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Lord Shadow

Chapter 147: Storms (2)
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Golden colors enveloped Azief as he as glowing in golden color. His light emanates to the surrounding making him look like a Divine Warrior from Heaven.

The sky was illuminated by golden colors and people look up and was awed by the phenomenon. Without no light source, the sky turns golden.

Mammatus clouds were formed, as the clouds turns odd shaped as a herald of a great thunderstorm

BOOM! Fire whirls appeared from behind Azief back as the pressure and heat generated from his body created a fire tornado destroying everything on ten kilometers radius.

Then an illusory image of Azief began to appear behind him. It slowly gets bigger and bigger until there is a giant illusory image of Azief behind him.

This illusory image of Azief was twenty feet high, bathed in golden light and was exactly like Azief.

The power emanated from Azief golden images shakes the island and droning sound filled the entirety of the island, causing those who have Pillars Forming level immediately felt their pillars cracked while the Orb Condensing Stage user was shocked to find out that their Orb stopped rotating and unable to move.

And this was at a considerable distance.

Azief aura rose up to the clouds ,creating a weird phenomenon of weather as golden lightning covered with sharp gales terrorize the sky.

Because of the energy surging up to the sky, pyrocumulus clouds was form from the fast and intense heating.

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The golden giant image of Azief also had the ten rings in his fingers, emanating ancient power that surpassed mortal understanding.

Its face was expressionless and cold. His head was only a few inches away from the barrier on top of the Island.

The people in the Wall were already kneeling in fear, and some was crying.

They all ask themselves how could they defeat such monster? With such imposing height and size, human instinctively felt small and intimidated.

Even Raymond who was inside the pathway, looking at the entrance being destroyed by the fire whirl was already shocked to the extreme.

The Wall however stands strong.

Right now, Azief really look like an ancient God descending upon the mortal world to exact divine punishment.

The giant image then spoke.

Two words were uttered from the giant golden image.


At the same time the first word was uttered, the Teleportation Formation was activated as all the people that wanted to teleport from the island was bathed with silver light and disappeared from the island in the split second the giant golden illusory image spoke the word Seal.

Humming sound could be heard and a sealing force locked down the very space of the island as the second word could finally be heard


Azief Ring of Ultimate Sealing shines with blue colors and Azief could feel his Seed almost bursted out and exploded as the Price using one of the Eternal Rings

The island was enveloped by a blue aura that seals the island from teleportation to other places or people transporting themselves to here.

Azief cut off any possible reinforcement from outside and cut off any possible way for Hirate to teleport Will.

Even though Azief knows that Will could not be teleported in his underground prison because it is warded, but Azief knows, given enough time, Hirate could plan to bring Will on top and teleport him way.

By sealing space, he had trapped everyone that is not teleported there with him.

Hirate is of course shocked at this development because he didn’t think Azief could seal space itself.

Hirate was already at the first floor of the Quorum Building after coming out of the underground prison.

All of the military has also teleported under the orders of Raymond and the civilians has also been teleported when that giant seal the island.

The only one left in this island right now is the Eight Energy Disperse Stage, Hirate and the people working underneath the underground prison and Will.

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Of course Hirate doesn’t know about the Immortal Couple.

Since they were in the underground prison, teleportation does not work on them since the Underground prison is warded from teleportation.

DEATH! Azief said and the radius of his destruction increased to fifteen kilometers as it envelops the Eight Energy Disperse Stage monks.

They all retreated without fear in their eyes but one of them ws late and was engulfed by his killing energy.

That one monk melted under the pressure and died. The moment the monk dies, it turns into an orb of light that rushes into another of the monks. There is seven monks now.

The golden giant shrinked and Azief stand atop rubbles.

‘So, that how it is’ Azief said to himself, chuckling.

‘Interesting. No wonder, Hirate chose this Eight. I can have some fun if this is the case.’

Behind him, the fire whirls, on top of his head, the clouds churned, and lightning roared. The wind howled and thunderstorm is forming.

Azief then laughed.

His laugh pierces the sky; his hair fluttering because of the wind, his hood was opened, showing his stony face.

‘COME!’ And he produces a saber from his hand. Now….the battle begins.
