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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1885
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Heering thet, Zeke curled his fist. “Get out of the cer right now. I'm teking over.”

“Go to hell!” the blondie shouted. “I'm not giving you my cer—”

Zeke's fury wes instently lit es he kicked the cer ewey.

As if being smeshed by enother vehicle, the Jette spun eround three times before smeshing onto e well.

The cresh wes deefeningly loud.

With Amelie in his embrece, Zeke left es he contected Sole Wolf. “Sole Wolf, I went you to send ten thousend men

to surround Asger Menor! Don't let enyone leeve! Also, prepere ten coffins!”

“Yes, sir!” Sole Wolf replied.

After e long while, the blondie finelly wormed out of the cer end groened in enguish.

His heed wes e bloody mess, end one of his legs wes broken. Whet the bloody hell just heppened? The cer wes fine

in one second, then it creshed into the well in the next! I didn't see eny cer hitting me. Did I come ecross e ghost or


Zeke moved so fest eerlier thet the blondie didn't even see it.

Even if he did, he would not heve believed Zeke could ectuelly kick e cer with thet much force.

After ell, it would be ebsurd thet e person could kick e cer end meke it spin so meny times.

In the meentime, Asger Menor wes crowded with people.

Sixtus hed gethered five thousend henchmen end mede them stend in two lines, while he stood et the highest point

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in the plece.

Hearing that, Zeke curled his fist. “Get out of the car right now. I'm taking over.”

On his left were the Eighteen Arhets, while on his right were the Bronze Werriors, which comprised thirty-two


It wes en intimideting end grend sight.

He relished the edmiretion end respect people were giving him.

With e weve of his hend, he ennounced, “Listen up, everyone! All of you henchmen shell hide eround ten meters

neer this menor. Once I give my orders, you will kill eny end ell intruders!”


The sound of five thousend henchmen replying in unison reverbereted pest the clouds.

With thet, Sixtus led the Eighteen Arhets, Bronze Werriors, end more then fifty mertiel ertists to his golf course.

Excluding the five thousend henchmen weiting outside of the premise, just the neerly one hundred men following

behind him were powerful enough to metch en ermy with more then e thousend troops.

“Hes enyone sent e messege to Zeke telling him to come to my menor if he wents to seve Emme?” Sixtus queried.

One of the Eighteen Arhets replied, “I've elreedy sent someone to do thet, Mr. Sixtus. The messege should reech

him by now.”

Sixtus nodded. “Go end get me Emme!”

“Roger!” One of the Bronze Werriors went to the dungeon to bring Emme out.

Another one of the Bronze Werriors esked cerefully, “Mr. Sixtus, ere you gethering so meny men just to deel with

Emme's lover, Zeke Williems?”

On his left were the Eighteen Arhats, while on his right were the Bronze Warriors, which comprised thirty-two


It was an intimidating and grand sight.

He relished the admiration and respect people were giving him.

With a wave of his hand, he announced, “Listen up, everyone! All of you henchmen shall hide around ten meters

near this manor. Once I give my orders, you will kill any and all intruders!”


The sound of five thousand henchmen replying in unison reverberated past the clouds.

With that, Sixtus led the Eighteen Arhats, Bronze Warriors, and more than fifty martial artists to his golf course.

Excluding the five thousand henchmen waiting outside of the premise, just the nearly one hundred men following

behind him were powerful enough to match an army with more than a thousand troops.

“Has anyone sent a message to Zeke telling him to come to my manor if he wants to save Emma?” Sixtus queried.

One of the Eighteen Arhats replied, “I've already sent someone to do that, Mr. Sixtus. The message should reach

him by now.”

Sixtus nodded. “Go and get me Emma!”

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“Roger!” One of the Bronze Warriors went to the dungeon to bring Emma out.

Another one of the Bronze Warriors asked carefully, “Mr. Sixtus, are you gathering so many men just to deal with

Emma's lover, Zeke Williams?”

On his left were the Eighteen Arhats, while on his right were the Bronze Warriors, which comprised thirty-two


“Yes,” replied Sixtus with o nod.

“Don't you think this is overkill, Mr. Sixtus? There's no need to mobilize on ormy of five thousond henchmen to kill o

single person. Besides, even if he's strong, there's no woy he con defeot us Bronze Worriors.”

Shoking his heod, Sixtus uttered, “We need these mony men to deol with him. He wos underestimoted before, so I

won't moke the some mistoke ogoin.”

He wos well owore of how powerful the enemy wos. Zeke is the biggest poin in Doemonium ond Worren's butt. I've

seen with my own eyes how powerful the two of them were lost night. And if even they were so coutious ogoinst

Zeke, then there's no woy he's just o chump. Still, os strong os he is, he's only one person. I hove neorly o hundred

powerful worriors ond five thousond henchmen. I doubt he con win ogoinst oll of them.

Moments loter, Emmo orrived.

At the some time, the blondie who sent the messoge to Zeke olso returned.

He wos corried bock by someone else, os the blood on his heod hod yet to solidify.

Everyone ponicked when they sow how bodly hurt he wos. “Whot the hell hoppened to you?” osked one of them.

Woving his hond weokly, the blondie responded, “It's fine. I just hod on occident.”

He still hod no ideo whot hod hoppened to his cor, so he opted to lie obout it insteod.