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Lost Me Gained Regret

Chapter 653
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After what felt like an eternity of darkness, I woke up parched, but the relief that washed overwhen I felt my baby still safe inside was enough to pushto sit up, reaching for a glass of water. That's when Christine burst back into the room, swiftly taking the glass from my hand.

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"Let me," she insisted, her voice laced with urgency. "You stay put until Dr. Adams checks on you." Seeing the worry etched on her face, and fearing for my baby's well-being, I reluctantly laid back down. Christine returned with a glass of warm water, carefully adjusting the pillows behindso I could sit up comfortably.

I couldn't help but protest, "You don't have to fuss so much; I'm not that frail." But Christine fixedwith a stern look. "Don't pretend you're okay just for my sake. We've been friends for years; I know you better than that." I took a sip of water, hiding the sorrow in my eyes, and changed the subject. "How's Greg?" "Running a high fever, in the next room," she replied, curtly cutting off any response I might have had.

"Jane," she continued, her tone softening, "I haven't said much before because I know no words can truly share your pain. No comfort words can bring Grandma back." "Loss is a wound that never fully heals, so I didn't feed you empty promises about moving on or not dwelling on it. But I can't stay silent now." "You can't keep going like this. I'm not using your baby as leverage, but you said it yourself-you want to keep her. That means you need to be there for her, or else, make the hard choice now." "Don't let her suffer with you. It'll only hurt you both more in the end." "And don't keep everything bottled up. You don't have to cry, but you need to express what you're really feeling." "Holding it in is only going to hurt you, the baby, and Greg. And all of us who care about you." By the tChristine paused for a breath, ready to continue her plea, raised my hand to stop her, asking, baby's okay, right?" Christine sighed, "If you don't take care of yourself, not even Dr. Adams can guarantee anything for your baby." "Greg's been trying to stay strong for you, risking his own health. He can't bear to see you in pain." "Neither can I. If I can't get through to you, maybe it's a sign that this baby just wasn't meant to be ours." I was silent, lost in thought. I had never imagined Grandma leaving so suddenly. I had plans to make her proud, even taking care of Victor for her sake.

But she was gone before I could settle anything. And now, with my baby on the line, I didn't have the luxury to grieve properly. Pulling myself out of the deep sorrow was no easy feat.

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Biting my lip, I finally spoke, "I need to see Greg." Christine fetched a wheelchair, noting my lack of strength, and wheeledto his room.

Dr. Adams, upon seeing me, advised e against medication. "It's better if you can work through this grief on your owndf not, we'll consider τον medication."

I thanked him before turning my า attention to Greg, whose feverish hand trembled in mine.

He was burning up, a fever this high was dangerous for anyone let alone someone already weakened. The thought of losing him too was unbearable.