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Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

Chapter 54
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Chapter 0054

Used to feeding him. Violet didn’t find the act peculiar and continued. She blew on each piece of gnocchi, her

cheeks puffing with the effort.

She lowered her head, letting the light shine on the delicate skin of her nape, which gave off a soft warmth.

Lucius’s Adam's apple bobbled, and he asked, “Are you really Agatha?”

Violet, after a brief hesitation, replied, “Who else would | be if not Agatha?”

She knew Lucius had made up his mind about her identity, so further arguments were futile.

His expression turned grim. Later, he nodded. “That's right, only Agatha would know how to pleasethis way.”

Last night, he had been rough with her. Now, she was tending to him as if nothing had happened and going out

of her way to please him. It had dispelled any doubts he might have.

As she attempted to feed him again, he pushed her hand away and suddenly grabbed her chin, his look turning

fierce, “No matter what you do, you'll always be nothing more than a slut in my eyes. That will never change!”

His words suggested his intention to maintain the punishment.

Violet lowered her head, staying silent.

She had repeatedly insisted she wasn’t Agatha, but it was to no avail. Now, having accepted the motherly love

Agatha received, she resigned herself to her situation.

Her silence caught Lucius off guard. He had expected her to offer excuses or seek sympathy-tactics he

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associated with Agatha-but she remained mute.

“Edur certainly trained you well,” Lucius acknowledged, never contemplating the possibility that she might be

someone other than whom he believed her to be.

The following morning, Violet witnessed more of Lucius’s lovers being taken away by helicopter. With their

departure, the Imperial Palace seemed noticeably quieter and less lively.

Violet shook her head helplessly as she saw their sad and nostalgic expressions as they went. She, too, wished

to leave this place.

She boarded another chopper, and flew to the farm.

Back at the palace, George entered the living room and asked, “Master Lucius, why did you let everyone go?”

Lucius responded with a nonchalant hum, lounging with his arms resting over the back of the sofa. His eyes

narrowed thoughtfully.

“Those women were too pretentious,” he declared.

It was all an act. Their overly enthusiastic smiles when greeting him were clearly part of an act for his benefit.

He found himself unexpectedly missing Violet's genuineness; she had never feigned her emotions around him.



“Where's Agatha?” Lucius asked suddenly.

George grunted, pressing the intebutton. After a brief moment, he looked troubled and said, “She’s gone

to the farm.”

It was unusual. Normally, George would be the one arranging her schedule. No one had

expected her to voluntarily follow the helicopter to the farm.

“The farm?” Lucius echoed, a sense of unease enveloping him.

At the dog farm, Violet cleaned around the perimeter.

She occasionally wiped away her sweat, glancing at Naomi, who was diligently working inside the dog mill.

Naomi caught her gaze, and the two exchanged a knowing grin. Violet worked hard to carry the trash container

outside. By the tshe reached the door, she was soaked in sweat.

The usually bright entrance was now cast in shadows, with only a sliver of bright sunlight visible on one side.

Violet, astounded, looked up to see a figure resembling an emperor standing emotionlessly before her.

“Why are you here?” she asked in surprise.

Lucius’s lips tightened, showing disdain for answering her question.

“Naomi River, you're needed over there,” the supervisor of the dog farm approached, addressing Naomi.

Naomi cout and. Seeing Lucius, she said anxiously, “Master Lucius...”

“Mom, go ahead,” Violet said, urging Naomi to leave.

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Lucius certainly didn’t chere only to see her. His steely glance revealed his malice. Violet wanted to

spare Naomi from witnessing what might unfold next.

After a moment of hesitation, Naomi silently walked away. Violet stood bravely in front of Lucius, her face

flushed from heat but showing no fear.

This fearless demeanor of hers seemed to irk Lucius. How could she, a woman who had betrayed him, dare to

act so boldly?

“Aren’t you supposed to be working? Clean the dog mill!” he ordered.

Violet hesitated. She looked at the dog mill, where each section housed several dogs. These dogs weren't

completely confined; they were cared for by specialists to keep them active and healthy, so they were vigorous

than average dogs.

The fear of being overwhelmed by the dogs enveloped her.

Lucius was in no hurry. He glanced at his watch, and issued an ultimatum, “If the dog mill isn’t cleaned in two

hours, throw her into the breeding dog pack!”


Violet's face went pale, and she trembled as she realized the seriousness of his threat. Knowing Lacive’s attitude

towards “Agatha”, she understood he might follow through on his threat.

With no choice left, she forced herself to approach the dog mill.