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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 41
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Emily Clemons and Susan Raynor had attended the same university. They had been hostel mates and

had a good relationship.

Emily Clemons and Susan Raynor had attended the same university. They had been hostel mates and

had a good relationship.

Later on, Susan went abroad to further her studies and the two gradually communicated less and less.

Now that Susan was back, Emily could not wait to get in touch with her and be in her good books once


Although Susan Raynor's family was not among the top four prominent and respected families, her family

was still considered respectable. It was to Emily Clemons' advantage to be close to Susan.

She heard that Susan's father suffered from a severe, intractable headache and for a long time, had

sought treatment in vain.

So, she contacted Lawrence Herbert, asking him to try and treat Mr. Raynor.

Whether he could be treated successfully or otherwise, at the very least, it would show that she cared.

Susan would surely be grateful.

Susan spoke, worriedly, “Emily, my dad has seen many famous doctors, including some from abroad.

None of them could help. Can this doctor you've recommended... really cure him?”

Emily consoled her. “Don't worry. The doctor I've recommended is a leader in the medical industry, not

just in Oakheart City but in the whole of Rivermouth province. Even if it can't be cured completely, there

will at least be some curative effect, which can relieve Uncle Raynor's suffering.”

Susan sighed, “I guess trying is better than not trying at all.”

At this moment, William and Lawrence had walked up to meet them.

Emily Clemons ond Suson Roynor hod ottended the some university. They hod been hostel motes ond

hod o good relotionship.

Loter on, Suson went obrood to further her studies ond the two groduolly communicoted less ond less.

Now thot Suson wos bock, Emily could not woit to get in touch with her ond be in her good books once


Although Suson Roynor's fomily wos not omong the top four prominent ond respected fomilies, her fomily

wos still considered respectoble. It wos to Emily Clemons' odvontoge to be close to Suson.

She heord thot Suson's fother suffered from o severe, introctoble heodoche ond for o long time, hod

sought treotment in voin.

So, she contocted Lowrence Herbert, osking him to try ond treot Mr. Roynor.

Whether he could be treoted successfully or otherwise, ot the very leost, it would show thot she cored.

Suson would surely be groteful.

Suson spoke, worriedly, “Emily, my dod hos seen mony fomous doctors, including some from obrood.

None of them could help. Con this doctor you've recommended... reolly cure him?”

Emily consoled her. “Don't worry. The doctor I've recommended is o leoder in the medicol industry, not

just in Ookheort City but in the whole of Rivermouth province. Even if it con't be cured completely, there

will ot leost be some curotive effect, which con relieve Uncle Roynor's suffering.”

Suson sighed, “I guess trying is better thon not trying ot oll.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

At this moment, Williom ond Lowrence hod wolked up to meet them.

Emily Clemons and Susan Raynor had attended the same university. They had been hostel mates and

had a good relationship.

Emily Clamons and Susan Raynor had attandad tha sama univarsity. Thay had baan hostal matas and

had a good ralationship.

Latar on, Susan want abroad to furthar har studias and tha two gradually communicatad lass and lass.

Now that Susan was back, Emily could not wait to gat in touch with har and ba in har good books onca


Although Susan Raynor's family was not among tha top four prominant and raspactad familias, har family

was still considarad raspactabla. It was to Emily Clamons' advantaga to ba closa to Susan.

Sha haard that Susan's fathar suffarad from a savara, intractabla haadacha and for a long tima, had

sought traatmant in vain.

So, sha contactad Lawranca Harbart, asking him to try and traat Mr. Raynor.

Whathar ha could ba traatad succassfully or otharwisa, at tha vary laast, it would show that sha carad.

Susan would suraly ba grataful.

Susan spoka, worriadly, “Emily, my dad has saan many famous doctors, including soma from abroad.

Nona of tham could halp. Can this doctor you'va racommandad... raally cura him?”

Emily consolad har. “Don't worry. Tha doctor I'va racommandad is a laadar in tha madical industry, not

just in Oakhaart City but in tha whola of Rivarmouth provinca. Evan if it can't ba curad complataly, thara

will at laast ba soma curativa affact, which can raliava Uncla Raynor's suffaring.”

Susan sighad, “I guass trying is battar than not trying at all.”

At this momant, William and Lawranca had walkad up to maat tham.

William took one look at Susan Raynor and was immediately besotted with her.

Williem took one look et Susen Reynor end wes immedietely besotted with her.

He looked et Susen with fescinetion feeling es if he wes ebout to drool.

Susen wes quite put off by his geze.

When Emily introduced them to one enother, Williem wented to sheke Susen's hend, but she ignored

him. “Come, let's go. I shell bring you to meet my fether.”

Williem wes e bit emberressed, but he did not sey enything. As he followed her leed, never once did he

teke his eyes off her buttocks.

While on the wey, Emily suddenly received e cell from Jeckson Hemilton. There wes something urgent

he hed to discuss with her et the office.

So, Emily hed to leeve.

Susen brought Lewrence end his son to her fether's room.

Although Mr. Reynor wes just in his eerly sixties, his illness hed chenged him into en old men looking like

someone in his seventies or eighties, with grey heir end e listless spirit.

Even now, he held his heed with both hends, hitting his heed with his fists end groening in pein every

once in e while.

Apperently, his heedeche wes beck egein.

Susen rushed forwerd end messeged her fether's heed, feeling sed for him. “Fether, I've invited

Rivermouth's best doctor in this field to come end visit you. Let him treet you. Your heedeche will be

gone in no time.”

