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Lord of the Truth

Chapter 424 Alexander’s Misfortune
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With a few more steps, Robin reached Alexander's location...

That was the most crowded point currently inside the White Flame Dome, Old Gu, Elizabeth, and Victoria had all arrived before him, along with many Sages from the Levan family, all of them gathered around Alexander to see what was happening to him and try to help.

In fact, Alexander was the least affected by the attack...

He was presently lying semi-naked on a bed of green plants that Elizabeth had prepared for him, he apparently has been stripped of his armor to evaluate his injuries more properly.

His breathing was inconsistent and his heartbeat was very slow. Most of the skin on his body had turned coal black and some of it had already fallen off, showing the charred flesh underneath. Blood was pouring from all the orifices of his face, and it could easily be sensed that he had received severe internal injuries

And despite all this damage, he was the only one among the six thousand sages, who is still conscious.

But those around him wished he had passed out too...

Alexander's eyes were unsteady, it seemed as if he wanted to scream from the severity of the pain, but he could not get a sound out of his charred throat, it seemed as if he wanted to cry, but a tear did not come down from his dry eyes.

"Heh~" Robin gave a long sigh and took another step, then extended his hand and placed it on Alexander's forehead, gentle spiritual energy started to seep from his hand and permeate Alexander's head, soothing him, and after a few seconds he finally closed his eyes, sleeping.

"Zara, let only 500 Saints from your troop take care of providing Life energy for the dome. As for you personally and the rest of your troop would come here to heal the most affected, and temporarily use vitality talismans on the better off ones." Robin sighed again and gave orders

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"...Yes." Zara nodded and headed back toward the dome, starting to reduce the number of those in charge of it and leading the rest of her forces toward the injured

*boom boom boom*

"Your Excellency..." Elizabeth called in a low, unsure voice

The Life Forces are no more than two thousand saints and sages, divided into two teams, the first is made up of a thousand soldiers and those are based on providing Life energy for the white flame dome, and the second team is waiting to receive its turn and do the same job when the first team gets tired

The first team had spent about four hours maintaining the white flame dome and were already exhausted, they were about to switch with the second team after Alexander and his soldiers entered the dome.. But Robin's orders now reduced the number of the first team in half and kept them in their positions, and withdrew the other 1500 soldiers to work on healing these severe injuries which are no less energy and mentally consuming than supporting the dome

But at the same time, there are currently more than five thousand sages on the verge of death, if Robin does not make this decision, they will all die without a doubt... Those are five thousand sages, the pillar of his army, they can't be allowed to die!!

Whether it is the fighting power or the morale of the army, it will collapse instantly if he didn't support these five thousand sages, the war would be lost, and the rest of his army would soon follow those five thousand sages to their graves...

If he could pull the other 500 life force soldiers, he will pull them without hesitation.

The thing is, those 500 Life Law users would have undoubtedly been able to withstand the confrontation against the ground forces, but now that the first line of air defense that was represented by Alexander and the six thousand sages had disappeared, the attacks of more than 25,000 saints and sages of the forces the humanoid white creatures came back to rain the dome with direct attacks again.

How long can these 500 Life Law users hold out?!

Robin didn't answer Elizabeth's plea, How could he not know what she wanted to say? But what can he do in a situation like this?!

*swoosh swoosh*

Zara and the rest of her 1500 Life forces started running like crazy among the injured, throwing vitality talismans on this one and injecting life energy into that one, yelling at each other to speed up and shouting at the spectators to move back and make way for them.

"Your Excellency..?!" Old Gu was the one who shouted this time, requiring new orders from Robin to deal with the situation

But Robin didn't reply again, just put his index finger to his mouth asking those around him to quiet... Then he kept his eyes -still shining golden glimmer- on Alexander's body...

The longer he looked, the deeper the knot in his eyebrows became.

The moment Alexander was struck by the lightning he had his full body armor on, and even his shield was held up high to protect him from the enemy attack until he entered the dome

Robin saw everything clearly, that thunderbolt went through his shield and his body armor first, so how can he receive such damage!?

It seemed as if the thunderbolt ignored the divine armor covering Alexander and directly struck his body somehow.

The body armors contain layer upon layer of safety for its user. If such damage reached the user's body, it means that the body armor was destroyed, that is especially so for the body armor of Alexander and the rest of the generals, they were made of extremely solid metals and had bigger runes that are better effective than the rest, destroying them and delivering damage to the body of its owner is very difficult.

But there comes another mystery... Alexander's body armors lay beside him, as good as new, without a single scratch, there was no damage that had been done to the runes on them either, they had simply not received any damage from the thunderbolt as if they are not there, they had been ignored.

It is not like lightning can run through metals or something like that, Robin has full knowledge of these natural elements and its effect, especially the lightning that he researched up to the third level before, of course, there were countermeasures for these effects on the divine armor!

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And even ignoring these countermeasures for the natural effect, a sage's body can handle that with ease, the most important part in defense against these law attacks is against the energy contained in it!

The energy the user put into his attack is the main ingredient behind the attack, it doesn't matter how high the stage of law you study if you don't have enough energy to use it!

And this energy specifically was supposed to be stopped and absorbed by the divine armor the moment they met, only getting through if the divine armor was wrecked!

So ignoring the natural effect of the lightning law, how can this much energy pass through the divine armor?!

Is it that the attacker had countermeasures to his countermeasures or something, stopping the body armor and shield from doing their work, or... Was it the natural law effect that struck Alexander?

Robin shook his head when thinking about this...

The laws are everywhere in nature with all stages from one to who knows how high, the law doesn't just decide to take sided and struck people dead on its own!

There has to be someone who uses them, and there has to be the energy behind the attack for that to happen, and that energy was what needed to be stopped by the divine armor!!

Robin started to rub his forehead for a second, then looked at Alexander again.

There was another aspect that is need to be taken into consideration… the damage inflicted on Alexander was simply enormous, someone like Old Gu could not deal such damage against Alexander with a single direct strike, even if he used the Divine Decree Incarnation Technique in his attack!

Robin roamed around in Old Gu's memories back then and knew very well the strength limits of people at the half-step level of the Emperor's realm and knew how tough their bodies were as well.

A thunderbolt that could deal such damage to Alexander was undoubtedly far beyond the limits of a Sage.