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Lord Shadow

Chapter 237: Defiant (2)
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The Gate seemed to be carved with ancient inscription and seems sturdy and heavy. He pushed the gate with his hand and without a sound the door swung open.

It seems heavy, but it not heavy and nothing seems to obstruct him from opening the Gate.

It revealed a large room that resembles a throne room.

While Azul never saw a throne room he still remembers how the Shaman describes the Throne Room of the Jade Emperor.

While this throne room could not be compared to the description of the Jade Throne, it resembles a throne room.

As he walked forward he finally sees it.

There is an altar behind the throne chair. Six floating sabers hover above that altar, beckoning for someone to wield them.

Azul come forward, entranced by the sharpness of the saber when he unconsciously touched one of the sabers.

His finger was cut because of the sharpness as his blood drop onto the saber and then the sabers all entered into Azul forehead, inside his crystal that now acts as a storage ring.

It freaks him out but then he discovered his strength multiplied and his speed is improving. He got up and pats the dust on his bottom when he saw something glints off the wall.

He brought his troch closer to the wall and there he sees it. A manual of saber movement carved into the walls.

Excited with the prospect of learning saber movement that could be considered hard to find in this backward region of the Infernal Realm, he stayed inside the cave for a total of nine days to copy what he saw into a beast skin he got from his hunting.

He only went out to eat and sleep since he did not dare sleep in that cave surrounded by skeleton.

When he finished copying the manual, he buried all the skeletons as a sign of respect and with his now newfound strength, he climb back up and arrive at his village

And then that memory stops.

But it is enough for him.

Azief now know what to do.

He was searching for the saber when the saber was inside him all of this time. He only thinks of it and the saber appeared, in his hand, thus revealing his trump card.

Since that Asura is the same level as him, he needs to take this seriously. If this is his world, Azief could slap these Asura to death with one slap of his palm

Azief brought out the saber.

The moment he brought out the saber and the saber hilt on his hand, he could felt the infernal energy is stirred.

And with it his Killing Heart stirred, bloodlust almost fills his heart but he managed to calm it down.

All Asuras have a Killing heart.

But Azief remember what Azul said to him. His heart is the Defiant heart. And if his heart is the Defiant Heart, then what did he defy?

Is it the Celestials? Is it the Heavens?

That Asura fist came into contact with the flat part of the saber.

The energy ripples but the hand of that Asura is lacerated by countless black wind gusts that were formed from the wind pressure.

It is the result of the shockwave of his fist.

Who would have thought it would backfire on him. One of his hands is crippled almost immediately.

But he quickly popped some pills into his mouth and that hand almost immediately regained back its full function.

‘Seal him!’ That large Asura shouted as he moved backward, maintaining a safe distance

A barrier with the shape of a dome suddenly envelops the entire area.

But Azief did not panic. He even sneers at this attempt. While he did not possess his cultivation base he still has his memories.

This Asuras while powerful in the standard of Azul at the time, it is nothing in Azief eyes. He fought The Weronians, one of their greatest warriors, Purunghasa and come out on top.

How could he fear this weak Asura?

He is not anxious nor is he afraid.

Because he is familiar with this saber. It is one of the saber Azief uses the most. The Heaven Sundering saber.

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Azief think that Azul during this period of time never activated this saber because he never had the chance

This tribe is peaceful and rarely war against each other and even lives peacefully with the nearby tribe.

Their only threat is the Celestials. And there is no King of Asuras or the warlord Asuras. It even made Azief doubt whether this is truly the Asura tribe

Azief activated the saber and heat is coming out of the saber, flames sparking from its edge and tips of the sabers, like a flame dragon.

The seal barrier is shaped like a dome and Azief look at it and smirk.

Azief take a deep breath and lifted his saber as he thrust out his saber forward towards the seal.

When the saber energy came in contact with the sealing dome, countless energy ripples through the dome and then like a sound of glass falling to the floor, the dome crack and then explodes.

An Asura hiding in a bush not far away from Azief hut coughed up blood and fainted.

Azief sneer looking at these Asuras.

‘No one could kill the person I want to protect. If you are stubborn, then I would no longer be merciful!’

He shouted, his shout sound like a dragon roar as it causes the insects and the beast nearby in the forest to run away

Azief did not know much about relationship in this world, but Azief don’t think it is wise to kill his own tribe members.

But these Asuras seems even angrier, their eyes become red and their forehead glows. One of them charged ahead but was thrown a few kilometers away with one spinning kick by him.

It causes that Asura to immediately lost his consciousness and all of his bone broken.

The large Asura look at this and he became even angrier. The other Asura on the other hand jump backward.

‘You…when did you become this strong? Did you learn from the Celestials! Blood traitor!’ Suddenly that large Asura spout words Azief did not understand.

