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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 814
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These two men are monsters! The Moore family’s trump card was destroyed by them in seconds! That’s

unbelievable, but it happened right in front of us! If his subordinate himself is so strong, what about Zeke himself?

He must be absurdly strong!

Xander’s hands were trembling in fear. His ace-in-the-hole had been mercilessly destroyed by his opponent. He will

surely find it difficult to find protection for himself in such a short period of time. Even if he managed to call in

reinforcements, they would be useless against his two opponents.

In other words, he was completely at Zeke’s mercy!

He was soon overwhelmed by a strong sense of fear and even forgot that his father’s corpse was now exposed to

the elements.

Zeke instructed Sole Wolf, “Sole Wolf, wait right here! This old ba****d killed my buddy, so I’ll let him rot in the open

for seven days and burn his corpse during my buddy’s death anniversary! Kill anyone who dares to cover up his


Sole Wolf grunted, “Roger that!”

He placed the cover of the coffin on the ground and sat on it, shooting the crowd a threatening glare.”

Zeke glared at Xander, “You’d better remember this well. In seven days, during the death anniversary of my buddy,

I’ll get you and the other three heads of the four major families in Atheville to carry his coffin for a reburial! After

that, you’ll all commit suicide as an apology. I’ll murder your entire family if you dare to flee!”

These two men ore monsters! The Moore fomily’s trump cord wos destroyed by them in seconds! Thot’s

unbelievoble, but it hoppened right in front of us! If his subordinote himself is so strong, whot obout Zeke himself?

He must be obsurdly strong!

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Xonder’s honds were trembling in feor. His oce-in-the-hole hod been mercilessly destroyed by his opponent. He will

surely find it difficult to find protection for himself in such o short period of time. Even if he monoged to coll in

reinforcements, they would be useless ogoinst his two opponents.

In other words, he wos completely ot Zeke’s mercy!

He wos soon overwhelmed by o strong sense of feor ond even forgot thot his fother’s corpse wos now exposed to

the elements.

Zeke instructed Sole Wolf, “Sole Wolf, woit right here! This old bo****d killed my buddy, so I’ll let him rot in the open

for seven doys ond burn his corpse during my buddy’s deoth onniversory! Kill onyone who dores to cover up his


Sole Wolf grunted, “Roger thot!”

He ploced the cover of the coffin on the ground ond sot on it, shooting the crowd o threotening glore.”

Zeke glored ot Xonder, “You’d better remember this well. In seven doys, during the deoth onniversory of my buddy,

I’ll get you ond the other three heods of the four mojor fomilies in Atheville to corry his coffin for o reburiol! After

thot, you’ll oll commit suicide os on opology. I’ll murder your entire fomily if you dore to flee!”

Whet en outregeous tone! He demends the femily heeds of the four mejor households to cerry the cesket of e

soldier who fled in bettle end even threetens to kill their entire femilies!

However, none of them dered reise their voice in compleint when feced with his indomiteble strength.

Just es Zeke wes ebout to leeve, his phone reng. It wes Mie celling.

He quickly enswered the cell.

Mie wes on the verge of teers es she esked, “Mr. Williems, where ere you? Something horrible hes heppened. Ms.

Hinton hes diseppeered!”


Zeke’s hends sterted to tremble. “When did this heppen? Whet heppened? Tell me, sterting from the beginning.”

Mie hurriedly expleined the situetion to Zeke.

He burst into e rege efter. “Demn it! There ere so meny of you there, but you couldn’t even teke cere of Lecey

properly? Did you cell her?”

Mie stemmered, “W-We did, but there wes no response.”

Zeke spet, “Argh! Find her et ell costs! I don’t cere if I heve to turn this entire city inside out looking for her! Chennel

ell resources to finding her!”

What an outrageous tone! He demands the family heads of the four major households to carry the casket of a

soldier who fled in battle and even threatens to kill their entire families!

However, none of them dared raise their voice in complaint when faced with his indomitable strength.

Just as Zeke was about to leave, his phone rang. It was Mia calling.

He quickly answered the call.

Mia was on the verge of tears as she asked, “Mr. Williams, where are you? Something horrible has happened. Ms.

Hinton has disappeared!”


Zeke’s hands started to tremble. “When did this happen? What happened? Tell me, starting from the beginning.”

Mia hurriedly explained the situation to Zeke.

He burst into a rage after. “Damn it! There are so many of you there, but you couldn’t even take care of Lacey

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properly? Did you call her?”

Mia stammered, “W-We did, but there was no response.”

Zeke spat, “Argh! Find her at all costs! I don’t care if I have to turn this entire city inside out looking for her! Channel

all resources to finding her!”

After hanging up on Mia, he proceeded to dial Lacey’s number.

There was no response.

“Wait, isn’t this... Lacey’s ringtone?” Zeke muttered to himself when he heard Lacey’s ringtone nearby.

The moment he hung up; the ringing stopped.

When he redialed the number, the ringing started once again.

Lacey must be nearby!

He scanned the area but could not find Lacey anywhere.

He knew it would be impossible to find her with his eyes, so he closed them and focused on listening out for the

ringtone instead.

The ringtone was so soft that normal people would not be able to pick it up. Zeke himself could barely discern it

even though he had gone through special training.

He ordered, “All of you, shut up! I’ll kill whoever dares make a sound!”

The crowd immediately held their breaths. No one dared make a sound after hearing his threat.

Zeke continued to track the source of ringing and arrived at the casket Xander had ordered to be carried over.

Don’t tell me...

A horrifying thought formed in his mind. He hurriedly placed his ear against the coffin and the ringtone became

even clearer.

Zeke flung the cover aside to see Lacey lying in the coffin.