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Lord of the Truth

Chapter 374 Expectations Vs Reality
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"Finally he showed his true colors, Didn't I tell you? By coming here on his order he will think we are weak! That is it for me, If you both don't leave right now, I will!" Water Empress Victoria stood up and then pointed at Robin, "You there, You say the planet will be yours? Come and take my continent if you can!"

"Sigh~ Looks like we really wasted our time, let's go." Wind Emperor Alexander slowly stood up as well, his disappointment was evident in his words and facial expressions as he said it.

"Aaay~ I had better expectations for this, what a loss~" Sacred Tree Empress Elizabeth sighed and slowly started to stand up as well.

None of them knew how to react when news reached them that their subjects had been held captive for months at the mercy of some *crimson-colored Demons* and that the leader of those crimson-colored Demons was actually a human and that he *ordered* for the three emperors to come and meet him on the Ancestral Continent within one year or else what happened to the Flame Empire would happen to them…

The matter was very sudden and very, very strange, their minds could not absorb all that information at one time and none of them could answer the question *How did a force of this size appear in the ancestral continent* or *what are those Demons?*

All that occupied their heads was: What the hell happened to Flame Empire?!

The three emperors quickly used their primitive means of communication and tried to reach out to the Barnett family in the Flame continent to find out what was going on, but to no response...

The war was already raging there and the demons were surrounding the entire continent, killing anything or anyone that tries to enter and leave the continent.

So they communicated with each other and decided to go to the Flame Empire themselves to find out what was going on... And there they got the shock of their lives.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

When they reached the shore and saw the mutilated corpses, their hearts were gripped, and the deeper they went into the continent the feeling of suffocation became more apparent...

That continued until they reached the Flame Empire Capital and saw from afar the capital burning, they saw a huge number of The Crimson Demons they heard about.

But hearing about something was way different than seeing it, And seeing these creatures eating the corpses of their victims was... They couldn't even find words to describe it!!

It can only be said that these scenes will forever be engraved in their memories.

And soon enough they saw Flame Emperor Elias, advancing bravely to defend his land, and then saw his father, Old Gu, attack him verbally and then participate in what appeared killing him!

Sacred Tree Empire Elizabeth tried to step forward more than once to help The Flame Empire, but Victoria and Alexander stopped her, even the Sages of Sacred Tree Empire begged her to stop, who would want to get involved in something like that?!

If Hell exists, this was it!

The scene was terrifying, just the fact a father had to attack his own son to stop this madness was evident enough!

Only when the battle came to an end and they saw how old Gu was forced to kill his own son, did they all know the significance of that demon's leader's threat, they knew what he meant with *just like what happened in the Flame Empire* really meant.

That guy could foresee what is going on right now since months ago, he had absolute confidence that he would turn an ancient kingdom into hell even before the war began!

And the thing is... That guy wasn't ever there!

Did he think that destroying one of the four Empires wasn't worth his time?!

Quickly, the three of them agreed to unite and stand together against this new common enemy, and if one of them got attacked the other two Empires HAVE to help...

And they also agreed to accept the invitation and go to the ancestral continent to meet with this mysterious guy in the hope that they might stop the war before it happened.

Hoping that what they are seeing now was a personal feud against the Flame Empire and that he was only inviting them in this manner to demonstrate his power...

Telling themselves that if that person only wanted war, he would not have invited them to meet, even if it was a somewhat rude invitation.

They also agreed to threaten him somehow by Their unity and negotiating with him over the ownership of the Ancestral Continent and the Flame Continent, then they would give up on them in the end as if it was a peace offer hoping that they achieve peace with him this way... Hoping that he might forget about their lands and leave them alone.

...But from Robin's words now it became clear that he doesn't put them in his eye, the subject about the Ancestral Continent and the Flame Continent was closed before it was even opened!

It was obvious that Robin didn't bring them here to flex his muscles, but wanted to accept their surrender.

And if they were going to lose their lands and heritage anyway, then naturally they will bet on war.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


"Why does it seem that you think you can leave as you please?" Jabba took out the war hammer from his Space Ring and placed it on his shoulder

Amon, Sakar, and the other Demon Kings standing behind Robin also assumed attack stances and inserted their Spiritual Sense into the Sound Rings, ready to give orders to the Demon army to pounce on the hill at any moment.

The Sages from the Three Empires who were spread around the hill felt the energy disturbances occurring above as well, and their faces turned for the worse.

When they left their lands with their emperors, they were surprised by their decision and wondered what might necessitate their personal action, and indeed many of them objected to cutting off their work to accompany their emperors on some journey outside the continent, but now that they are in the midst of a sea of ​​demons, they feel that they are nothing.

With all their strength that they were so proud of, they would all be killed if a fight broke out now!

"Is that how you treat your guests, Mr. Robin?" Alexander looked around in fear, then quickly fixed his eye on Robin

Caesar took two paces behind Reuben and shouted, "And do the guests come with a thousand individuals at the top of the sage realm? If the fortunes were turned and we didn't have enough troops today, would you have let us go if we disagreed?"


Snow began to form around the top of the hill and Water Empress Victoria's eyes turned completely white as she looked at Caesar with clear killing intent, "You again? You really deserve to die!"


Caesar took out a Broad Divine Sword from his Space Ring with black flames ignited on it, fully unleashing his aura as a level 32 sage, drawing all eyes towards him, then he shouted, "Then come and try me, BITCH!"