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Lord of the Truth

Chapter 95
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"Huy, Robin, why don't you stay here in the royal palace? You don't need to go back to live at Bradley Military Institution anymore... I can provide you with whatever you could ask for! Safety, Resources, peace of mind... This will be the best possible environment for you... What do you think?" Sage Albert spoke with two shining eyes

However he looks at it, Robin is a treasure.

Whether his ability to discover the keys to minor laws, or his ability to adapt these laws to work in talismans... Robin's appearance has simply painted for him a completely different future for the kingdom.

"I think there is a misunderstanding here... I will not return to the Duchy of Bradley, but to Jura city!"

The Sage furrowed his eyebrow, "Hah? you are planning to live with the Burtons? That is even worse! At least the Bradleys have relatively good defenses."

"And here comes the reason of one of my conditions that you have already agreed on, Your highness! 

wouldn't I be safe when you send a few saints dedicated to protecting me all the time?

As for the resources, I will have enough gold to buy what I want when I sell you a few rings and laws Hahaha.. hah...

sigh~ I don't know how to explain it to you, Your Highness, when I was subjected to assassination attempts inside Bradley's military institution I felt that I would die alone and worthless... If Duke Galan came and seen my dead body, he would have been angry because he lost a good ally, but that's it...

This was a wake-up call for me because whatever I do to the Bradleys or to you, I'll end up being just a... useful thing!

I am not saying that the Burton family are angels, there were indeed those who tried to take advantage of me when I was still young, and if I had gone to them with my discoveries first, I might not have seen the light of the sun again...

But there are also those who loved me unconditionally because what runs through our veins is the same blood, like my friend Billy and Uncle Murphy... As long as I have your protection I can be sure that I am safe from the bad ones between them, but at the same time, I want to live between the good ones there who view me not just like an asset, but as a family member... I wonder if you understand me? sigh~ I don't know why I talked too much hehe, excuse me..."

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After a few seconds, the sage nodded, "...sigh~ I understand… it's okay, as you wish, I will send behind you those who would make you sleep like a baby without any fear, live happily and safely my little friend, you have to be comfortable enough to give me good results haha."


Robin continued his talk with Sage Albert about the number of rings he will sell in the future and some of their features and the possibility of developing them for better versions

In the end, the two of them went to the banquet hall, satisfied with the outcome of this long meeting, when they reached the room, Caesar and Billy and the rest of the company were waiting for them.

The sage got to know them all and treated them with extra kindness as if they were part of his ken, one would go further to say he treated them as almost equals. even though in his eyes they were just... babies!

However, they all knew that this was what Robin's status had brought them.

After the banquet ended, Robin went to the room that had been prepared for him and began writing the keys to a minor heavenly law related to the path of fire... 

He made sure to choose a minor heavenly law that is a little stronger than the strongest minor heavenly law that currently exists in the Kingdom of the Black Sun.

For the next two days, Robin stayed in his room... faking that he is writing the keys to the law.

He had already written it in minutes as he already knows the major heavenly law of fire by heart, but he asked for extra time to show that he is struggling... not knowing that writing it in just 2 days was already fascinating to the Sage

Meanwhile, Billy took the three boys and Zara on tours around the Royal capital.

The Four of them had never seen the Royal capital before so the tour was likable and interesting to them, even Billy himself had only been to the capital only a few times in his long life.

The two days passed in intense shopping and jumping from store to store and from garden to garden, Zara's innocent laughter brought smiles to even Peon and Theo who witnessed hell on earth...

After the two days were over, Robin handed Sage Albert the minor heavenly Law Keys booklet, then took the 520,000 gold coins on his carriage and took the document proving that Brian Burton had become Marquess and legally assign the new lands to the Burtons, and signed promise about interfering in The Burton's incoming wars... 

Then he took the four children and Billy, then with a *haa* the two donkeys bulled the wagon to its new destination...


*paa paa paa*

Excited quick steps resounded throughout the royal palace, while a burly shadow passed by with a big excited smile on his face. 

every guard, a servant, or even a saint that saw him passing by, would bow to him.

At last, the shadow came towards a huge door, opened it to reveal unending stairs leading down, and began to descend immediately

the stairs were small and broken, steep and moist, many spiders and mice scattered around... It is hard to guess the last time someone came down these ancient stairs.

After a few minutes of going down, the shadow finally arrived at the last of the stairs, where there is a very spacious area lit by fire torches hanging on the wall, there is nothing in the place but a small desk with a number of scrolls and lying next to it on the floor a huge amount of books 

And in the middle of the spacious area sitting a person, who wears nothing but a cover over his privates,

His features were masculine and majestic, even though he appeared as if he is in his fifties, his body was strong and muscular as a mountain, and his aura made those looking at him stop breathing... 

without even trying to make a move, it appears as if an ancient giant standing in front of you...

The sitting man suddenly opened his eyes and his aura exploded even more and looked at the shadow that had just arrived, then spoke in a strong tone that shook the space itself, "Albert! What brings you here? Didn't I tell you no one to bother me until I go out myself?"

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Sage Albert bowed slightly and spoke, "I apologize, Your Majesty, but I have something important for you to see..."

This was the King of the Black Sun Kingdom, Philip Marley.

When he heard the words of Sage Albert, he furrowed his brow, " What important thing is that that you interrupt my meditation on the heavenly laws for? Have the wretched Dolivarians shown their true intention at last? Did they make a move? Have you managed to find out the identity of their allies?"

"Umm, this conversation will be longer than expected, I will tell you about Dolivar in a minute, just first take a look at this first..." Albert advanced and presented a booklet of a few pages to the King.

The king was surprised at first, as there is clearly news about Dolivar but Sage Alpert found this booklet to be more important? what might be more important than the threat of Dolivar? 

he grabbed the booklet anyway, opened it, and started reading directly.

After a few seconds, he opened his eyes wide... 

after a minute, his strong oppressive aura disappeared...

after two minutes he stood up and started reading faster...

after 3 minutes, "WH-.. WHAT?!" a shout was heard across the royal palace...


"Robin... this is not the path to Bradley's Pearl City..." Billy was surprised by the direction Robin choose after he took the reins of the wagon.

"I know, we are not going there."

"To... to where then ...?" Billy asked an innocent question, but it was clear from his tone that he was very happy and his heartbeats were racing... if Robin is taking this direction on purpose and wasn't going back to Bradley's Pearl City... then he knew exactly where he is going.

"Haha you are not good at acting innocent, my friend, we're going home... "

"YEEEES!!! HAHAHAHA " Billy was overjoyed, this was the best news he had heard in a long time, Robin finally acknowledged his family...

Robin smiled and didn't say anything, silently driving his wagon.... silently looking forward to the new chapter of his story.