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Let’s Rewrite Our Love Story, Ms Summer Frost

Chapter 34
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Chapter 34 Chapter 34 It was finally Saturday morning and the tfor Xander's appointment with Doctor Spencer was fast approaching, but for sweird reason he couldn't explain, a part of him kept telling him to not go there. A part of him was scared of nothing actually because he couldn't explain why Standing in front of the mirror, Xander gave his decision a thought for the umpteenth time, contemplating whether or not he should go there.

There is no reason to hold back, Xander. This couldn't have been just a coincidence or a mistake, Something must've happened, and you need to find out' He said to himself while staring at his cute reflection in the mirror. "Sir, I'm waiting," CNick's voice from outside.

"Go get the car ready, I'll be there,” The sound of the receding footsteps outside was evidence that Nick already left for the parking lot to got the car ready for their journey.

"You got this," He breathed in and out, then picked up his phone from the dressing table before exiting his room. "Daddy!" Ella's cute voice sounded behind him as he walked down the walkway, and he paused and then turned to the little girl who was walking toward him with a big smile on her face while holding on tightly to a teddy bear. "Good morning, Daddy," Her face beamed with smiles as she finally stood in front of him, and he squatted down to her level.

th ty "This is the millionth while patting her hair, you are going to say good morning today. Have you forgotten we had breakfast together a couple of hours ago?" He smiled "Oops! That's true. Are you going out? You promised to takeout on a shopping spree and to have fun today," She pouted her lips disappointedly.

"Who said that I'm not going to fulfill my promise, hmm?" He huffed, patting her shoulders gently.

"Phoebe is going to get you ready, and I'll cpick you up later. Daddy is just going to step out briefly to take care of something. I'll be back before you know it," He whispered, smiling nervously.

"Alright. I'll get ready and wait for you then," "Alright, princess. See you around later," He stood up and ruffled her hair.

"Bye. I love you, Daddy," "I love you too, darling, Bye," He waved at her before he finally walked away with his hands tucked in his pockets.

Nick was already standing beside the by the the arrived at the parking lot, so he just hopped inside and the ride began.

"Are you ok, sir? You look nervous," Nick broke the awkward silence as he glanced over at Xander through the rearview mirror.

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"Hmm. I'm fine," Xander nodded briefly, trying to hide his nervousness. What's this feeling? Why was he hesitating all of a sudden when he was the sperson curious and anxious to know the truth at least a couple of hours before now? "It's normal to feel that way, Xander. Don't make a big deal out of it' He whispered, staring out through the window.

As they approached Doctor Spencer's house after a few minutes' drive, Xander's heartbeat thickened and his palms becsweaty.

"Don't be like this, man," He scolded himselfn tally with his eyes closed.

84% Chapter 34 "We are here, Sir," Nick's voice con, jolting him back to reality.

"Thank you," He stepped out of the car since Nick was already holding the door open for him.

"I'll wait for you in the car, Sir, "Alright," And with that, Xander finally walked away.

He rang the doorbell and a couple of minutes passed before a young lady in her forties showed up after she opened the door.

"Good morning, Sir. You must be Mr. Nick, right?" The woman smiled at him politely, leaving him confused. His phone beeped, and when he quickly checked to see a text from Nick.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, Sir, I lied to Doctor Spencer that I was a patient who needed to consult him for my health. That was why he took up appointment" He sighed briefly, then turned to the woman with a small smile on his face.

"Yes, please. Is Doctor Spencer in?" "Yes. Please cin," She left the door open for him, and he walked inside.

The beautiful, large, and well-furnished living room welcomed him. It was almost as big as his mansion. "Please sit, Sir," She pointed to one of the expensive couches.

"Thank you." "What would you like to drink, Sir? We have...

"It's fine. I don't want anything," He declined politely, and she nodded.

"Doctor Spencer will join you shortly," And with that, she walked away.

the The sound of the footsteps descending the staircase minutes later caught Xander's attention as Spencer's familiar cologne greeted him. Although they were not so close for him to have taken note of the cologne intentionally, but since he had been to his office a few times, he was quick to tell the smell was coming from him.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Nick. I was attending to something inside. Hope I didn't keep." The man in his late forties stopped on his track and his jaw dropped to the ground as soon as he saw that it was Xander, "M...Mr. Xander?" His voice cout in a whisper, his bearded oval-shaped face went pale with shock as his pair of brown eyes widened. The look on his face was everything suspicious, "It's been a while, Doctor Spencer," Xander forced a smile as he walked over to him.