Learning from the Celestials? Azief did not know. The memory he had right now is the memory Azul let him see. It is not exactly his memory if one is being precise.

The large Asura then suddenly shows a look of enlightenment as he pointed to the girl in that hut.

‘That must be why you are so intent on not killing that girl! The expectation of the Elders is wasted on you. Since that is the case, then I will take your head and present it to the Elder Council!’

The Asura yelled out as he brought out a large mace, thunder broke out from the mace as it seems to roar with the sound of thunder

He then charged towards Azief.

Azief dodged that mace and jump backward agile like a cat. The mace comes again this time without giving time for Azief to regain his stance.

But Azief was not flustered at all. It is a battle. In a battle anything could happen.

Azief lifted the saber; the heat of the saber is accumulating. If not because he was the owner of this saber, his hand would be charred and his flesh would be cooked.

As it slices upwards, the air around it were heated up.

The mace met the saber and a large shockwave erupted in the middle of the center of their battle, with the forest nearby were flattened.

They traded blows by blows and destroyed the nearby large trees and plants but Azief has already brought him out the hut area for fearing to awaken that young girl who was sleeping.

At first, the large Asura got an advantage but the longer they traded blows, the easier it is for Azief to dodge and now his attack has wounded that Asura in many parts.

Now, he even uses palm attack to supplement his saber attacks.

And then like lightning, Azief pierced that Asura stomach with his saber, sizzling sound could be heard as that saber penetrated his stomach.

Blood splattered as the heat ravaged that Asura entire body. His intestines boiled and his body is burned from inside out.

But the Asura like he felt no pain hold that hot saber and pushed it out from his stomach making Azief jerked backward.

The Asura then without hesitation pull out his intestines and his internal organs throw it without hesitation into the ground

It was then Azief knows why the Asura race is powerful and very effective in a war. That organ quickly regenerated.

He saw the tissues formed and the veins reforming. But Azief also notice something else. The crystal on that Asura forehead turns dim.


Azief understand now.

He could not help but feel if he is here with his original body, with the Death Source under his command he could absorb the longevity of this Asura and strengthen his body.

Maybe, someday he has to go to the Asura realm and pay them a visit.

The Asura only glanced at his injury and proceed to start battling again. By now, they have travel far away from the hut

Azief then sighed.

It is time to end this. He lifted his saber, pointed it towards the sky and gathered the infernal energy, absorbing it wantonly and without reservations

Then like a vortex, the energy swarm toward him.

The entire forest seems to emit the saber domineering aura, as if his saber intent had formed an absolute field of power that belonged to him and him alone.

It was a saber domain.

And then fire sparks on the edge of the saber.

That spark was small in the beginning but slowly it gets bigger and bigger and bigger until it turns into a hurricane of fire originated from that tip of the saber

Surrounded by flames, touched by fire, Azief look like a monarch of fire.

All of it takes time to describe but it only happens in one second.

In one second, Azief created a hurricane of fire that seems to burn the entire forest region. The effect was so that it started changing the weather above, messing with the Heavens of the Infernal Realms.

‘What is that saber? This is impossible! Impossible!’ The Asura shouted, his face is red, and his veins bulged up. He could not believe what he is seeing right now.

This transcends all of his knowledge. He could not believe that Azul possess such power. This is a power beyond what Diamond Forming could do.

Azul could even fight some of the Elders with this kind of power. And then a thought suddenly flashed inside his mind.

That saber must be a treasure, and it must not be just some random treasure but some inheritance left by some powerful being.

But, even though he did not believe that Azul possess such power, he wanted the treasure. So he tries to move forward.

He wanted to move forward but the heat was so suffocating that he could not dare to move forward.

The heat sizzles his skins and parched his throats, the land near them are cracking and the grass is burning.

Trees and plant, like they were being erased by an eraser dissipated into nothingness the moment a spark of fire touch them.

The fire from the saber is no normal fire. At least that large Asura realizes this.

The energy of that Saber rises up to the Heavens and it startles some of the Spies planted by the Celestial in this region.

The spies are mostly stationed on some of the Hold to survey the area.

This is a remote region and weak region hence there is only three spies for the entire region. When they felt this fluctuation they were shocked to say the least.

And they were unprepared.

They never would have thought they would feel such fluctuations of energy from such a corner remote region of the Infernal Realm.

They immediately fly out from their residence, rushing to the area of that fluctuation of energy.

They would interrogate who breakthrough and if that person is not the Celestial race, then they as the spies would end him or her.

Meanwhile on the forest, that energy is finished building up. Azief eyes are glowing red, it was like fires are spiraling inside his pupils and his breath could spit out fires.

His forehead is also emitting golden aura that is now combining with the fire, making the aura a mix of red and golden.

