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Lord Shadow

Chapter 171: Public enemy number one (1)
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The Young Emperor Zhu Di was sitting on his Dragon Throne listening to the reports from his officials.

They all are proposing plans on how to recoup the losses of their empire after attacking the Supreme General of the Rebellion Army.

The atmosphere inside the room was tense with the young Emperor thinking vigorously while looking at his officials arguing and debating with each other.

He could not believe a million men could not even hurt one Evolver. Could the stories be true? An Omega Level Evolver is truly akin to Gods?

He is the Son of Heaven and in Ming his rule is unchallenged and he never loses.

Evolvers populated the lowest rung of society here and losing to one is unacceptable. By now, the people have begun speaking about him in hushed words calling him a rash Emperor.

But what should he do then? Let the Supreme General of the Rebellion Army just strolled through his Empire without repercussion?

What would the World Council and the other countries think of him?

At least he was better than the President of USA who quickly takes a private spaceship and run away to Titan the first sign of trouble.

Who doesn’t know the declaration of the Supreme General where he vowed he would exterminate all Normies influence and erect a new world order?

At the time, the rulers of the world laughed.

Now….not so much.

With victories after victories, the Evolvers and Normies alike begin to think that the Supreme General of the Rebellion Army is invincible.

The Evolvers has even begun treating him as a God.

Here in Ming some evolver slave erected a temple of the Supreme General and worship and offer incense on him like he is some deity.

As the room descended into shouting match between officials a person screams from outside with a shrill voice

‘Emergency! Emergency! Protect the Emperor!’

A eunuch rush through the throne room and prostrated before the Emperor, his forehead is full of sweat

‘Eunuch Gao! Why are you coming into the throne room?’ Zhu Di was shocked with the blatant disregard of this eunuch to proper Palace rules which forbids this eunuch to come when he is in session.

Zhu Di has always hated eunuch so much so he did not have a personal eunuch. After all they are Evolvers who has been castrated and considered half men.

‘Your Majesty…Your Majesty’ he said his voice stutter in fear. Then he looks toward the old officials, ministers and scholars in the throne room

‘All officials bring the Emperor to safety. The Supreme general of the Rebellion Army has launches his attack towards the Empire’

‘What!’ All the officials inside the throne room sprang into action as they quickly urges the Emperor to enter the Dragon Room and hides himself underground inside the Bunker.

As they come out of the Throne Room they see strange lights erupted from the ground and some light hovering in the air.

Some wise scholar pointed out, his face was a mixture of fear and shock as he pointed to the light and shouted

‘Earthquake lights. It is emitted from the rocks that under extreme stress.’

As he finished saying this, another official noted that birds are flying away from the gardens.

Outside the Palace, on the forest, toads, bees, dogs and cat are abandoning their homes and running away.

On the usually tranquil and peaceful rivers, fishes are thrashing around and pets in many civilians Normies houses began behaving erratically.

The official nodded as they understand the implications.

The Supreme General is doing this. It is said that the Supreme General has many abilities but inducing earthquake?

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This puts fear of the rumor that has long persisted in the history of this world is true.

Omega Level Evolver is akin to Gods.

They remember the story of the Five Emperor who many scholars have been saying that they were actually Evolvers.

‘Quick we must escort the Emperor to safety!’

An old official said as they guarded the Emperor looking at the sky fearing that the Supreme General would come down from the sky and take away the young emperor.

As they take a step a foreshock happens and they all almost falls down to the ground as the ground begins to roll.

They all marvel at the power of the Supreme General.

As they rush through the hallways and palaces the ground moves and the first quake happen with the force of a rushing tsunami.

The ground rolled up and the Ming Empire was thrown into chaos that it even affects nearby countries.

The Supreme General is showing his anger.

Like a father slapping the table in order to warn. And his warnings are clear. He did not take the Imperial Family welcome of him favorably.

Many of the officials try to persuade the Imperial Family not to engage in any hostile move against the fearsome Supreme General but they did not accept the official’s pleas.

The result was that they sent one million soldiers and they were eaten alive by the Supreme General powers.

Now, the Supreme General is getting payback.

