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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 37
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Chapter 37 Confrontation on All Sides

Erin’s answer clearly made Chandler unhappy.

“Why are you not divorced yet? Are you ignoring my wishes, Erin?” Chandler looked right in front, but

Erin could sense him gritting his teeth.

The tension in the car was so palpable that Erin could feel her hair stand. She didn’t want to aggravate

him, so she said feebly. “My husband-”

Chandler cast her a murderous gaze. “How dare you still call him your husband!”

Erin immediately corrected herself. “He insists on having a child before getting a divorce.”

“What the fuck?”

What she said stunned Chandler so much that he swore.

“I also thought that what he said was nuts! I didn’t say yes! But he is an erratic imbecile–I can’t do

anything about it! When I returned him the five million dollars previously, he almost…”

Chandler narrowed his eyes and asked in a quiet yet dangerous voice, “Did he touch you?”

“No! He failed to!” Erin quickly explained. She had a vague feeling that if lan really were to do

something to her, she would have died a terrible death.

She was very sure that Chandler was an authoritarian control freak! Sean’s messages previously had

told her so too.

Chandler didn’t find her explanation satisfactory, but he said nothing more. The mood in the car was

frosty as they traveled in silence for the rest of the journey.

After parking the car in the office’s underground parking lot, Chandler got out with a darkened

expression, not looking at Erin at all.

Erin’s back was drenched in a cold sweat as she watched him stride into his private elevator. When

Chandler didn’t say anything, she was so frightened she was in a daze, speechless.

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Getting in the elevator, she found it unbelievable how she could be so afraid of Chandler. Just one look

was enough to scare her half to


Time flew quickly in the design department. Erin was as busy as a bee. Ever since she left Sean’s

place last night and returned home, she had completed the design draft for the competition. Not long

after she sent the draft to Caleb, she received Janette’s call. She planned to ask the other two

designers during lunch how she was taken away by two men last night!

Soon, it was lunchtime. Ella and Milly deliberately came over to invite Erin for lunch. Since Erin couldn’t

find the two designers that were with her the night before, she decided to go for lunch with Ella and

Milly first.

At the staff’s cafeteria, Ella found an empty booth and placed her tray there before waving at Erin and

Milly to come over.

Once they sat, Milly said mysteriously, “Erin, did you hear? Caleb fired Janette and the two designers

this morning!”

Erin was so shocked she almost dropped her cutlery. What shocking news!

“Why were they fired?” If the reason was drinking with the clients, she had done that too the night


Milly chuckled rather sarcastically. “It’s an absolutely legitimate reason. They say it was because the

business they took on recently was too crass, ruining the company’s image! Two days ago, I heard

from the other designers that Janette would force female designers to drink with clients! I can’t believe

a huge company like this would need a business like that!”

Ella, chewing on her salmon, shook her head and said, “Only Janette would do such a thing. She wants

a higher sales record to gain the director’s attention. It’s not the first time that she has done such a

thing! Only that she got unlucky this time, being exposed for her wrongdoings! I heard that Caleb was

so furious he told them to leave immediately, but since Janette had worked here for a long time and

had contributed much to the company, he didn’t make them pay for the loss the company incurred. If

not, Janelle might go bankrupt and would still be unable to pay the company back!”

Erin ate in silence. This matter would not have come to light if it were not for her. It was good that a

person like Janette was fired. preventing other female colleagues from going through what Erin went


After all, even if they were not at Frost Corporation, they could still find work in other companies. It

wasn’t as if they were banned from the design industry; only their reputation would suffer a little.

Ella, Milly, and Erin returned to the office after lunch.

When it was close to the end of the day. Holly called Erin’s office landline.

“Erin, lan called me this afternoon. He returned your phone and bag and asked that you return his

jacket too. His wallet and cards are in

that jacket.”

“Okay. Holly, can you tell him to wait for me in the office? I’ll return it to him-”

Holly interrupted her. “He said not to go to the office. He said if you want to return the jacket to him, go

home and return it to him. He also said that if you don’t go, he won’t return your ID to you.”

“Fuck! That imbecile!” Erin could not help but swear. The designers around her suddenly looked up at

her. She awkwardly lowered her head and said softly. “I’ll hang up first. If there’s anything else, we can

talk about it at home.”

The moment she hung up, Dana’s voice rang out from behind her. Dana said in a seemingly

deliberately loud voice, “Erin, who were you talking to? Was it your husband?”

Erin jumped. She turned around and saw Dana; Caleb was also standing not far away.

At that moment, Caleb was looking at her with a complicated gaze.

Seeing how Erin didn’t reply to her, Dana continued saying. “Erin, why are you not answering? Are you

shy? It’s nothing to be shy about! It’s the end of the day, so it’s okay if you use the company’s line to

call your husband. The Frost Corporation won’t care about those few cents.

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Erin retracted her gaze from Caleb and looked at Dana. She did not know why, but it felt like Dana was

targeting her today. Dana was smiling casually, but what she said felt a little hostile no matter how Erin

thought about it.

Erin didn’t dare to look at Caleb. She felt as if she was lying to him, even though divorcing lan was only

a matter of time, but from a legal point of view, she was indeed still married and not single.

Dana stood there, not intending to move. Erin could not get her to leave, so she turned around and

shut her computer, casually saying.” The person on the phone just now was not my husband.”

Upon hearing that, Caleb left quickly, as if he wanted to get away from her as soon as possible.

Dana witnessed Caleb leaving, which made her unspeakably delighted! She said to Erin, “Oh, I see!

Alright, it’s time to call it a day. I’ll go shut my computer too.”

After Dana left, Erin got up, preparing to leave the office. When she left, she sensed the other

colleagues casting her disdainful glances. She had previously hitched a ride from Caleb, and many in

the design department had heard about it. They thought she liked Caleb, yet they never thought she

would still be such a floozy even when she was married.

After Dana’s questions, her image in the design department had gotten worse.

Five minutes later, Erin walked out of the office building. At the thought of Caleb’s gaze at her a

moment ago, she felt guilty and a little

sheepish too.

She thought about the question Caleb had asked her in his office. She took a deep breath and decided

to head to the parking lot to try her luck. Perhaps she could bump into Caleb; if she did, she would

explain herself.

However, she merely turned around when she saw Caleb standing before her. She was so stunned that

she stood there blankly.

At that moment, Caleb had a frosty look on his face. His tone was icy. “Erin, I want to hear what you

have to say.”