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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 978
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Holy s***!

Everyone was stunned.

Working together with bandits? Injuring a general?

They knew that there was no way out.

They were doomed, totally doomed.

Dawn was the only one who still maintained a last thread of rationality.

She questioned, “What century are we living in now? How can there still be bandits?”

“Besides, Linton Group is doing well now. Why would we collude with a bunch of bandits to make some small profit

at the expense of innocent lives?”

Realization struck the others; there was indeed very something fishy going on.

Lucille snapped, “Don’t forget. The one whom you’re up against is a general.”

“To someone like him, it doesn’t matter whether there really are bandits and whether you colluded with them. He

can easily create problems even when there are none.”

The underlying meaning behind her words was clear as day.

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The bandits were actually arranged by Ryker Lewis himself, to frame Zeke and Linton Group!

This revelation only brought about more despair.

They were powerless against a general, and they would be utterly annihilated.

Daniel began pleading, “Mdm. Williams, please help us... You’re the only one who can.”

Lucille inhaled deeply. “Zeke is my biological grandson, so of course I want to help him.”

Holy s***!

Everyone was stunned.

Working together with bandits? Injuring a general?

“Unfortunately, I lack the power to help. The Williams family isn’t a match for the Lewis family.”

“Unless you agree to two of my conditions, then perhaps I can work something out and settle the matter


Daniel quickly urged, “Mdm. Williams, please speak freely.”

Mdm. Williams wasted no time and said, “Sign this agreement. Vow that Zeke and Linton Group will never expand

their businesses to Atheville, not in this lifetime.”

“Also, transfer fifty-one percent of Linton Group’s shares to me as an incentive to the Williams family.”

Everyone fell deep into thought.

To refrain from expanding to Atheville was still doable but transferring fifty-one percent of Linton Group’s shares

was a completely different story.

“You only have a minute to think it through.” Lucille gave them an ultimatum.

“When your one minute is up, I won’t help you even if you give the entire Linton Group to me.”

“Fine. I’ll sign it,” Daniel answered decisively.

What use was money in the face of life and death?

Dawn felt uneasy. “No, we can’t. She must be lying to us.”

“Now I’m wondering if she really is Zeke’s grandmother and from the Williams family.” Dawn narrowed her eyes


Hannah hastily stopped Dawn. “That’s enough now, Dawn.”

“Money can be earned back, but lives can’t.”

“Susan, please prepare a contract. I’ll take responsibility for this entire matter.”

Susan nodded, then inhaled a breath before leaving to carry out her task.

It did not take her long to draft a share transferal agreement.

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After Lucille skimmed through the agreement, she signed her name on it.

Hannah begged once again, “Mdm. Williams, please save Zeke and Nancy now.”

Lucille nodded and took out her phone.

However, when she was about to make a call, two figures walked in.

It was Zeke and Nancy.

Everyone was dumbstruck.

What is this?

Haven’t they been captured by bandits?

Mdm. Williams hasn’t even made the call to rescue them, so how did they come back unscathed?

Hannah immediately ran over to them and scanned them for injuries. When she did not find any, she heaved a sigh

of relief.

“Zeke, you’d almost scared me to death. If something happened to you... I really don’t know how I could go on


Zeke comforted her, “Mom, what were you so worried about? I wasn’t in any danger.”