This is what the officials think and speculated.

If only they knew that Azief is refining their Empire they would surely laugh at themselves thinking they are so important that they even registers inside the Supreme General calculations.

If Azief wanted he could fly over and end the Emperor lives whenever he wanted.

The only reason he did not do so, is because he has other concerns which is forming his seeds.


The quake was like a thunderous roar ripping through the soil, splitting the Earth and bringing chaos and disorder.

Its motion was so violent that the Emperor stumbles and falls as the officials behind him also falls down and stumble.

Looking at the Holy One falls, they quickly strengthen themselves and quickly try to help the Emperor.

Outside the entire Imperial City were full of people screaming in shock. Tops of trees were snapped open because of the violent force of tectonic movements.

Buildings collapsed, water supply line bursted out from the sewers, spilling to the road, cars accident stacked up on the highways, with the sounds of horns and screams filled all major highways and roads.

Some highways broke down killing thousands of people on the roads and houses burned down as the entire city look like they were being punished by the Heavens.

‘Quick bring the Emperor to the bunker’ said the Eunuch.

The Emperor got up, his face pale as he sees the trees and flowers of his palaces wilting, like their life essence being drained.

‘What is going on!’ He shouted in anger his hand clenched tight as he does not understand what is happening.

Then another quake happened this time stronger than before.

The force of this quae is double the force of energy than the first quake as even the Emperor could feel the vibration under his feet.

The Palaces and pagodas he built could be seen cracking in the seams and then slowly showing signs of crumbles down.

At this time they all become even more scared as their feet become even faster

Even as they were running they think to themselves.

‘What has happened?’

They then arrived in front of a Peach Garden.

It used to be beautiful but this time all they could see was the destruction of the Garden with peach trees snapped open at the bark and the tiles all were cracking.

‘Quick!’ The Emperor dashed forward ignoring his Imperial Demeanor as he rushes through the garden and enters the Pavilion.

Pushing a wall the wall shines as a robotic voice sounded.

‘Identification complete’ Then from the wall a door appeared

‘Quick’ The Emperor once again said as he waited for his officials and they enter together.

The Eunuch was about to enter to enter the room when the Emperor push him back as the Eunuch fall down to the ground.

‘Stay outside!’ The Emperor scolded. Did the Eunuch think he can enter the room with them? The Eunuch only shows a bitter smile.

‘Yes, Your Majesty.’

‘Hmph’ The Emperor enter the room as the door closes.

The Eunuch watched on as the door closes.

When the door finally closes he laughs like a madman and look at the Garden and the entire Palace is slowly crumbling.

The high sturdy walls, the lofty grand pavilions all of it is rendered useless. He then kneels to the ground and with tears in his eyes he said

‘Thank you Supreme General. Today, my resentment could be resolved!’ And he smiles as he kowtowed to the cold hard stone tile on the ground his eyes full of tears.

He then looks back at the closed room and smirked.

‘I left a surprise for you, evil Emperor. Your reign, the Zhu family reign is over. No’ he then refute his words as he saw the skies full of lightning and sounds of thunders in the distance as he continued

‘It is the end of your race dominations. From now on, a new world order will emerge.’

Then taking a deep breath he shouted, speaking the truth he had to hide every day without fear any longer

‘Long live the Rebellion!’

‘Long live the Rebellion!’

‘Long live the Rebellion!’ With each shouts he kowtowed.

Inside the room the Emperor and the officials were shocked to see there are there people inside it. One man was a man of steel.

Literally this man was like walking steel.

They smiles.

‘Zhu DI?’ The man asked looking at the young emperor with disdain.

‘You mangy race dare say my name, The Emperor directly? You insolent slaves!’

The Emperor was about to hurl more insult when someone shoots his kneecaps and he falls to the ground.

His kneecaps bursted out with blood, spurting furiously like it was coming down from a water fountain.

The figure shooting the gun is behind the steel man. The Emperor and the officials looked at the dim figure behind the man of steel.

It was a woman sitting on a chair with her legs on the table; her right hand is twirling a gun. Her face is hard to see with the dim lighting inside the room.

