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Lord Shadow

Chapter 330: Heaven wrath (6)
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Azief has no flesh anymore on his hand as there is only his bone as blood drops out from the ends of the bones veins, greasy and pungent smell coming out from the blood like it was the smell of Death.

His bone was golden before emanating celestial aura but now after being grinded by the power of the Laws from the Wheel it turns white and traces of the bones crack could be seen all over his bone.

But despite the pain that should have rendered anyone to be crazily screaming he senses that energy and he grins

‘GO UP!’ He shouted as the Wheel of Reincarnation slowly floated upwards. The clouds all were sucked into it and so does the normal lightning and even the tribulation lightning

Katarina, Oreki, Hikigaya, Raymond all back away as the Wheel rises up to the sky fearing to touch the Wheel even by a little bit

The Laws around the whole world is at the edge of breaking as a huge rift was open in Space. That rift seems to be stationary and did not do anything but if one could see the flow of energy one could see that the Universal Energy is being devoured by that rift.

The essence of stars, of the sun and the moon is slowly being absorbed by that rift.

If one look at that rift one could only see emptiness. A pure emptiness.

On Earth a gigantic palm rises up from the ocean and the whole world experience great shaking.

It is a purple palm as large as the entire surface of the Earth.

It phases through all living things, emitted purple mist that do not harm of benefit anyone.

It was a titanic palm created from Azief using all of of his All Source Disk. The moment it appeared the heavens tremble not of anger but of fear.

The momentum coming out from that palm is suppressing the Heavens and pressuring the energy of the Earth


Azief yelled his eyes bloodshot looking like a madman as he wills that palm to rises up. The entire heaven seems to be howling and screaming as the Palm rises up

All the Laws that created the world is trembling, like something is forcing them to capitulate. A fierce wind that threatened to shred of all Laws that make up reality blows across the world.

The Heavens red thunderbolt seems pitifully small compared to that Palm that is slowly rising up.

Azief wills the Palm to rise even more as his eyes bleed and blood drops down from his ears and nose.

The pressure is crushing him from the inside and pushing him from the outside.

The sound of his bone cracking could be heard that it even drown the sound of the fierce rushing wind around him

The gigantic Palm rises up with a heaven shattering momentum that even below the seabed it is already pushing back the normal thunderbolts and the tribulation thunderbolt.

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But the red thunderbolts only move slightly but it swayed left and right as Hikigaya still maintains his golden chain upon the red thunderbolts.

But the Wheel is slowly being pushed outside of Earth atmosphere

Azief knows the reason why that palm only moves the red thunderbolt. It is because this palm is not used to repel the Heaven Punishment but to push the Wheel of Reincarnation away.

And it is also because he wills it so

And not to mention just pushing the Wheel would be enough to drain him of his energy.

All of this action takes a lot of time to describe but not even a second have passes from the moment Azief bring out his palm to all of this happening.

All the life force in the world heed and obeys, all the Laws trembled and a part of them fuse into that Palm as it is speedily ascending.

The Palm thrummed with energy as it slowly condense and become smaller as it converge around the South Atlantic Ocean and speedily rising up.

While the Palm does become smaller, the energy around it become denser and thicker and it becomes more solid.

The entire ocean trembles as that Palm rises up into the sky and becomes smaller and smaller until it merge with Azief palm.


A powerful energy suddenly erupted from Azief palm but all of the flesh around his arm exploded leaving only his palm that is rejuvenated with flesh.

Azief only winced for a bit as he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath and then he maintain his stoic expression.

This flesh that form on Azief hand is blue and an ancient energy emanated out from it.

That familiar feeling rises up in Azief heart. It was like he was holding the Universe on his grip.

All the Laws that palm absorbed, all the life force it absorbed in the seabed leaving millions of sea creature turning into pure energy that feeds the palm resided in Azief palm right now

It even stopped the bleeding on Azief nose, ears and eyes.

The pressure was so powerful that the moment that palm energy merged with Azief palm, it heal Azief palm but it is also because of the overloading of energy all the flesh in his arm exploded.

Azief look like a skeleton army he used to summon.

The only difference was that he still has flesh in other part of his body.

