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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2518
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Everyone's expression changed in an instant.

If he makes good on his promise, it will be indeed a life-changing opportunity.

Problem is, are his promises trustworthy?

Nash spoke up then and voiced everyone's doubt. “Are you telling the truth? Can you guarantee weekly meat

supplies for us?”

Zeke nodded. “Of course.”

Nash continued, “Your words sound so far-fetched that it's hard to believe you.”

“Oh? Tell me, what part of my promise is difficult to believe?”

“You need a hundred drops of spiritual water to ensure a consistent weekly supply of meat. How can you gather so

much spiritual water in a week?” asked Nash.

Zeke chuckled. “Nash, you used to be in the same Contubernium as me. You should know how long I've been here.”

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After counting off his fingers, Nash said, “Not more than seven days.”

“That's right. In these seven days, other than the twenty drops of spiritual water offered to the former Decanus,

Megahead, I also saved a hundred drops of spiritual water to exchange for the meat here. Still, I have plenty of

spiritual water left over.”

As he spoke, Zeke produced a small porcelain bottle and shook it gently.

The sound of spiritual water splashing against the insides of the bottle rang out in the air.

Everyone was thunderstruck.

Even if one were to assume there were thirty drops of spiritual water in Zeke's bottle, that meant Zeke had

collected a hundred and fifty drops of spiritual water in the span of seven days.

How on earth did he accomplish that?

One would be hard-pressed to repeat the same feat even if they scoured every nook and cranny in the outer


Megahead barked, “Calm down, everyone. Listen to me; don't believe his boasts. Only a fool would believe his claim

of collecting a hundred and fifty drops of spiritual water in a week alone. He must've killed others and stolen their

spiritual water.”

Scoffing, Zeke retorted, “Only a fool would believe your lies. If I killed others and stole their spiritual water, at least

a hundred and fifty people would've died. Did you observe so many deaths in the outer district? Plus, would the

Chieftain let such outrageous actions go unpunished? On that note, there isn't enough spiritual water in the outer

district to make up a hundred and fifty drops.”

The crowd erupted into whispers.

“The newcomer has a point.”

“My lord, a hundred and fifty drops over seven days still sounds rather fantastical to me.”

“Maybe he has a trick for gathering more spiritual water.”

“Hmm, I think so!”

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Megahead flushed with embarrassment as he struggled to refute Zeke's argument.

Finally, he said through gritted teeth, “Fine, Zeke. I'll admit you have a glib tongue. Answer me this. How on earth

did you collect a hundred and fifty drops of spiritual water? And don't say you painstakingly collected it drop by

drop. No one would fall for that.”

Zeke replied, “Sure. I'll tell you where the spiritual water is from. Actually, I have a special method that makes

collecting spiritual water much easier. As long as you follow my method, your chances of coming across spiritual

water will improve a hundred-fold! The outer district actually contains plenty of spiritual water, but you've all been

using the wrong method to gather it. That's why your results are pitiful.”

The crowd reacted passionately to his explanation.

“So he does have a special method for collecting spiritual water. I guessed right.”

“If we can learn his method and improve our efficiency in gathering spiritual water, we may actually get to eat

meat once a week.”

“Since I arrived, I haven't even enjoyed a full meal on buns! I'm definitely taking up his offer!”

It was time to go in for the kill. Zeke declared, “All right, I don't have much time to continue chatting with you. Make

up your mind. Those who'd like to follow me can come here and enjoy the meat. It won't taste good once it's cold.”