‘I already said that if you were stubborn I would not let you go. You did not heed my warning, rushing to your own death. What a pity’

Azief said in a mocking tone. He already gave that large Asura a chance to live. But he did not a good deal when he sees it.

Stubbornly forcing him to show his ability.

By now Azief could feel people rushing here. Azief while he did not possess his original body and his cultivation base, when he fight with the large Asura he discover his Divine Sense is intact.

For some reason the lingering will of this world did not take that way.

But then Azief thinks again. Maybe it’s not because the lingering will didn’t take it….but he couldn’t take it.

But nonetheless, Azief divine sense is powerful and could cover the entire Earth in his world.

But on this world, a world larger than Earth, he might not be able to exercise his Divine Sense toward the entire world.

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They are many factors why he couldn’t do that. First, the size of the world. Second, they are people stronger than him that would use that divine sense to pinpoint where he is.

In Earth he could unrestrainedly uses his Divine Sense because he was the apex existence on Earth.

Even if one knew he is using his Divine Sense no one would dare to contend with him, or obstruct his Divine Sense from enveloping Earth.

But he could at least use his Divine Sense to scan the entire region.

And he discovered three Asuras are coming over to him , flying in the air, rushing with their fastest speed to come to this area.

Azief only smirk at this matter, not putting it inside his mind at all.

The saber he was holding glowed red as it ferociously devouring the infernal energy. Then crimson blood light shrouded the saber, as explosion sounded in the nearby forest not far away from their battle area.

That forest is exploding as fire ravaged and devoured, the fire reaches the clouds, all life, monsters or trees were all devoured by that fire with no mercy

The clouds above burst into fire as the heat around the saber burns the forest, red mist covered Azief body.

The land beneath his feet turns black before the ground beneath his feet cracked and then turns into sand.

Around him slowly the soil turns into sand like a transformation into an arid desert

Coiling flames coils around him like small dragons of fire and purified the infernal energy as Azief also absorbed the infernal energy.

The infernal energy is pure thus causing Azul body to almost directly enter Infernal Absorber stage.


An explosion sounded all over Azul body. His entire body responded as his aura solidified and his physical body breaks the chains holding it down.

As he absorbed all that pure infernal energy, he broke through to Infernal Absorber.

His aura and energy instantly jump three to five fold as the shockwave from his breakthrough open the clouds above.

His skin slowly covered the crystals on his forehead, pushing the crystal on his forehead inwards as he no longer shows the crystal on his forehead.

The crystal enters his forehead as his body easily absorbs the infernal energy. This is Infernal Absorber ability to easily absorb infernal energy.

He has breakthrough to Infernal Absorber in his fight.

Azul in his time did not break through into Infernal Absorber until later. Since Azief decided not to follow the original path of Azul, he decided to breakthrough.

Azul did not breakthrough at that time is because he was still fill with guilt after killing that young girl.

Even though he got the resources from the tribe after returning to the tribe, he still did not breakthrough until; later.

However, this Azul is not blocked by such mental block so; Azief could easily breakthrough to Infernal Absorber using the aid of the saber.

The moment he breakthrough the rate of infernal energy absorption increases tenfold.

Immediately, the entire tribe territory of Merapi suffers the shortage of infernal energy. All the Elders and the Tribe Shaman realizes this as they were shocked and kneel on the ground in fear and trepidation.

They fear the Celestial will come down from their Golden Palaces on the Heavens.

While the race below the Celestial is allowed to cultivate they need to cultivate without breaking the balance and distribution of energy.

Energy is after all limited and one day will run out. So they are rules and laws decreed by the Celestials about absorbing energy.

But Azul is not stopping at all.

He is absorbing like all the energy in the world belongs to him. Azief also know about this rule as he saw it in his memory.

But he also know that in the future, Azul will slay Celestial and judging by how the Celestial is acting in this world, Azief could easily deduce what kind of relationship Celestial have with Azul race.

Azul race are not slaves.

They are worse. They are cattle.

For what?

Azief still didn’t know what the Celestial want from Azul race since that part of the memory is blocked.

Since that was the case, and he knew that the Celestial would not care about his race, Azief just absorbed the energy without worrying that it would cause a massive shortage of infernal energy in this region.

The first objective is to strengthen himself first before worrying bout anything else. He needs to be strong so that he could protect himself and walk this new path until the end

As he is absorbing the infernal energy without reservation, he quickly rises up in level from the Primary stage to Middle stage, High Stage and then to pinnacle stage in one session.

‘HAHAHAHA!’ He laughed unrestrainedly, his hair grows longer and his skin becomes glossier.

He laughed, but his laugh sounded like a challenge to the Heavens of the Infernal Realm, a challenge to the Celestials

Then another explosion sounded out as Azief roars, his roar reverberates through the entire forest and the entire region.