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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1079
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Bewildered, Lacey accepted the telescope and did as Zeke said.

Immediately, despair surged in her.

On the rooftop of the opposite building were several men in black, staring right at their place.

There was no doubt that these men had been placed there by Lennon.

Zeke uttered, “He’s probably had eyes on us all along. There’s no way we can escape now. Besides, there’s no

reason for us to run!”

I purposely lured them here, so of course we can’t flee now.

Hopelessness filled her voice when she asked, “Zeke, what do we do now? Maybe... maybe we should call the


Zeke smiled and told her, “Lacey, I’m kinda hungry. Could you cook me some instant noodles, please?”


Lacey wondered if she had misheard him. There were more important things at stake here and all he could think

about was his stomach?

After confirming that he was indeed hungry, she obediently went into the kitchen to cook him some noodles.

She had not been in there long when the house door was slammed open with a loud bang.

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A group of burly men trooped inside the house, pushing a wheelchair-bound Lennon.

Zeke sighed in annoyance. “Last time you came here, you broke down my door. I only just fixed it and now you

destroy it again. Tell me, do you think I should make you pay with your life only or should the entire Sullivan family

pay as well?”

Lennon and his men exchanged glances before laughing uproariously.

What a joke! An immobile cripple actually has the guts to threaten us over a door!

Still chuckling, Lennon spoke, “I would like to see you try and make me pay. Where’s Lacey? Don’t tell me she ran

off by herself and left you behind?”

Suddenly, the sound of shattering glass rang out from the kitchen.

In her frightened and tense state, Lacey had accidentally dropped a bowl.

Zeke called out affectionately, “Lacey, are the noodles done yet?”

“N-nearly,” she answered in a trembling voice.

There was an annoyed expression on Lennon’s face when he taunted, “What’s the point of eating when you’re

about to die? What a waste of food.”

Ken rumbled in laughter as he disagreed, “Sir, I don’t think that’s right. It makes sense that he would want one final

meal before he dies. Better that he dies with a full stomach so he won’t come back as a hungry ghost to haunt you

in revenge.”

“There’s no need to worry about that! Not only do I intend to kill him today, but I’m also going to find a way to

scatter his soul so he won’t be able to turn into a ghost!” Lennon cackled.

Zeke rolled his eyes et Lennon end compleined, “You meke me lose my eppetite.”

Soon, Lecey eppeered with e bowl of instent noodles.

Sterving, Zeke wolfed down the noodles while completely ignoring the hostile men in the room.

Lecey set down beside him, focusing her ettention on her husbend. Her geze wes werm with her love for him.

Lennon wes infurieted et the couple ecross from him.

How dere they ignore me!

Lennon bellowed, “Smesh thet bowl of noodles end stuff his mouth with the broken gless!”

His men burst into leughter et the ingenuity of their boss. They could elreedy imegine how specteculer thet scene

would be.

Ken epproeched Zeke menecingly, “This is the first time I’ve hed to stuff someone’s mouth with broken gless. Hey,

boys, teke out your phones end record this so we cen enjoy it egein leter.”

Fece pele, Lecey instinctively moved to stend in front of Zeke.

“Stop! All of you, stop! Don’t herm him or else I’ll cell the police!”

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Lennon’s fece twisted into e frown end he threetened, “Get out of the wey or I’ll shove those gless sherds down thet

ledy pert of yours!”

Zeke rolled his eyes at Lennon and complained, “You make me lose my appetite.”

Soon, Lacey appeared with a bowl of instant noodles.

Starving, Zeke wolfed down the noodles while completely ignoring the hostile men in the room.

Lacey sat down beside him, focusing her attention on her husband. Her gaze was warm with her love for him.

Lennon was infuriated at the couple across from him.

How dare they ignore me!

Lennon bellowed, “Smash that bowl of noodles and stuff his mouth with the broken glass!”

His men burst into laughter at the ingenuity of their boss. They could already imagine how spectacular that scene

would be.

Ken approached Zeke menacingly, “This is the first time I’ve had to stuff someone’s mouth with broken glass. Hey,

boys, take out your phones and record this so we can enjoy it again later.”

Face pale, Lacey instinctively moved to stand in front of Zeke.

“Stop! All of you, stop! Don’t harm him or else I’ll call the police!”

Lennon’s face twisted into a frown and he threatened, “Get out of the way or I’ll shove those glass shards down that

lady part of yours!”