It is only his right arm that loses all of its flesh, revealing the golden bones that already lost its luster to the world.

Azief sighed a bit.

He could not be like Azul transforming the Universe into a Palm. Right now, this is the only thing he could do now with his level of power.

‘But…this is enough’ Azief smirk even though the pain he must be experiencing right now must be beyond this world.

On the sky, all of the people coming to help him is shocked looking at this scene.

Raymond was shocked, Hikigaya looked at this with amazement, Oreki frowned showing a complicated expression while Katarina is worried.

The reason they were shock is not only because of the Palm technique but also because the moment that Palm appeared, millions of thunderbolts in the sky self-detonated like they met their bane.

Azief palm is pressuring the Heavens the moment is appears as the clouds of the Extermination Lightning seems to shrink and being suppresses by some resisting energy coming out from the Palm.

Azief look at the sky and he smirk with a mocking expression clearly expressed on his face toward the heavens

And then he shouted

‘Will of the World, I am Death Monarch! I rule the Dead and govern Life and Death. You are still unqualified to take me on right now!!’ He declares even at his current state

Azief look at the red thunderbolts and his smile got even wider

In his mind a plan formed. This plan has already been birthed the first moment the Will of the World attacked him before.

He still has use for that red thunderbolt.

‘Huh. The Extermination Lightning’ Azief scoffed

Then looking at the Wheel which is already being pushed slowly upwards by the power of his Palm Azief laughed.

He had a hard time of holding on to this Wheel. Unless he reached a high enough level this will be the last time he would summon this Wheel.

The risk involved is too big. And it made him too vulnerable.

Today, he is lucky that Oreki, Hikigaya and Raymond do not hold any intention of making it harder for him but Azief never like to put himself under the mercy of others.

Next time he probably wouldn’t be so lucky.

Of course Azief has also calculated that they would not attack him even if they wanted to. At least not at this moment.

Raymond has always been the honorable one his character could be trusted slightly. Hikigaya owe him and Azief daresay he is a good judge of character.

For Oreki there is no merit for him to make himself the target of the whole world by attacking him.

Azief right now is using all of his power to seal the greatest enemy of the world and if Oreki attacked and take advantage of him at this time, the whole world will not stand still after the Battle concluded.

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And even if these people try to interfere, it is still not clear who would win or lose. If they win it would not be bad.

But if they attacked and Azief escaped…..then this time everyone knows that Death Monarch would no longer give any consideration and wiped them out.

As there are villains in the world after the Fall, there are also righteous people that rises up from the fire of chaos and death.

And if they attacked surely there are some people that would rise up to protect him

Then Azief closes his eyes and said the word

The words that come out from his mouth rippled the Laws of the World and even thought it was an ancient word in the Universe because of the World Orb everyone could understand it

The words he uttered is

‘The Sky as Chessboards’

And then he pushes his palm upwards as the Wheel jolted upwards and burns the atmosphere away like a powerful force is pushing it upwards that it cracks all the air and broke the stratosphere.

Energy leaves Azief palm as a projection of a purple palm comes out from Azief palm.

That projection emerges out and become a titanic purple palm image that pushes the Wheel upwards as it enters the rift in Space.

The sky was opened up in many regions of the world so people who are high leveled could see far and they could even see the Space beyond Earth

But this time a weird sight shocked all the people that are looking at space from Earth.

They saw a gigantic chessboard in Space. Some people even fly upwards as close as they can to the atmosphere looking at that chessboard.

They saw two titanic beings image that they dwarfed the stars and the planet, playing chess in the vastness of the empty space, and the Universe as the Chessboard.

They are unrecognizable and Azief sighed.

When Azul uses it, the face of the titanic being was so clear.

But when he uses it there is only a projection and could not capture the true immensity or the true size of that titanic being.

To Azief it was not that shocking anymore because he has seen it before but to the rest of the world they were shook to their core.

They saw these two titanic being used stars as their chess pieces

And then the image slowly dissipated in space as the Wheel is pushed fully into the rift and the whole world was silent.


Not much to say this time. Anyway, like always hope you enjoy the chapter and please vote and leave some comments or join the discord to ask me question. I usually answer it faster on discord.