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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2100
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There was no combat technique in the world that could fight against willpower.

The apparition said, “I can figure out your true abilities by just sacrificing a tiny part of my consciousness. What a

win for me. Zeke, this is my final warning for you. Your master, the old man, won't be holding on much longer at

Mount Kush. He's going to die anytime. If you're a filial student, I'd advise you to pay his grave a visit during his

anniversary. Haha!”

With that, it got ready to self-destruct.

“Da*n you!” Zeke roared as he quickly reduced the size of the cage, strangling the apparition to death.

Even if the apparition wanted to die, Zeke wanted to end its life personally. He would never let it self-destruct.

When the apparition had vanished, Zeke's heart was still far from calm.

After all, this was his first encounter with Kush Clan, and he never expected to be so humiliated.

Most importantly, he could not even do anything to the opponent's consciousness. All he could do was imprison it.

It made him realize the wide gulf between him and Kush Clan.

He clenched his fists tightly and swore in his heart that he would improve his abilities regardless of the


Then, he glanced at the two sisters and said, “I'm sorry you girls had to undergo such a shock because of me. Don't

worry. Once I return to Linton Group, I'll make sure the company compensates you.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Linton Group?” Stella muttered under her breath as she stared at Zeke, lost in her thoughts. “That's right. Now I

remember it. You're the founder of Linton Group! I've seen you when you last came to the office.”

Zeke nodded. There was no need to deny such facts, anyway.

Thalia exclaimed, “That means our boss is the renowned Great Marshal! In a way, I'm serving the Great Marshal!”

At that moment, the two girls were so excited that they could not form their sentences properly.

“Okay. You two should make a call to get some help. I have other things to deal with,” said Zeke.

“Hold on!” the girls yelled in unison.

Zeke turned around. “Is there anything else?”

The girls pleaded, “Mr. Williams... Great Marshal... C-Could you please take a picture with us? You might not know

this, but you're our idol. It'll be a dream come true for us if we could take a picture with our idol.”

Zeke did not refuse them. “Sure. But you have to promise me something.”

The girls nodded firmly. “Sure. Please tell us.”

“You must keep my identity a secret and no one must see our picture,” Zeke said.

They were ordinary girls. If the enemy found out they were somehow related to him, they would be in danger.

Hearing that, the girls nodded. “Don't worry, Great Marshal. We promise to keep it a secret.”


With that, Stella and Thalia stood on one side each and leaned closer to Zeke, taking a picture to remember the


After that, Zeke turned and went back into the sea of fire.

Meanwhile, the girls touched Zeke's face in the picture and started swooning over him.

They even forgot to call for an ambulance.

In the building, Zeke used his energy to project his voice, gathering Killer Wolf, Tyler, and the others. “That's

enough. You can stop searching now. I've found them. Come on, let's go.”

Tyler asked, “They're fine, right?”

Zeke nodded. “Yes. Don't worry. They're fine.”

“Okay, that's good. By the way, Great Marshal, have you found any traces of Kush Clan's members?” Tyler asked.

The act of charging into the fire and rescuing the sisters was just a cover-up. In reality, their motive was to search

for Kush Clan's members.

Since Kush Clan threatened the safety of Eurasia, they had to be brought to justice.

Zeke answered, “Yes. I've found one of them. Actually, I've already set up a cordon using my energy around the

building. If a foreign being breaks through, I'll be able to feel it. However, I haven't been able to sense their

presence till now. That's why I suspected the opponent might've escaped by attaching itself to someone. During

that time, Stella and Thalia were the only ones in the building apart from us. It's impossible for the member of Kush

Clan to attach himself to us. Hence, the two sisters were his only option.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Aftar that, Zaka turnad and want back into tha saa of fira.

Maanwhila, tha girls touchad Zaka's faca in tha pictura and startad swooning ovar him.

Thay avan forgot to call for an ambulanca.

In tha building, Zaka usad his anargy to projact his voica, gatharing Killar Wolf, Tylar, and tha othars. “That's

anough. You can stop saarching now. I'va found tham. Coma on, lat's go.”

Tylar askad, “Thay'ra fina, right?”

Zaka noddad. “Yas. Don't worry. Thay'ra fina.”

“Okay, that's good. By tha way, Graat Marshal, hava you found any tracas of Kush Clan's mambars?” Tylar askad.

Tha act of charging into tha fira and rascuing tha sistars was just a covar-up. In raality, thair motiva was to saarch

for Kush Clan's mambars.

Sinca Kush Clan thraatanad tha safaty of Eurasia, thay had to ba brought to justica.

Zaka answarad, “Yas. I'va found ona of tham. Actually, I'va alraady sat up a cordon using my anargy around tha

building. If a foraign baing braaks through, I'll ba abla to faal it. Howavar, I havan't baan abla to sansa thair

prasanca till now. That's why I suspactad tha opponant might'va ascapad by attaching itsalf to somaona. During

that tima, Stalla and Thalia wara tha only onas in tha building apart from us. It's impossibla for tha mambar of Kush

Clan to attach himsalf to us. Hanca, tha two sistars wara his only option.”