"It's... it's you?" Again, Doctor Spencer's voice cout weakly.

"Yes. Why do you look so surprised to see me? You thought I was never coming to see you again?" Xander raised one of his eyebrows.

"Uh... No, not really. I was just...just...." Doctor Spencer paused and swallowed whatever was in his throat. "It's nice to meet you again, Mr. Xander. It's been years.

Uhm... Con, have a seat,” His hand shook as he pointed toward the couch.

"Thank you," "Uhm... What would you like to have? Wine, water, or..." 10:14 Wed, 12 Jun Chapter 34 "I'm not here for that. I'm here for a more important business. So, sit your da mn a ss down," At that moment, Xander could not hold in his anger, seeing how suspicious he was already acting, He was almost sure at that moment that something must've really happened and it couldn't be a coincidence, but still, he was somehow scared of finding out the truth about the whole thing.

"Oh... Alright," Doctor Spencer smiled nervously as he dragged his feet to the couch and sat on it.

"I will go straight to the point, Doctor Spencer. I'm going to ask this question once, so you better givethe da mn answer and don't try to play a fast one on me. Trust me, you won't like me," Xander leaned forward, his eyes piercing dangerously into Spencer's as he picked his words one after the other.

"Th...this is inappropriate, Mr. Xander. This is a threat, and you can't cto my house to do that." Xander watched as he spilled that nonsense. nervously, maybe trying to stay relevant or for whatever reason he couldn't understand.

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"If you want to speak withabout anything, I think that should be in my office..." Spencer thought he could escape this even if it was just for this day He was caught off guard, so maybe next time, he would've braced himself up and of course, know the kind of answers to give him, but right now, he wasn't just ready for this.

"Excuse me," Spencer had stood up to leave immediately when Xander's intimidating voice con.

"Walk out on me, and you are walking out of your career as a Doctor. You know I can ruin you with just the snap of my fingers, right?" Spencer's heart sank into his stomach, his m ve knees went weak, and his throat went dry and itchy the moment he heard that. He would be the biggest fool to think that those words coming from Xander himself were just mere threats, knowing the kind of person Xander was. He had seen how Xander had ruined many people's careers before a blink, so why would he take his words for granted? "Wh...what do you want, Mr. Xander? Why are you doing this to me?" The fear in Spencer's eyes as he looked down at Xander.

"Why did you manipulate my test result six years ago?" Spencer's heart stopped beating immediately as fear gripped him. His nightmare of six years which he was always praying every day not to ever haunt him was right in front of him now. And this time, it didn't seem like it was something he could escape.

"L...I don't know what you are talking about, Mr. Xander," Even though he already knew his cover had been blown, he couldn't still just give in like that. He was hoping he'd be able to protect himself and his career from this man.

"I told you that I was going to ask you only once..." Xander paused and then stood up, his eyes burning in rage as they pierced into Spencer's.

"Now, answer my da mn question if you don't want to spend the rest of your life regretting it," Spencer flinched and closed his eyes. How could a man whom he was way older than, intimidate him this much? How could he not be a man enough and stand up for himself in front of him? Well, for someone like Xander, standing up for himself was the last thing he could do. Not when those eyes were glaring daggers into his. "...I was paid to do it. I didn't do it intentionally. I was paid to manipulate the result. I was paid to lie that you were sterile. I didn't do that myself," Spencer slowly shook his head as he confessed since it was the only thing he could do at that point. Lying to Xander was not going to help him, of course, so why do it?

The whole world seemed to freeze for a second as Xander stared back at him with his jaw dropped. He was m supposed to be angry, which of course he still, The freak felt a little bit ofrage, but it was nothing compared to the fear he was fooling. The fear of finding out who could've ruined his life all these years. of finding out who could've made him make that biggest mistake that had left him miserable for so many years, the fear of finding out who made him treat the only woman he ever loved in that manner.

"Who?" Was the only question he could ask. He could only pray silently that this betrayal didn't end up coming from someone close to him.

"Mrs... Mrs. Hughes senior," Xander's heart literally stopped beating, and his jaw dropped at the realization.
