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Love Burned, She Rose Unscathed

Chapter 207
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Chapter 207 Chapter 207 Jen was at a loss for words.

Roseanne was a genius! Stoddard didn't expect dinner to serve up such a delightful surprise: "So you're the 'forever regretful' student Ms. Payne always talks about! Who would've thought... Who's your grad advisor this year?" Roseanne replied, "Ms. Payne." Stoddard clapped his hands in excitement. "Well, isn't that going to make Ms. Payne's day?" Liz, still standing, her face a mix of accusation and pride quickly turning into discomfort and embarrassment, didn't know whether to sit or stand.

Thank goodness for Sammy, who smoothly stepped in: "Liz, why don't you take a seat? I'll fix you a plate. The salads are all here by me, you might find it hard to reach..." "Thanks." Liz finally sat down.

Sammy then turned to Roseanne with an apologetic look. "Sorry about that, Roseanne. Liz is just... like that, always has to be right. But she means well, you'll get it once you've spent more twith her." Means well? Roseanne raised an eyebrow, hoping that was true.

Sammy added, "Letapologize on her behalf, don't take it to heart." "Who asked you to apologize for me?! Deciding things on your own!" Liz, fuming, kicked him under the table. Sammy nearly yelped but managed to hold it in, his face turning beet red.

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Jen shot him a sympathetic glance.

Roseanne spoke up coolly: "I won't take it to heart." Sammy nodded: "Good, good. Anyway, I've always been curious, why did you give up a guaranteed spot and choose to take the SATS? Ended up at Kingswell University anyway. If it was all going to lead to the splace, why not take the easy route?" Roseanne: "Maybe... after three years of high school, I wanted to see how I'd do under pressure?" "That's it?" "...Do I need another reason?" Sammy was speechless. Well, that was like taking the SATS for fun.

After a huge misunderstanding that got cleared up, the mood gradually warmed up.

Everyone ate and chatted, laughing together.

Stoddard noticed, even Owen had a smile on his face.

He finally realized, Owen wasn't indifferent; he knew all along Roseanne could handle herself.

Liz, feeling out of place as everyone else engaged with Roseanne, tightened her lips.

Just as she was about to say something, Jen subtly clapped.

"Alrigh no more dwelling on the negatives. Let's not waste Sammy's efforts..." Sammy quickly served Liz a piece of grilled salmon. "This is us, and it's lean. Have some, I've a removed the bones for you belongs to After the meal, the night had settled in.

Content Owen glanced at his watch, saying, "It's getting late. Let's head home." Sammy and Liz, having shared a few beers, weren't in a position to drive.

Sammy said, "I've called a cab, it should here any minute. Liz on you || way, I'll drop her off. Andet Jen,

Jen waved him off. "Don't worry about me. I called my husband m earlier, he's driving over to pickup." Stoddard said, "I live nearby, a ten-minute walk." Owen nodded. "Alright, then. Everyone send a message when you get home." "Will do, as always. Safety first," Stoddard chuckled.

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With everyone sorted, the valet brought around Owen's car, a sleek black sedan. Taking the keys, Owen turned to Roseanne naturally. "Let's go?" They lived close by, and it wasn't unusual for Owen to give Roseanne a lift.

Accustomed to these rides, Roseanne didn't hesitate and opened e the passenger door. Soon, the car blended into the night traffic.

Yet, the others were left staring, their mouths hanging open in disbelief.

RULE #1 choose married women They have reason to keep things secret, as do you.