Addie flushed and lowered her hand, "No. Of course not. I... just know you that's all."

Malek cleared his throat, and they all fell silent. Even Styx returned to his seat, albeit still in shock.

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Kyran addressed them again.

"As I was saying, I am Tyr, and I'm a Regis, which I think you already guessed," he then looked meaningfully at Styx and Addie, "And I'm sure, you recognized me from the bounty posters."

'Bounty posters?' Archel and Michel exchanged glances. It was only then they realized what he meant and almost jumped out of their seats.

"I can't go on details right now, but I'm sure you already guessed why I am wanted and who are after me. You can ask questions later but know this, your memories are intact because I need your help. For now, I need one of you to be part of my team for the Field Operation event."

Kyran looked at Michel, "I'm thinking you can help."

"Me?" He looked at Styx, then Addie. "But..."

"It's either you or Archel."

"Why not Styx or Addie?" Michel asked. "Do you have another reason not to remove their memories."



"Why not have all four of us?" Archel also asked.

"No. The other factions saw you in action today. I don't want them coming up with a strategy against all my members. One should be enough."

"Are we even allowed to change members?" Addie asked.

"Yes," Kyran said with a bitter smile. "At least, the head committee will allow it on the day of the event. As for the other three..."

He paused and pointed at his puppets standing silently on the side, "It will be them."

"The other factions may have prepared a countermeasure against them too," Michel pointed.

"Yes, but unlike you guys. I can easily change their programming."


Neo, Aki, and Len stepped forward and said, "As you wish, master."

Then Neo added, "If I may be so bold to request, master. Can you remove some of my restrictions?"


Only then did the four realize that the other two with Neo were also puppets.

Ignoring Neo's request, Kyran told Michel, "I'll explain our strategy tomorrow. For now..." He turned to Hugh, who nodded his head in turn. "I have an announcement to make."