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Lord of the Truth

Chapter 443 Gains?
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"Is he in the same condition as me, hmm..." Robin moved his hands to massage his forehead for a moment and then spoke, "To answer your question, I first have to introduce you to what a soul is and how it is used… The soul of living beings appears at birth in its primal state, and without energy training or soul training that soul remains unchanged until it leaves the body in the end -until death-. But with continuous cultivating and upbringing, that primal soul begins to grow little by little until it becomes many times its original size... But the new size of the soul is pure soul energy that surrounds the original soul... Focus with me please, the new pure soul energy surrounds it Only, therefore, the primal soul which makes a person alive is unchanged, but cloaked with coats of soul energy, I guess it can be seen as a further extension of it."

Robin paused for a second, then continued, "...When I send my soul out of my body, whether for soul research, sensing my surroundings, or any other purpose, I don't send out my primal soul, but only the newly acquired soul energy… The primal soul MUST remain inside the body continuously, and that is beyond the control of the owner... the primal soul acts as an anchor that connects the power of the soul to the body and the primal soul can never be removed from the body, as far as I know at least... the primal soul that always remains in the body carries all the memories, feelings, and consciousness that make a person A person... That is why my body involuntarily managed to shout during my soul battle even though most of my soul energy was outside my body at that time..."

He then took a deep breath as if he was trying to explain as simply as he could, then continued, "As for the largest part of the soul - we can call it the extension of the soul for now - which can go out to perform various operations, it is pure formless energy accumulated by training, and even if I lose all of it, I will be severely injured and I may turn into a vegetable, but I will most likely still be alive, that is because my primal soul is still intact, I wonder if that makes sense?

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...Now let's move on to the important thing... The owner of that hostile soul had imprisoned my soul extension in a very wide place that I had never seen before, I think it was most likely the mind of that creature... I was trying to inject my soul extension into the mind of that white humanoid, but instead, I found myself in the mind of the owner of that giant soul in a way... and when I started trying to blow myself up, that hostile soul opened a direct communication channel with my mind in order to push the extension of my soul into my body again, that creature wanted to distance itself from the danger of death due to the explosion of my soul extension inside His mind directly.. and during that process, about 90% of that creature's soul mass was inside my mind for a moment.. and this 90% of his soul extension was completely destroyed in the explosion inside my mind... summary, he wanted to trap my soul extension to devour it, On the other hand, I trapped his soul extension and blew it out, hehe.."

Elizabeth opened her eyes in shock, "You dealt damage equal to 60% of your soul while he was dealt roughly 90% damage? So in this exchange, you came out the winner?… Then why did you barely wake up today when he still controls over 500 of those humanoid creatures without a problem?!"

"Firstly, because his soul is stronger than mine, not by much, but it is undoubtedly stronger... Secondly, hehe... His demeanor confirms the damages he has received…" Robin chuckled happily, but in a low voice, then continued, "It's like this, Elizabeth… Let's say your arm has been stabbed several times, so you still have your whole arm, but every time you use it, you will feel pain, and the more you put pressure on it, the more pain will increase until your arm is completely turned into tatters and fell off your shoulder... But if your arm was cut off directly from the elbow, at least you will be able to use your upper arm with full force... This is exactly what happened between us... My soul is complete but full of injuries, especially my primal soul took quite a hit because the explosion happened inside my mind... While the owner of the hostile soul took a devastating blow, what remains of it is whole and cohesive."

"...Which of you is better off then?!" Zara looked between Robin and Elizabeth for a moment and then asked in stupefaction, the one who escaped with less damage seems to be unable to fully open his eyes, but the one whose soul was almost fully destroyed is now holding on and can fight?!

"Haha..ha... I think both of them have their losses. In the short run at least, he has the advantage because he has a lot of experience using his soul, but in the long run... we'll see~" Robin laughed in a low voice and stroked Zara's head.

Elizabeth shook her head and sighed, "Long run, you mean to wait hundreds of years for your soul to heal? I think we should be grateful that you escaped with your life, Your Excellency. But the battles against the white humanoids are still going on and that leader of theirs is still running them, while we lost our main pillar, you! ...I'm afraid our losses this time are simply too high, but please don't worry, Your Excellency, we will get you your revenge."

The owner of that soul might have lost control of millions of white humanoids, but his leadership of those 500 was enough to gather the army again, even if their danger was several times less, they were still a formidable army…

On the other hand, Robin can barely support his head after every long sentence, and his broken eyes say a lot about the headache he feels. How can his current person analyze the situation and give orders? Rather, it can be said that Robin is already out of the game for a very long time, from this, it is possible to see who is the winner and who is the loser from that confrontation...

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"No need to worry… As long as I operate the Soul Replenishing Technique continuously, I will have enough clarity of mind to analyze the situation and make a few decisions… Or even take the Soul Replenishing Technique as a basis and make a dedicated Soul Healing Technique, all I need is some time…" Robin had been smiling lightly up until that point, but at this point, his grin grew from ear to ear until his fangs were visible and he said confidently, "Secondly... who said I didn't gain anything from that confrontation? in fact, my gains this time might make this entire expedition worth it!"

Elizabeth and Zara had already begun to smile with joy upon hearing the first part of Robin's words, but the second part made them look at each other with furrowed eyebrows for a moment, then Zara asked with apparent curiosity, "What do you mean? Hey, if you are hiding something you better tell us!"

"Heh.. hehe... I said everything that needed to be said... Think for yourselves what the benefit might be... As for me, I will announce it later if it works out... It would be too embarrassing if I announced it now and then failed, won't it?" Robin laughed and waved his hand slowly, then with a light movement he got off his bed He stood up easily, then continued while moving towards the door of the tent, "I heard by chance that Jabba took most of the army with him and left three days ago? He must have sent you a few reports, tell me all about this..."

"At your command, but where are you going?!" Elizabeth quickly moved behind Robin and asked in amazement

Robin moved his hand, sliding the curtain door of the tent, and spoke with a smile, "I still have unfinished business with those prisoners."

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