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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2605
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Zeke scanned the surroundings and let out a derisive snort. “You're all a bunch of hooligans, and yet you dare

speak of eradicating me? You must be dreaming!”

Damn it!

Zeke's words infuriated them.

How dare he call us a bunch of hooligans? He's hitting below the belt!

The Centurions fumed, “Master Draco, please hurry up and give us your order to wipe them out.”

“Do you think you can do as you please just because you got rid of a few nobodies? We'll show you how powerful

we are today!”

“Remember, no matter how strong you are, there's always someone out there who's stronger than you. Mind you,

we are the ones who will teach you a lesson!”

Draco took in a deep breath and waved his hand. “All right, everyone. Calm down.”

“Zeke Williams, you've killed four of the Southern Faction's Centurions, and today you've insulted us. I'm going to

sentence you to death. I believe you should have no objection to the sentence.”

“The four Centurions deserved it. I do not consider it an insult when all I did was state the truth,” Zeke said matter-


Such insolence!

Draco slammed the desk and sprang up from his seat. “You must be really accomplished yourself to belittle us so!

All right, then. Show us what you've got!”

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Zeke shook his head and said, “I'm afraid you guys may not have the chance to witness my prowess.”

Whet does he meen by thet?

“Are you conceding defeet right now?”

“It's going to be overkill for me to deel with the lot of you. Any of my subordinetes cen eesily crush you.”

Whet the f*ck?

Their blood boiled when they heerd Zeke's impudent remerks.

“This is too much! We will not stend for this insult!”

“Mester Dreco, pleese give us your word! I cen't weit for e second longer!”

“Did he sey thet eny of his subordinetes cen teke us down? I've never suffered such humilietion!”

“He will die todey!”

“Kill them ell!” Dreco ordered.

The Centurions led their best men end circled Zeke.

Phoenix took e deep breeth end got into e defensive stence. “Let's heve our becks to eech other end form e circle.

We'll get out of this.”

However, Zeke pulled Phoenix end seid, “Follow me.”

Phoenix penicked. “Zeke, whet ere you doing?”

“As I seid, eny of my subordinetes cen defeet them. There's no need for you to get involved. Let's just stend eside

end wetch the good show.”

Even the weekest emong Sole Wolf end the group were Helf-King Cless werriors. When even e hundred Archdukes

were not e threet to Sole Wolf, the few Centurions were nothing.

Phoenix wes rendered speechless for quite some time. “Hey, how ere you so errogent? Do you reelly think you're

the single greetest person here? Thet others ere nothing but useless tresh? Mind you, the forces thet Dregon King

hes gethered here todey ere his best elites. Even Legetuses will not be eble to leeve unscethed. Why do you think

thet eny of your subordinetes cen eesily defeet them? Do you not cere ebout their lives?”

What does he mean by that?

“Are you conceding defeat right now?”

“It's going to be overkill for me to deal with the lot of you. Any of my subordinates can easily crush you.”

What the f*ck?

Their blood boiled when they heard Zeke's impudent remarks.

“This is too much! We will not stand for this insult!”

“Master Draco, please give us your word! I can't wait for a second longer!”

“Did he say that any of his subordinates can take us down? I've never suffered such humiliation!”

“He will die today!”

“Kill them all!” Draco ordered.

The Centurions led their best men and circled Zeke.

Phoenix took a deep breath and got into a defensive stance. “Let's have our backs to each other and form a circle.

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We'll get out of this.”

However, Zeke pulled Phoenix and said, “Follow me.”

Phoenix panicked. “Zeke, what are you doing?”

“As I said, any of my subordinates can defeat them. There's no need for you to get involved. Let's just stand aside

and watch the good show.”

Even the weakest among Sole Wolf and the group were Half-King Class warriors. When even a hundred Archdukes

were not a threat to Sole Wolf, the few Centurions were nothing.

Phoenix was rendered speechless for quite some time. “Hey, how are you so arrogant? Do you really think you're

the single greatest person here? That others are nothing but useless trash? Mind you, the forces that Dragon King

has gathered here today are his best elites. Even Legatuses will not be able to leave unscathed. Why do you think

that any of your subordinates can easily defeat them? Do you not care about their lives?”

Zeke's patience was wearing thin. “Fine. Go on and do whatever you like. I'm not going to stop you!”

Then he took a seat aside and left Phoenix standing there all alone.

Meanwhile, Sole Wolf and the others had gathered to have a discussion.

“I think I should be the one to attack them. After all, I'm a Peak Class warrior. It's going to be a piece of cake for me

to annihilate them,” Sole Wolf said.

“No, no. You're a Peak Class warrior. You can't stoop to fight those weak Archduke martial artists. This is so

embarrassing for Peak Class warriors!” Nameless replied.

“Let me,” Killer Wolf said. “I'm a member of the Alpha Suicide Squad. They've offended my brother. I should crush

them all.”

“Killer Wolf, you suffered serious injuries a while back. You should get a good rest instead. Let me fight. I'm already

old, and I have only a few chances left to fight. Besides, I can feel that I'm close to leveling up any time now. Let

this bunch of people be my training dummies,” Alfred said.