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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2096
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There might be men from Kush Clan in Linton Group's building. Hence, there could be a battle there. It would not do

Emma any good if she were there.

Hearing Zeke's order, Ares nodded.

At the same time, Emma sensed danger.

She asked cautiously, “Mr. Williams, w-will we be in danger?”

“You guys might be targeted by them. But don't worry, with Ares here, he'll definitely keep all of you safe.”

“Amelia... Will Amelia be in danger?” Emma asked.

Zeke immediately instructed Alfred, “Could I trouble you to pick Amelia up?”

Alfred replied, “Got it, Mr. Williams.”

“As for the others, follow me,” Zeke ordered, leaping out of the window.

Killer Wolf, Nameless, and Tyler followed suit.

Emma and Madeline were shocked by the scene before them.

Oh my goodness. This is the fifth floor, and they actually jumped down from here... Anyone who does that will be

dead or have broken bones.

At that thought, both of them ran over to the window and peered out.

To their surprise, Zeke and the others were fine. In fact, they dashed toward the direction of the company and

disappeared from their view in an instant.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Both Emma and Madeline's jaws dropped in disbelief. Zeke had, once again, changed their worldview.

After gaping at the empty road for a long time, Emma finally spoke. “Mom, I've always gotten the feeling that Mr.

Williams is not an ordinary person like us.”

Madeline nodded with a contemplative look. “Me too.”

“Mr. Williams is so powerful. He must be able to keep us safe for the rest of our lives, right?” Emma asked.

“Mr. Williams might be strong, but that means his opponents are equally powerful as well. We'll always be in

danger.” Madeline sighed. “Why do I feel that we're caught in a danger whirlpool that does not belong to ordinary


Although Emma did not say anything, in reality, she had the same feeling, too.

Meanwhile, Zeke sprinted all the way and arrived at Linton Group in just a few minutes.

The raging fire had engulfed the entire building. In fact, the building could not be seen apart from the flames that

rose to the sky.

Zeke frowned at that sight. Logically speaking, the fire shouldn't have spread that fast. This is definitely not an

ordinary fire. Kush Clan must've done something about this.

Just then, a man dressed in a suit appeared before Zeke, leading a group of people behind him.

They looked a mess. They were covered in soot from head to toe, and there were burn marks on their hair. There

was no doubt that they were Linton Group's employees that escaped from the building.

The man in the lead went over to Zeke and greeted, “Hello, Mr. Williams. I'm the deputy general manager of Linton

Group's branch company, Elliot Carr.”

Zeke once paid a visit to the branch company as the founder in the past. Hence, Elliot remembered him well, so he

could recognize him instantly.

Zeke nodded slightly. “What's the situation?”

“It's not looking good. The fire has spread too quickly. We had to escape the building before we even had the time

to save the data. And this building—”

Zeke interrupted, “I'm asking about the condition of the employees. The losses don't really matter.”

As the Great Marshal, almost half of Eurasia belonged to him. Hence, he really did not care about an insignificant

company branch.

Losing it was like a billionaire losing a piece of coin.

The employees were touched to know that the first thing that came to the boss' mind was the well-being of the

employees instead of the company's losses. After all, caring bosses were hard to come by.

“I've made a brief headcount. Almost all of the employees have escaped,” Elliot answered.

“Huh?” Zeke knitted his brows. “What do you mean? There are people who haven't escaped?”

Elliot sighed. “Well... I'm not sure.”

“What do you mean, you're not sure? Explain yourself.”

“We have two new employees in the company—Stella and Thalia who are sisters. I haven't seen them in the crowd.

Actually, they've just started working here, and they might not be familiar with the company's fire exit. Maybe... it's

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

all just a guess. Perhaps they might've escaped, but they're just not here,” Elliot explained.

Zaka noddad slightly. “What's tha situation?”

“It's not looking good. Tha fira has spraad too quickly. Wa had to ascapa tha building bafora wa avan had tha tima

to sava tha data. And this building—”

Zaka intarruptad, “I'm asking about tha condition of tha amployaas. Tha lossas don't raally mattar.”

As tha Graat Marshal, almost half of Eurasia balongad to him. Hanca, ha raally did not cara about an insignificant

company branch.

Losing it was lika a billionaira losing a piaca of coin.

Tha amployaas wara touchad to know that tha first thing that cama to tha boss' mind was tha wall-baing of tha

amployaas instaad of tha company's lossas. Aftar all, caring bossas wara hard to coma by.

“I'va mada a briaf haadcount. Almost all of tha amployaas hava ascapad,” Elliot answarad.

“Huh?” Zaka knittad his brows. “What do you maan? Thara ara paopla who havan't ascapad?”

Elliot sighad. “Wall... I'm not sura.”

“What do you maan, you'ra not sura? Explain yoursalf.”

“Wa hava two naw amployaas in tha company—Stalla and Thalia who ara sistars. I havan't saan tham in tha crowd.

Actually, thay'va just startad working hara, and thay might not ba familiar with tha company's fira axit. Mayba... it's

all just a guass. Parhaps thay might'va ascapad, but thay'ra just not hara,” Elliot axplainad.