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Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 472 Preparation
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On the contrary, Stella, who always got flustered when she witnessed Kyran in danger, was relatively calm. She looked at the wall of flames that engulfed him in silence.


Kyran emerged from the wall of flames, not one bit daunted by it. His black clothes were intact; heck, even his hair and brows were not singed.

How was it possible?

The audience was not the only one who was shocked. Kairo, in particular, felt a tremor course through his body upon seeing the unscathed Kyran emerge from the flames. He could understand the latter's clothes not burning because it was enchanted to withstand flames.

The Blacksmith Order's uniforms were all tailored that way since most of them dealt with fire when crafting items. But the clothes' enchantment should not cover Kyran's skin and hair. So how was he fine after all that?

The tremor coursing through Kairo's body intensified as Kyran closed in on him.

Kairo did not move. But it was not due to fear. The tremor in his body was also not because of it. As a matter of fact, what he felt was akin to excitement!

This was the person Deputy Marshal Imman had given the order to thrash. Though Kairo was aware of the Crown Princess's interest in Tyr, since he did not directly report to her, Deputy Marshal's Imman was his priority. The Royal Family could only override his direct superior's order when they issued a Royal Decree.

So far, there was no such decree that could protect Tyr. Thus, Kairo would not be afraid of receiving any punishment due to insubordination. Deputy Marshal Imman probably knew this as well. That was why he made such an order.

Kairo's magic aura exploded, fully unleashing the extent of his mage level.

Unlike what others knew, he was not a half-step Exalted. He got promoted to a Grand Master a month ago and consolidated his magic level without trouble. The cause of his powerful magic aura was that he consolidated two magic; fire and wind.

"Come!" Kairo shouted, his eyes glinting in excitement.

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Kyran retained an indifferent expression as he shortened the distance between him and Kairo. Flames were still erupting from the cracks on the floor. However, he ignored them and ran toward Kairo in a straight line.

Kairo was not only watching Kyran's approach. He raised his left hand and summoned another red magic array, then pulled out a second flaming long sword.

When the distance between the two was reduced to ten meters, Kairo jumped. At the same time, Kyran also jumped, his right arm pulled back.

Kairo raised his two flaming long swords. Fire and wind magic energies gathered on the blades, causing the magic fluctuations to cover the surroundings.

Ignoring all these, Kyran arched his back to add momentum to his punch.

The next second, Kairo released a powerful concentrated fire and wind magic energy toward Kyran.

Instead of dodging, Kyran stubbornly moved in a straight line to receive the concentrated attack with his punch.

Everyone braced themselves. Most had felt Kyran's stubbornness to receive Kairo's attack head-on as foolish. Others criticized his lack of mage battle knowledge. Who would attack concentrated magic energy using his bare hands? At least summoned a magic barrier or a defensive array. He could create an array in a matter of seconds, right? Was his Array creation in seconds just for show? Or could he only do that when using his 'powerful' wooden staff?

Just as these thoughts circled through the minds of the people watching the match, a powerful shockwave, akin to a compressed air bursting out, appeared when Kyran punched toward the incoming magic energy.

In an instant, this shockwave penetrated the center of the concentrated magic energy, splitting it into two.

The audience was rendered speechless.

What punch was that? Did Kyran summon his magic without them noticing it?

That was right. When he was within the wall of flames, did he try to amplify the strength of his fists further using his Strengthening magic? More importantly, could his magic make his punch produce such a powerful shockwave?

Before the shockwave arrived at Kairo's position, he had already utilized his wind magic and dodged to the side while still in midair.

On the other side, after punching Kairo's attack, Kyran landed on the ground with a loud thud.

Alas, without his shape-shifting plates, Kyran could not stay in midair. Would he ever learn how to 'levitate'?

Kairo would have gone crazy if he knew Kyran's thoughts had wandered off while they were still in the middle of the fight!

Before the two attacks dispersed, Kyran had already made his next move.

After determining Kairo's position above, Kyran ran toward him while avoiding the flames gushing out from the cracks on the floor. Earlier, he did not avoid the flames because he wanted to approach Kairo, who was rooted in his spot, as soon as possible and avoiding the flames would take up some time. However, with the latter moving around midair, Kyran had no choice but to give chase accordingly.

Kairo flew in the air while preparing a new sequence of magic array. With his magic level, he could only transmute two items at the same time. The reason was simple; his magic reserves were insufficient to sustain more than two items.

Several different-sized red magic arrays appeared around Kairo, and a ball of flames emerged from them. He stopped midair and turned his attention to where Kyran was relentlessly avoiding the flames below while trying to catch up to him.

With a smile, Kairo raised his arms to his side, each hand holding a flaming long sword that pointed outward. Rows upon rows of balls of flames lined up on each of his sides and above his head. As he pointed the flaming long swords toward Kyran, they all flew out at an astonishing speed.

Kyran's eyes narrowed slightly, seeing the ball of flames. These balls of flames were not simple 'fireballs.' They were flames with homing abilities and would only explode after hitting their target.

A small smile tugged at the corner of Kyran's lips as he welcomed the ball of flames. His whole body emitted a light golden sheen as he jumped and punched at the first ball of flames that came in contact with him.


An explosion occurred upon collision, and the audience in the gallery held their breath as they imagined Kyran exploding into pieces.

However, none of their imagination happened because soon after the explosion, amidst the cloud of smoke, Kyran emerged. What's more, he was once more unscathed!

Two balls of flames came hurtling toward Kyran the moment he emerged from the smoke.

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Boom! Boom!

Kyran punched one of the balls of flames and followed up with a roundhouse kick to hit the other.

Three more balls of flames barrelled toward him.


However, before these balls of flames could hit him, flames erupted from the crack just a couple of feet in front of Kyran, fully engulfing them.


Clouds of smoke erupted, which instantly filled the surroundings.

In the Conclave's executive booth, Sigma sneered, realizing what Kyran had done there. While others believed Kyran was attacking the ball of flames head-on, they did not notice how he positioned himself close to the cracks on the floor. By doing this, Kyran used the eruption of flames from the cracks to help him deal with the balls of flames.

Styx, sitting on the Conclave's corner, nodded his head in approval. To be honest, dealing with the bombardment of such flames was exhausting. Since Kyran put a limitation on his real strength, if others saw him deal with those bombardments bare hands, they would definitely begin to doubt his identity.

Could a common support-type mage do such a thing? Even with the Conclave backing him up, it had only been more than a year when that happened. The Conclave could not possibly nurture him to such an extent.

Going back to the match.

The rest of the balls of flames entered the cloud of smoke.

From the gallery, the audience could hear sounds of explosion and saw silhouettes from within the smoke. They saw Kyran's silhouette punching or hitting the balls of flames, and sometimes flames erupted on the floor, resulting in more balls of flames exploding.

Meanwhile, Kairo did not simply watch Kyran getting bombarded by his flames. After all, his attack was only a decoy. He had to keep the kid busy while he prepared for a large-scale magic attack. If he had his weapon, he would not have had to do such a troublesome thing. After all, the weapon Grand Marshal Imman gifted him was special. Without consuming his magic reserves, it could generate and release powerful fire and wind magic energies. That was how he maintained such a powerful flaming whirlwind during his match against Styx.

But there was no point in dwelling on what he did not have. Since he could not use the long swords, he had to make the flaming whirlwind using his personal magic reserves and the magic energies in the surroundings.

Creating the magic array took some time, though, which was why he had to keep Kyran busy.