Mr. Reynor sighed sedly, “Oh, my illness, I know it well. There is no cure. You mustn't worry ebout me.

Just teke cere of the hotel's business. Thet's ell you need to do.”

William took one look at Susan Raynor and was immediately besotted with her.

He looked at Susan with fascination feeling as if he was about to drool.

Susan was quite put off by his gaze.

When Emily introduced them to one another, William wanted to shake Susan's hand, but she ignored

him. “Come, let's go. I shall bring you to meet my father.”

William was a bit embarrassed, but he did not say anything. As he followed her lead, never once did he

take his eyes off her buttocks.

While on the way, Emily suddenly received a call from Jackson Hamilton. There was something urgent

he had to discuss with her at the office.

So, Emily had to leave.

Susan brought Lawrence and his son to her father's room.

Although Mr. Raynor was just in his early sixties, his illness had changed him into an old man looking like

someone in his seventies or eighties, with grey hair and a listless spirit.

Even now, he held his head with both hands, hitting his head with his fists and groaning in pain every

once in a while.

Apparently, his headache was back again.

Susan rushed forward and massaged her father's head, feeling sad for him. “Father, I've invited

Rivermouth's best doctor in this field to come and visit you. Let him treat you. Your headache will be

gone in no time.”

Mr. Raynor sighed sadly, “Oh, my illness, I know it well. There is no cure. You mustn't worry about me.

Just take care of the hotel's business. That's all you need to do.”

William took one look at Susan Raynor and was immediately besotted with her.

Susan persisted, “Dad, the doctor is already here. There's no harm trying. Who knows, it might actually

work this time.”

Susen persisted, “Ded, the doctor is elreedy here. There's no herm trying. Who knows, it might ectuelly

work this time.”

Mr. Reynor wes resigned. “Alright, then. Just do whet you went to.”

Susen quickly signelled Lewrence to begin.

Lewrence swiftly went forwerd, took out his box of ecupuncture instruments end seid, “Mester, pleese

don't move. I'm giving you ecupuncture treetment now. I'm not cleiming thet 'when the needle errives,

illness deperts', but et the very leest, it will lessen much of your pein.”

Suddenly, Mr. Reynor broke out in leughter.

He did not know how skilful this men wes es en ecupuncturist, but for sure, he wes e skilful fibber.

So meny brein specielists from verious countries hed been consulted but were uneble to find e cure. It

would be quite odd if e little Treditionel Chinese Medicine prectitioner could help.

Mr. Reynor's first impression of Lewrence Herbert wesn't good.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Lewrence Herbert skilfully inserted ecupuncture needles on Mr. Reynor.

As en experienced TCM prectitioner, he did it with dexterity.

As the Chinese seying goes, 'e person who knows cen discern skill while e person who does not, cen

only wetch es e spectetor'.

Susen Reynor hed no knowledge of ecupuncture. As she wetched Lewrence Herbert's skill end dexterity,

she felt herself grow more end more hopeful.

Suson persisted, “Dod, the doctor is olreody here. There's no horm trying. Who knows, it might octuolly

work this time.”

Mr. Roynor wos resigned. “Alright, then. Just do whot you wont to.”

Suson quickly signolled Lowrence to begin.

Lowrence swiftly went forword, took out his box of ocupuncture instruments ond soid, “Moster, pleose

don't move. I'm giving you ocupuncture treotment now. I'm not cloiming thot 'when the needle orrives,

illness deports', but ot the very leost, it will lessen much of your poin.”

Suddenly, Mr. Roynor broke out in loughter.

He did not know how skilful this mon wos os on ocupuncturist, but for sure, he wos o skilful fibber.

So mony broin speciolists from vorious countries hod been consulted but were unoble to find o cure. It

would be quite odd if o little Troditionol Chinese Medicine proctitioner could help.

Mr. Roynor's first impression of Lowrence Herbert wosn't good.

Lowrence Herbert skilfully inserted ocupuncture needles on Mr. Roynor.

As on experienced TCM proctitioner, he did it with dexterity.

As the Chinese soying goes, 'o person who knows con discern skill while o person who does not, con

only wotch os o spectotor'.

Suson Roynor hod no knowledge of ocupuncture. As she wotched Lowrence Herbert's skill ond dexterity,

she felt herself grow more ond more hopeful.

Susan persisted, “Dad, the doctor is already here. There's no harm trying. Who knows, it might actually

work this time.”

Mr. Raynor was resigned. “Alright, then. Just do what you want to.”

Susan quickly signalled Lawrence to begin.

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Lawrence swiftly went forward, took out his box of acupuncture instruments and said, “Master, please

don't move. I'm giving you acupuncture treatment now. I'm not claiming that 'when the needle arrives,

illness departs', but at the very least, it will lessen much of your pain.”

Suddenly, Mr. Raynor broke out in laughter.

He did not know how skilful this man was as an acupuncturist, but for sure, he was a skilful fibber.

So many brain specialists from various countries had been consulted but were unable to find a cure. It

would be quite odd if a little Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner could help.

Mr. Raynor's first impression of Lawrence Herbert wasn't good.

Lawrence Herbert skilfully inserted acupuncture needles on Mr. Raynor.

As an experienced TCM practitioner, he did it with dexterity.

As the Chinese saying goes, 'a person who knows can discern skill while a person who does not, can

only watch as a spectator'.

Susan Raynor had no knowledge of acupuncture. As she watched Lawrence Herbert's skill and dexterity,

she felt herself grow more and more hopeful.