They only could see she has a long hair.

‘Dare?’ The man said with a chuckle.

‘I dare. Our Supreme General once said to us if there is a Normie in this world that we fear then we are not worthy to be his soldiers. After all, the Supreme General is backing us. Why would we be afraid? Emperor. Hah! You’re still flesh and blood.’

The officials behind the Emperor somehow quickly understand their predicament.

This is a trap.

They rushed to open the room when they discovered they can’t push the door behind them open.

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The Emperor also discover the problem when his face changes. Then understanding dawned on him.

‘Eunuch Gao? He asks himself.

‘Oh, this young kid is quite smart’ the woman who is sitting on the chair said playfully.

Even now, her face is not shown clearly since it is hidden by the dim lighting of the room. But her hand did not left the trigger of the gun.

It was twirling when suddenly it stopped and pointed directly at the Emperor.

‘You…you what are you intending to do?’ The Emperor said his voice stutters as he backed up. The Steel man smiles evilly and then he said

‘Today, the Zhu family will no longer exist. That’s it. Today we come to remove you and exterminate your families. Nine familial execution isn’t it? Isn’t that what you used to punish Evolvers with?’

The Steel man said his voice was joyful but one could hear the faint anger hidden deep beneath that tone.

‘We will leave this empire leaderless as this Empire would fall on itself. When it is truly in chaos we will come again and claim it for ourselves. Today, our Division task is only to do this thing. To exterminate all the families of the Imperial Government.’

And finished saying what they want twelve shots are fired as twelve officials behind the Emperor had their heads exploded as bloods splatted to the walls dripping slowly from the walls like a red paint.

Then a kid behind the steel man performs something with his hand and the door behind the Emperor open and a person enter.

IT was Eunuch Gao and his face was smiling. It was a chilling smile.

Almost like a madman. But when he saw the steel man his face resumes back his usual appearance.

‘Brother Gao, you have helped us Rebellion Army today greatly. Your information has truly benefitted the organization. When you are finished with this kid, please contact us and the Supreme General will surely grant you an audience and heal you. You no longer have to become a Eunuch.’

The Steel man said as he passes by the young emperor and walk out. Patting the back of Eunuch Gao he nodded as a sign of understanding.

‘We need to fulfill other objective set by the HQ so will meet you later after our Supreme General is done.’

Saying this to the Eunuch and his team members the group of twelve went out of the room leaving the scared young emperor with the eunuch.

The doors closed and there are only two people in the room.

Smiling the eunuch grab the black collar on his neck and with one squeeze of his hand, the collar broke.

The Emperor immediately understands.

The collar must have been neutralized a long time ago. And only the Rebellion Army could reverse engineer those collars.

With the swelling numbers of Evolvers joining the Rebellion Army the Emperor is not shocked someone has found a way to neutralize the effect of the collars.

It used to only be Karl but then the Supreme General appears.

But now, it seems the Rebellion Army could now liberate the evolvers slave without the help of Karl or the Supreme General.

And as his thoughts flashed through this conclusion, he could not help but shudder but to think of the ultimate fates of Normies as a race.

Have they done a mistake by oppressing them all this time? He finally asked the question no Normies has even thought to ask themselves apart from, a select few.

Eunuch Gao stares at the Emperor like a predator looking at a prey

This time the weak eunuch that the emperor has never looked properly look very frightening.

‘Eunuch Gao why are you doing this?’ he said his voice is stuttering as he inches backward with one hand holding his kneecaps while the other is trying to hold on by using the walls as support.

‘Remember the servant girl who you raped and then forces her to copulate with pigs and horses just because you were curios?’

And the Eunuch laughs this time with a cackle of madness.

‘That is my sister, Zhu Di’ he shouted with anger and madness as he spits at the Emperor face. The Emperor face reddens with anger.

‘You insolent-‘ and before he could finish his word a resounding slap planted itself on the emperor face as he was pushed back and falls down to the cold hard floor.

His mouth was bleeding and a few of his tooth was chipped.

‘You will not die that easy .I’ll make sure of that’ the Eunuch said as he come closer to the Emperor with a terrifying expression.
