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Lord of the Truth

Chapter 88
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Saint Edward could not find anything to say, a feeling of intense embarrassment overwhelmed him after he failed to foresee the future as accurately as Robin had predicted it.

Although anticipating the future and anticipating preventive measures is the general's first task!

But that didn't stop him from admiring and respecting Robin even more.

Robin then stood up and went to the door of his house, he found 5 people standing in front of him, with a quick look it was clear that they were all saints and the person standing in the middle between them was a level 27 saint

Robin smiled at them and nodded, "Welcome to my humble house, I apologize for the time being, I'm in an important meeting, please come in and rest in that house over there until I'm finished here then I will come to meet you, thank you." Robin pointed towards house 208 next door, then entered again with out waiting for a reply and shut the door in their faces

The saints exchanged looks about the strangeness of what had just happened, but in the end, their chief raised his shoulder and headed towards house 208 in silence, and rest followed...


Robin returned to his chair with an eyebrow knotted, he did not speak, and those present said something either, waiting for his reaction...

At last, Robin finally spoke, "Please I need one of you to call Duke Galan here, he has returned to his palace about a week ago and sent a greeting to me... I want to see him as fast as possible, I think there are matters to be cleared here."

"I'm the fastest here, I'll go get him at once." Saint Edward stood up and quickly disappeared from the room

After a few seconds, Mila mustered up her courage and asked, "Robin... what do you mean by things you have to clear? You won't... leave us, right?"

Robin looked at her in astonishment, "Didn't you hear that summon call just now? Of course, I'm leaving!"

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"You know that's not what I mean!!"

Robin chuckled, "Seconds ago I was open with you to see if I should leave or stay, but I think the heavens already have plans for me...  I can't refuse Sage Albert's summon, so I'll have to leave, and I honestly can't find a reason to come back again... Do you have one for me? I am open for any recommendation..."

Billy sat there acting cool but he was dancing inside, he just did not know where was Robin's next target, so he stayed silent and didn't push his luck...

"..." As for Mila, she couldn't find anything useful to say so she fell silent again

What can she pursue him with? protection? the royal family who is familiar with him now can definitely arrange for better protection for him,

Maybe a better environment and human connection? the Burtons, his blood family, can offer him more than her.

So she kept her silence until a few minutes later, two shadows entered the room, Saint Edward and Duke Galan.

"I didn't know that His Majesty Robin could summon this Duke whenever he wanted!" Galan said sarcastically and went to sit right in front of Robin

"Haha, I apologize, your highness but I couldn't visit you myself because I have company in the other house and they wouldn't be happy if I tried to sneak out on my own, I guess Saint Edward has told you about my visitors on your way here?"

"TCH, don't remind me of this again. those bastards think they can do whatever they want! I can't believe they went directly to you without consulting me!!" Duke Galan spoke angrily

none of those present where stupid, Sage Alpert wasn't summing Robin randomly to recognize young talents, he absolutely found out who he is!

" Well, keeping me a secret was your job. for me I have no objections about dealing with the royal family, As for you... you messed up and I hope you understand what that means for you." Robin spoke with a smile, he was adding salt to injury and he meant it.

Galan's face turned more ugly and shouted " DAMN IT!!" his voice was so loud that it stopped every activity in the institution for a few seconds, and scared the five saints next door witless

of course, he knows what this new situation meant... Robin has a new priority now!

If he makes something new he has to sell it to the royal family first, he would only get the scrabs, if there is any!

Robin then continued, "good that you know,  your failure has made me obligated to deal with more powers, I'm not saying this to make you feel bad... just find however leaked my information and slaughter the bastard publicly for me"

"you think I don't want that? I will eat that traitorous Dog's liver with my teeth! ... but who to find him... argh... that will take time." when he got to this point Galan put his forehead on his hand

when he saw this, Robin didn't pressure him further, so he changed the subject "Anyway... I got what you want." 

"What do you mean by what I want?" Finally, Galan's hopes have been raised a bit...

Robin gestured to Zara with his hand, and she was absent for a few seconds before returning carrying a medium-sized box and placing it in front of Robin.

Then he opened the box and turned it so that everyone could see it. 

It was full of skins of a dark nature and bears a black drawing with the symbol 10 s inside, "This is what Mrs. Mila promised in exchange for Caesar's protection, you will find here 50 Darkness talismans that give 10 seconds of disappearance, twice that of the previously agreed upon a period... I think that this is enough to cover the debt for saving Caesar, what do you think?"

The eyes of the three saints sparkled when they saw this scene,

Galan, because he knows that these things are very precious, Mila and Edward because they have experienced the power of the 5-seconds Darkness talisman and know very well its strength and its impact on any course of the war...

These talismans tipped the balance to the Black Sun kingdom's favor in the knights' front when only 700 knights were facing an enemy of more than a thousand!

"Haha, good, very good.. so our old account will be closed here." Duke Galan finally found the heart to laugh and signaled to his daughter to take the box,

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But then he tilted his body in hope and asked with a big smile, "But what about our new account?"

Robin knew what Duke Galan was talking about, so he smiled and pulled a little booklet out of his cloak and passed it on to Galan, "Here you'll find the pattern that if you draw you'll get the explosive element, there are a few clear spaces in it that you can easily identify, when you fill them in you'll get what you want, and-"

"Why didn't you draw it all?! That wasn't our deal!" Galan suddenly enters annoyed

"... no problem, if you want to detonate the booklet, then this will gladly complete the rest of the pattern for you." Robin extended his hand to retrieve the booklet 

Galan was surprised and distanced the booklet away from Robin's hand, "Huh? Why does a talisman only explode when passing energy and activating a seal then?!"

"Then let me finish!! for god's sake... Look, on those empty spots a seal will be drawn between them and be set up in a way to be activated when needed,

When activated, the seal will disappear and will complete those missing points in the process, which will result in a complete sixth-level explosion 

which in turn will cause the explosion when it is combined with the energy of the user, is it clear now?"

"umm... Ahem.. yeah yeah" Galan replied, not really understanding, but it sounded smart...

Robin continued explaining, "Flip the pages of the booklet and you will find the seal I was talking about, there are explanations also about how to draw it and how to draw the main pattern, 

and you'll also find a third seal that makes the pattern and seal disappear without a trace inside the piece of the hide so that it will not be easily copied by the enemy, any questions?"

Galan did not reply.. instead, he eagerly browsed through the booklet, a cruel smile and an ambitious look began to appear on his face... 

These are the facial expressions of a man who feels that he is about to take over the world.

When Robin saw this he let out a low whistle and trotted his hand in front of Galan, "Hey, how far your imaginations have taken you? Get back to the ground quickly before it's too late, let me warn you.. what you are thinking won't happen!"

Galan felt that he had taken a strong slap, the frown returned to his face, and asked sharply, "What do you mean by your words? According to our agreement, this technique is mine now and I can make the quantities of talismans I want, right or not?"

Robin looked at Galan like he was looking at an idiot, "Do you really think that as long as I can make about 3,000 talismans a month, you'll be able to do the same? you though you can get some boys and they would make you tens of thousands of talismans monthly?"

when he heard that, Galan crushed the booklet in his hand and yelled "Do you say I can't? Did you give me a false technique?!"